Trump to declare national emergency tomorrow night from Oval office

Ah yes, the best moves by a tyrant and a wanna-be dictator is to declare a national emergency when none is present.. Never let a situation that can be a crisis pass..
Gee. They might have to go get a job. What a fucking shame.
Tell that to my 90 year old Ma in law...Heartless bitches you all be.

Hey. She's your Ma. Take care of her dumbass.

If it were my Ma I'd be taking care of her.
I do take care of her yet the home health aid(a requirement by the state even with help from relatives) ain't gonna work for free. For some reason she paid into a program called Medicare for fifty years and those services can be denied if not paid for..Fuck you people.
Exclusive: Trump to Declare National Emergency Tomorrow Night from Oval Office
“I am pleased to inform you that I will Address the Nation on the Humanitarian and National Security crisis on our Southern Border. Tuesday night at 9:00 P.M. Eastern,” the president tweeted Monday.

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Donald J. Trump on Twitter

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SAVE the BS IT'S ALL OVER THE MSM NEWS. if not in your neck of the woods it will be. When you know and understand what is going on you know why this has to happen and why it iwll happen I posted an article on it yesterday, if you thought or think it's a conspiracy LMFAO BY TOMORROW YOU WILL KNOW HOW WRONG YOU WERE ........ and you will get to see how real your fake bs is bahahha.


AND I did my search

View attachment 238862


President Trump is preparing to announce a national emergency over the crisis on the southern border.


Watch Live: Trump Heads To Border To Declare National Emergency Over Immigration
He can declare a national emergency all he wants.

He will find himself in court.

He can't appropriate funds without the congress approval nor can he just say there's a national emergency whenever he wants.

He's going to have to prove that there's a national emergency and he can't do that since there is no real emergency.

He's not going to win in court nor is he going to get his wall especially this way.

Your are so clueless you have no idea how you have been under a national emergency / martial law since ur a.hole Obama put into action.

What most TARD don't get is Trump has to do this in order to UN DO O a.holes martial law orders.

When did Obama declare martial law or an emergency and what was it for? When did he use it to override the congress and what the people of this nation want? And when did he declare it when it wasn't necessary only to get what he wants? When did he use it to blackmail this nation into getting what he wanted?

Lying doesn't make your argument any less than a lie than it is.

A president can't order martial law unless there's a reason. A president has only declared martial law once in America. That was Lincoln during the civil war. It's only used in extreme circumstances when there's civil unrest or chaos. That's not happening in America so trump can't use it.

Border crossings have been down for around a decade. There aren't millions invading the US. In fact no one is invading our nation. None of them have weapons and our military isn't being attacked. No one is trying to take over the nation or the capitol.

If he declares martial law or an emergency to get his wall he will be taken to court by the House of Reps. They have standing since the constitution clearly gives the power of the purse to the House of Reps. When he's in court he's going to have to tell the judge what the emergency is including evidence and proof of his words. He can lie all he wants but he's going to have to have concrete facts to back up those lies which he won't have. The lawyers for the congress will have the facts that only 6 suspected terrorists were detained at the border in 2018. That there is no one with troops or weapons invading our nation that no one is trying to take over our government and nation.

You can lie all you want but you don't have honest facts to back up those lies. Just typing lies isn't going to to make them any less the lies they are.
He can declare a national emergency all he wants.

He will find himself in court.

He can't appropriate funds without the congress approval nor can he just say there's a national emergency whenever he wants.

He's going to have to prove that there's a national emergency and he can't do that since there is no real emergency.

He's not going to win in court nor is he going to get his wall especially this way.

Your are so clueless you have no idea how you have been under a national emergency / martial law since ur a.hole Obama put into action.

What most TARD don't get is Trump has to do this in order to UN DO O a.holes martial law orders.

When did Obama declare martial law or an emergency and what was it for? When did he use it to override the congress and what the people of this nation want? And when did he declare it when it wasn't necessary only to get what he wants? When did he use it to blackmail this nation into getting what he wanted?

Lying doesn't make your argument any less than a lie than it is.

A president can't order martial law unless there's a reason. A president has only declared martial law once in America. That was Lincoln during the civil war. It's only used in extreme circumstances when there's civil unrest or chaos. That's not happening in America so trump can't use it.

Border crossings have been down for around a decade. There aren't millions invading the US. In fact no one is invading our nation. None of them have weapons and our military isn't being attacked. No one is trying to take over the nation or the capitol.

If he declares martial law or an emergency to get his wall he will be taken to court by the House of Reps. They have standing since the constitution clearly gives the power of the purse to the House of Reps. When he's in court he's going to have to tell the judge what the emergency is including evidence and proof of his words. He can lie all he wants but he's going to have to have concrete facts to back up those lies which he won't have. The lawyers for the congress will have the facts that only 6 suspected terrorists were detained at the border in 2018. That there is no one with troops or weapons invading our nation that no one is trying to take over our government and nation.

You can lie all you want but you don't have honest facts to back up those lies. Just typing lies isn't going to to make them any less the lies they are.

You are beyond uneducated. Obama declared 13 national emergencies while President

Here are the 28 active national emergencies - CNNPolitics

Whether you agree or disagree with Trump declaring this national emergency, you are doing no one any favors with your continued stupidity and dishonesty , least of all yourself.
He can declare a national emergency all he wants.

He will find himself in court.

He can't appropriate funds without the congress approval nor can he just say there's a national emergency whenever he wants.

He's going to have to prove that there's a national emergency and he can't do that since there is no real emergency.

He's not going to win in court nor is he going to get his wall especially this way.

Your are so clueless you have no idea how you have been under a national emergency / martial law since ur a.hole Obama put into action.

What most TARD don't get is Trump has to do this in order to UN DO O a.holes martial law orders.

When did Obama declare martial law or an emergency and what was it for? When did he use it to override the congress and what the people of this nation want? And when did he declare it when it wasn't necessary only to get what he wants? When did he use it to blackmail this nation into getting what he wanted?

Lying doesn't make your argument any less than a lie than it is.

A president can't order martial law unless there's a reason. A president has only declared martial law once in America. That was Lincoln during the civil war. It's only used in extreme circumstances when there's civil unrest or chaos. That's not happening in America so trump can't use it.

Border crossings have been down for around a decade. There aren't millions invading the US. In fact no one is invading our nation. None of them have weapons and our military isn't being attacked. No one is trying to take over the nation or the capitol.

If he declares martial law or an emergency to get his wall he will be taken to court by the House of Reps. They have standing since the constitution clearly gives the power of the purse to the House of Reps. When he's in court he's going to have to tell the judge what the emergency is including evidence and proof of his words. He can lie all he wants but he's going to have to have concrete facts to back up those lies which he won't have. The lawyers for the congress will have the facts that only 6 suspected terrorists were detained at the border in 2018. That there is no one with troops or weapons invading our nation that no one is trying to take over our government and nation.

You can lie all you want but you don't have honest facts to back up those lies. Just typing lies isn't going to to make them any less the lies they are.

When you weren't paying attention gawd ur Obama fkrs KNOW NOTHING!! no wonder you KEEP VOTING IN ASSHOLES who destroy this nation.
He can declare a national emergency all he wants.

He will find himself in court.

He can't appropriate funds without the congress approval nor can he just say there's a national emergency whenever he wants.

He's going to have to prove that there's a national emergency and he can't do that since there is no real emergency.

He's not going to win in court nor is he going to get his wall especially this way.

Your are so clueless you have no idea how you have been under a national emergency / martial law since ur a.hole Obama put into action.

What most TARD don't get is Trump has to do this in order to UN DO O a.holes martial law orders.

When did Obama declare martial law or an emergency and what was it for? When did he use it to override the congress and what the people of this nation want? And when did he declare it when it wasn't necessary only to get what he wants? When did he use it to blackmail this nation into getting what he wanted?

Lying doesn't make your argument any less than a lie than it is.

A president can't order martial law unless there's a reason. A president has only declared martial law once in America. That was Lincoln during the civil war. It's only used in extreme circumstances when there's civil unrest or chaos. That's not happening in America so trump can't use it.

Border crossings have been down for around a decade. There aren't millions invading the US. In fact no one is invading our nation. None of them have weapons and our military isn't being attacked. No one is trying to take over the nation or the capitol.

If he declares martial law or an emergency to get his wall he will be taken to court by the House of Reps. They have standing since the constitution clearly gives the power of the purse to the House of Reps. When he's in court he's going to have to tell the judge what the emergency is including evidence and proof of his words. He can lie all he wants but he's going to have to have concrete facts to back up those lies which he won't have. The lawyers for the congress will have the facts that only 6 suspected terrorists were detained at the border in 2018. That there is no one with troops or weapons invading our nation that no one is trying to take over our government and nation.

You can lie all you want but you don't have honest facts to back up those lies. Just typing lies isn't going to to make them any less the lies they are.


Maybe you should stop being educated via CNN

Lies, lies, and more lies

President Obama repeatedly told the American people that “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.” He lied. He also said, “If you want to keep your health plan, you can keep your health plan.” He lied again. Not long ago, he offered government subsidies to those who couldn’t afford the premiums of the plan and advised that you will be able to keep your subsidy. He lied again.


Obama’s 6-part plan to declare martial law in America


“When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.”Thomas Jefferson

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