Trump understands what his critics don’t: The current lockdown is unsustainable

The other point that is never written about is that the President (no matter who he is) must project a sense of OPTIMISM. The combination of forced unemployment, forced separation, restriction of normal activities is certainly causes millions to fall into fits of depressions. The LAST thing we need is a President saying, "this thing is going to last YEARS..."

The "journalists" who bad-mouthed the President for saying that we should start coming out by Easter should be shot. In public. Bad mouthing him for EXPRESSING A HOPE???

How low can you go?
Because it’s confusing and misleading. People are getting mixed messages. Trump says everything is going great. Five minutes later we hear that cases are accelerating from the CDC.

So he should say we are all going to die and should form Mongolian hordes on horseback to run across the plains to rape and pillage?

Obviously that’s exactly what I’m saying.

Good lord. Y’all are taking this really hard.

aint that the truth.
blob supporters are funny when they aren’t homicidal

You left wingers are full of shit.

You can't keep your stories straight and you root for the end of America.

Fuck you.

It's already been shown that New York is in trouble because of it's leaders....not Trump.
it is absolutely amazing to me that prominent Democrats and their sycophants in the dishonest and corrupt media can't see it

EVERY shot they take at this President has failed miserably

and things do not look to change anytime soon

the chloroquine pills are helping people (despite not going through "channels" and ensuring profits for the "right people")

and Americans can see the Trump is working for them



President Trump enjoys 60 percent approval for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, but that has not stopped his critics from trying to stoke public outrage at his expense.

After the president expressed hope that the anti-malaria drug chloroquine was showing signs of success as a treatment for the coronavirus, news organizations tried to blame him for the death of an Arizona man who self-medicated with fish tank solvent that contained a different form of the substance. “Man dies after taking drug touted as coronavirus treatment by Trump,” CBS News declared. No, he didn’t. Trump never suggested anyone self-medicate with aquarium cleaner.

Subscribe to the Post Most newsletter: Today’s most popular stories on The Washington Post

Now the latest source of outrage is the president’s announcement that wants to begin lifting the current economic lockdown by Easter. In a press briefing Tuesday, Trump said his “goal is to ease the guidelines and open things up to very large sections of our country” and that “I hope we can do this by Easter,” but added that “our decision will be based on hard facts and data.”

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. Every life matters. That is why at the start of a pandemic, the right strategy is to accept high economic risk in order to mitigate the risks to public health of a new and unknown pathogen. Trump effectively ordered a recession — asking businesses to close and workers to stay home — to slow the spread of the virus so that public health officials could learn how it behaves, develop our testing capability and increase the production of protective gear, ventilators and hospital capacity for the hardest-hit areas, as well as the development of therapeutics to treat it.

But over time, as we get a handle on the outbreak, we need to start adjusting our decision-making to balance risk with the massive toll the lockdown is taking on the American people. While journalists can telework, millions of Americans who can’t are losing their careers and the businesses they spent a lifetime building. A prolonged economic shutdown will lead to deaths as well, in the form of increased rates of depression, substance abuse and suicide.

Jeepers, if he just would have taken it seriously back in January, just think, what we're going through might largely not be necessary. But there's the rub. You'd have to think clearly and give him the criticism he deserves for not taking this virus as a serious threat. That's the reason you have to take drastic measures. Let's stop with the deflecting on the drug treatment. I don't care if the guy injected himself with the water from the fish tank. Trump stood up in front of the nation and made these drugs seem like they were a cure or a prevention for this virus. Words from a President matter. You Trump supporters should have learned this after Charlottesville. The Easter hope is just that, a hope. It ain't gonna happen. But you won't point the finger where a large amount of the blame belongs. Straight at the guy occupying the Oval Office chair.
Charlottesville? Okay thanks for proving a point.
Trump understands what his critics don’t: The current lockdown is unsustainable

then sustain a few million deaths - MORON
Awe, this little stunt to tank the economy to get Trump isn't working out as you planned it to. You are actually creating more Trump supporters, and I love it!
Lets make sure the virus does not happen again by nuking the Chinese government bio tech labs in Wuhan
The other point that is never written about is that the President (no matter who he is) must project a sense of OPTIMISM. The combination of forced unemployment, forced separation, restriction of normal activities is certainly causes millions to fall into fits of depressions. The LAST thing we need is a President saying, "this thing is going to last YEARS..."

The "journalists" who bad-mouthed the President for saying that we should start coming out by Easter should be shot. In public. Bad mouthing him for EXPRESSING A HOPE???

How low can you go?
Because it’s confusing and misleading. People are getting mixed messages. Trump says everything is going great. Five minutes later we hear that cases are accelerating from the CDC.

So he should say we are all going to die and should form Mongolian hordes on horseback to run across the plains to rape and pillage?

Obviously that’s exactly what I’m saying.

Good lord. Y’all are taking this really hard.

aint that the truth.
blob supporters are funny when they aren’t homicidal

You left wingers are full of shit.

You can't keep your stories straight and you root for the end of America.

Fuck you.

It's already been shown that New York is in trouble because of it's leaders....not Trump.

one danm thing- TRUMP AINT NO LEADER
The other point that is never written about is that the President (no matter who he is) must project a sense of OPTIMISM. The combination of forced unemployment, forced separation, restriction of normal activities is certainly causes millions to fall into fits of depressions. The LAST thing we need is a President saying, "this thing is going to last YEARS..."

The "journalists" who bad-mouthed the President for saying that we should start coming out by Easter should be shot. In public. Bad mouthing him for EXPRESSING A HOPE???

How low can you go?
Because it’s confusing and misleading. People are getting mixed messages. Trump says everything is going great. Five minutes later we hear that cases are accelerating from the CDC.

So he should say we are all going to die and should form Mongolian hordes on horseback to run across the plains to rape and pillage?

Obviously that’s exactly what I’m saying.

Good lord. Y’all are taking this really hard.

aint that the truth.
blob supporters are funny when they aren’t homicidal

You left wingers are full of shit.

You can't keep your stories straight and you root for the end of America.

Fuck you.

It's already been shown that New York is in trouble because of it's leaders....not Trump.

one danm thing- TRUMP AINT NO LEADER


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The other point that is never written about is that the President (no matter who he is) must project a sense of OPTIMISM. The combination of forced unemployment, forced separation, restriction of normal activities is certainly causes millions to fall into fits of depressions. The LAST thing we need is a President saying, "this thing is going to last YEARS..."

The "journalists" who bad-mouthed the President for saying that we should start coming out by Easter should be shot. In public. Bad mouthing him for EXPRESSING A HOPE???

How low can you go?
Because it’s confusing and misleading. People are getting mixed messages. Trump says everything is going great. Five minutes later we hear that cases are accelerating from the CDC.

So he should say we are all going to die and should form Mongolian hordes on horseback to run across the plains to rape and pillage?

Obviously that’s exactly what I’m saying.

Good lord. Y’all are taking this really hard.

aint that the truth.
blob supporters are funny when they aren’t homicidal
Actually you loons have managed to tank the economy and Trump's support numbers are at 60%. Your magic negros number was never that high and when this stunt is over and the economy comes back. Well Trump haters will be a small minority. Thank you!
it is absolutely amazing to me that prominent Democrats and their sycophants in the dishonest and corrupt media can't see it

EVERY shot they take at this President has failed miserably

and things do not look to change anytime soon

the chloroquine pills are helping people (despite not going through "channels" and ensuring profits for the "right people")

and Americans can see the Trump is working for them



President Trump enjoys 60 percent approval for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, but that has not stopped his critics from trying to stoke public outrage at his expense.

After the president expressed hope that the anti-malaria drug chloroquine was showing signs of success as a treatment for the coronavirus, news organizations tried to blame him for the death of an Arizona man who self-medicated with fish tank solvent that contained a different form of the substance. “Man dies after taking drug touted as coronavirus treatment by Trump,” CBS News declared. No, he didn’t. Trump never suggested anyone self-medicate with aquarium cleaner.

Subscribe to the Post Most newsletter: Today’s most popular stories on The Washington Post

Now the latest source of outrage is the president’s announcement that wants to begin lifting the current economic lockdown by Easter. In a press briefing Tuesday, Trump said his “goal is to ease the guidelines and open things up to very large sections of our country” and that “I hope we can do this by Easter,” but added that “our decision will be based on hard facts and data.”

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. Every life matters. That is why at the start of a pandemic, the right strategy is to accept high economic risk in order to mitigate the risks to public health of a new and unknown pathogen. Trump effectively ordered a recession — asking businesses to close and workers to stay home — to slow the spread of the virus so that public health officials could learn how it behaves, develop our testing capability and increase the production of protective gear, ventilators and hospital capacity for the hardest-hit areas, as well as the development of therapeutics to treat it.

But over time, as we get a handle on the outbreak, we need to start adjusting our decision-making to balance risk with the massive toll the lockdown is taking on the American people. While journalists can telework, millions of Americans who can’t are losing their careers and the businesses they spent a lifetime building. A prolonged economic shutdown will lead to deaths as well, in the form of increased rates of depression, substance abuse and suicide.
Which is why Trump should declare all lockdowns be ceased -- or at least ceased in areas where the outbreak is low....

and then to put pressure on the Dems and to add weight to his message -- he should have rallies beginning next week.....

If people around the country see Trump is willing to hold rallies with 100's of thousands of people, then there is obviously nothing to fear from this virus....

Trump is president, time for him to lead and stop whining about what the Dems might say or think....
If the marxist Dims had their way they would turn America into Somalia until November, and then miraculously sweep in and save it. The psychiatrists call that Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy. Which is probably a strain of the severe mental disorder known as "liberalism".
The other point that is never written about is that the President (no matter who he is) must project a sense of OPTIMISM. The combination of forced unemployment, forced separation, restriction of normal activities is certainly causes millions to fall into fits of depressions. The LAST thing we need is a President saying, "this thing is going to last YEARS..."

The "journalists" who bad-mouthed the President for saying that we should start coming out by Easter should be shot. In public. Bad mouthing him for EXPRESSING A HOPE???

How low can you go?
Because it’s confusing and misleading. People are getting mixed messages. Trump says everything is going great. Five minutes later we hear that cases are accelerating from the CDC.

So he should say we are all going to die and should form Mongolian hordes on horseback to run across the plains to rape and pillage?

Obviously that’s exactly what I’m saying.

Good lord. Y’all are taking this really hard.

aint that the truth.
blob supporters are funny when they aren’t homicidal

You left wingers are full of shit.

You can't keep your stories straight and you root for the end of America.

Fuck you.

It's already been shown that New York is in trouble because of it's leaders....not Trump.
Glad to see you admit Trump isn’t a leader.
The other point that is never written about is that the President (no matter who he is) must project a sense of OPTIMISM. The combination of forced unemployment, forced separation, restriction of normal activities is certainly causes millions to fall into fits of depressions. The LAST thing we need is a President saying, "this thing is going to last YEARS..."

The "journalists" who bad-mouthed the President for saying that we should start coming out by Easter should be shot. In public. Bad mouthing him for EXPRESSING A HOPE???

How low can you go?
Because it’s confusing and misleading. People are getting mixed messages. Trump says everything is going great. Five minutes later we hear that cases are accelerating from the CDC.

So he should say we are all going to die and should form Mongolian hordes on horseback to run across the plains to rape and pillage?

Obviously that’s exactly what I’m saying.

Good lord. Y’all are taking this really hard.

aint that the truth.
blob supporters are funny when they aren’t homicidal

You left wingers are full of shit.

You can't keep your stories straight and you root for the end of America.

Fuck you.

It's already been shown that New York is in trouble because of it's leaders....not Trump.
Glad to see you admit Trump isn’t a leader.

Clearly you have a disease that makes you unable to comprehend.
The other point that is never written about is that the President (no matter who he is) must project a sense of OPTIMISM. The combination of forced unemployment, forced separation, restriction of normal activities is certainly causes millions to fall into fits of depressions. The LAST thing we need is a President saying, "this thing is going to last YEARS..."

The "journalists" who bad-mouthed the President for saying that we should start coming out by Easter should be shot. In public. Bad mouthing him for EXPRESSING A HOPE???

How low can you go?
Because it’s confusing and misleading. People are getting mixed messages. Trump says everything is going great. Five minutes later we hear that cases are accelerating from the CDC.

So he should say we are all going to die and should form Mongolian hordes on horseback to run across the plains to rape and pillage?

Obviously that’s exactly what I’m saying.

Good lord. Y’all are taking this really hard.

aint that the truth.
blob supporters are funny when they aren’t homicidal

You left wingers are full of shit.

You can't keep your stories straight and you root for the end of America.

Fuck you.

It's already been shown that New York is in trouble because of it's leaders....not Trump.
Glad to see you admit Trump isn’t a leader.

Clearly you have a disease that makes you unable to comprehend.

Is Trump a leader in your mind?
The other point that is never written about is that the President (no matter who he is) must project a sense of OPTIMISM. The combination of forced unemployment, forced separation, restriction of normal activities is certainly causes millions to fall into fits of depressions. The LAST thing we need is a President saying, "this thing is going to last YEARS..."

The "journalists" who bad-mouthed the President for saying that we should start coming out by Easter should be shot. In public. Bad mouthing him for EXPRESSING A HOPE???

How low can you go?
Because it’s confusing and misleading. People are getting mixed messages. Trump says everything is going great. Five minutes later we hear that cases are accelerating from the CDC.

So he should say we are all going to die and should form Mongolian hordes on horseback to run across the plains to rape and pillage?

Obviously that’s exactly what I’m saying.

Good lord. Y’all are taking this really hard.

aint that the truth.
blob supporters are funny when they aren’t homicidal

You left wingers are full of shit.

You can't keep your stories straight and you root for the end of America.

Fuck you.

It's already been shown that New York is in trouble because of it's leaders....not Trump.
Glad to see you admit Trump isn’t a leader.

Clearly you have a disease that makes you unable to comprehend.

Is Trump a leader in your mind?

Yes he is.

Not the greatest....but he's doing a good job here.
The other point that is never written about is that the President (no matter who he is) must project a sense of OPTIMISM. The combination of forced unemployment, forced separation, restriction of normal activities is certainly causes millions to fall into fits of depressions. The LAST thing we need is a President saying, "this thing is going to last YEARS..."

The "journalists" who bad-mouthed the President for saying that we should start coming out by Easter should be shot. In public. Bad mouthing him for EXPRESSING A HOPE???

How low can you go?
Because it’s confusing and misleading. People are getting mixed messages. Trump says everything is going great. Five minutes later we hear that cases are accelerating from the CDC.

So he should say we are all going to die and should form Mongolian hordes on horseback to run across the plains to rape and pillage?

Obviously that’s exactly what I’m saying.

Good lord. Y’all are taking this really hard.

aint that the truth.
blob supporters are funny when they aren’t homicidal

You left wingers are full of shit.

You can't keep your stories straight and you root for the end of America.

Fuck you.

It's already been shown that New York is in trouble because of it's leaders....not Trump.
Glad to see you admit Trump isn’t a leader.

Clearly you have a disease that makes you unable to comprehend.

Is Trump a leader in your mind?

Yes he is.

Not the greatest....but he's doing a good job here.
If he’s doing a good job, then why is New York in trouble?
The other point that is never written about is that the President (no matter who he is) must project a sense of OPTIMISM. The combination of forced unemployment, forced separation, restriction of normal activities is certainly causes millions to fall into fits of depressions. The LAST thing we need is a President saying, "this thing is going to last YEARS..."

The "journalists" who bad-mouthed the President for saying that we should start coming out by Easter should be shot. In public. Bad mouthing him for EXPRESSING A HOPE???

How low can you go?
Because it’s confusing and misleading. People are getting mixed messages. Trump says everything is going great. Five minutes later we hear that cases are accelerating from the CDC.

So he should say we are all going to die and should form Mongolian hordes on horseback to run across the plains to rape and pillage?

Obviously that’s exactly what I’m saying.

Good lord. Y’all are taking this really hard.

aint that the truth.
blob supporters are funny when they aren’t homicidal

You left wingers are full of shit.

You can't keep your stories straight and you root for the end of America.

Fuck you.

It's already been shown that New York is in trouble because of it's leaders....not Trump.
Glad to see you admit Trump isn’t a leader.

Clearly you have a disease that makes you unable to comprehend.

Is Trump a leader in your mind?

Yes he is.

Not the greatest....but he's doing a good job here.
If he’s doing a good job, then why is New York in trouble?

Kinda missed the thread out that that shows how New York's leadership failed the state on several fronts.

Encouraging people to ignore the virus and party on.

When they finally caught on and told people to stay home.....well being left wingers...they kept partying.

You get what you vote for.
The other point that is never written about is that the President (no matter who he is) must project a sense of OPTIMISM. The combination of forced unemployment, forced separation, restriction of normal activities is certainly causes millions to fall into fits of depressions. The LAST thing we need is a President saying, "this thing is going to last YEARS..."

The "journalists" who bad-mouthed the President for saying that we should start coming out by Easter should be shot. In public. Bad mouthing him for EXPRESSING A HOPE???

How low can you go?
Because it’s confusing and misleading. People are getting mixed messages. Trump says everything is going great. Five minutes later we hear that cases are accelerating from the CDC.

So he should say we are all going to die and should form Mongolian hordes on horseback to run across the plains to rape and pillage?

Obviously that’s exactly what I’m saying.

Good lord. Y’all are taking this really hard.

aint that the truth.
blob supporters are funny when they aren’t homicidal

You left wingers are full of shit.

You can't keep your stories straight and you root for the end of America.

Fuck you.

It's already been shown that New York is in trouble because of it's leaders....not Trump.

And the thing is, as a New Yorker, I'm more concerned about what DiBlasio does going forward that his idiocy a month ago when he tweeted people should continue as normal. He was acting on the information he had, and he misjudged the severity of the situation.

Cuomo has been doing OK so far, but he still can't avoid taking jabs at the feds when he should be concerned about what he is doing with the State resources he has.
The other point that is never written about is that the President (no matter who he is) must project a sense of OPTIMISM. The combination of forced unemployment, forced separation, restriction of normal activities is certainly causes millions to fall into fits of depressions. The LAST thing we need is a President saying, "this thing is going to last YEARS..."

The "journalists" who bad-mouthed the President for saying that we should start coming out by Easter should be shot. In public. Bad mouthing him for EXPRESSING A HOPE???

How low can you go?
Because it’s confusing and misleading. People are getting mixed messages. Trump says everything is going great. Five minutes later we hear that cases are accelerating from the CDC.

So he should say we are all going to die and should form Mongolian hordes on horseback to run across the plains to rape and pillage?

Obviously that’s exactly what I’m saying.

Good lord. Y’all are taking this really hard.

aint that the truth.
blob supporters are funny when they aren’t homicidal

You left wingers are full of shit.

You can't keep your stories straight and you root for the end of America.

Fuck you.

It's already been shown that New York is in trouble because of it's leaders....not Trump.

one danm thing- TRUMP AINT NO LEADER

In your biased opinion, formed years ago, and probably unable to change no matter how well he does.
The other point that is never written about is that the President (no matter who he is) must project a sense of OPTIMISM. The combination of forced unemployment, forced separation, restriction of normal activities is certainly causes millions to fall into fits of depressions. The LAST thing we need is a President saying, "this thing is going to last YEARS..."

The "journalists" who bad-mouthed the President for saying that we should start coming out by Easter should be shot. In public. Bad mouthing him for EXPRESSING A HOPE???

How low can you go?
Because it’s confusing and misleading. People are getting mixed messages. Trump says everything is going great. Five minutes later we hear that cases are accelerating from the CDC.

So he should say we are all going to die and should form Mongolian hordes on horseback to run across the plains to rape and pillage?

Obviously that’s exactly what I’m saying.

Good lord. Y’all are taking this really hard.

aint that the truth.
blob supporters are funny when they aren’t homicidal

You left wingers are full of shit.

You can't keep your stories straight and you root for the end of America.

Fuck you.

It's already been shown that New York is in trouble because of it's leaders....not Trump.

And the thing is, as a New Yorker, I'm more concerned about what DiBlasio does going forward that his idiocy a month ago when he tweeted people should continue as normal. He was acting on the information he had, and he misjudged the severity of the situation.

Cuomo has been doing OK so far, but he still can't avoid taking jabs at the feds when he should be concerned about what he is doing with the State resources he has.

The death rate has started to drop (just two data points).

Rate of case increase seems to be have gone flat.

I hope you guys are seeing a corner to turn.
The other point that is never written about is that the President (no matter who he is) must project a sense of OPTIMISM. The combination of forced unemployment, forced separation, restriction of normal activities is certainly causes millions to fall into fits of depressions. The LAST thing we need is a President saying, "this thing is going to last YEARS..."

The "journalists" who bad-mouthed the President for saying that we should start coming out by Easter should be shot. In public. Bad mouthing him for EXPRESSING A HOPE???

How low can you go?
Because it’s confusing and misleading. People are getting mixed messages. Trump says everything is going great. Five minutes later we hear that cases are accelerating from the CDC.

So he should say we are all going to die and should form Mongolian hordes on horseback to run across the plains to rape and pillage?

Obviously that’s exactly what I’m saying.

Good lord. Y’all are taking this really hard.

aint that the truth.
blob supporters are funny when they aren’t homicidal

You left wingers are full of shit.

You can't keep your stories straight and you root for the end of America.

Fuck you.

It's already been shown that New York is in trouble because of it's leaders....not Trump.
Glad to see you admit Trump isn’t a leader.

Clearly you have a disease that makes you unable to comprehend.

Is Trump a leader in your mind?

Yes he is.

Not the greatest....but he's doing a good job here.
If he’s doing a good job, then why is New York in trouble?

Because the virus is causing the problems, and the only thing we can do is react to it?

What could have been done to prevent all this? Be specific please.

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