Trump Threatens to Bypass GOP Congress to Unleash MAGA Plans

Really? IMthedumbestcunt seems to think I was born with a silver spoon cause of my pigment you faggot whore
Lol, I don't know about some silver spoon but skin color doesn't offer protection from bad legislation. You are the one saying nothing hits you cuz you are a white male. I also am a white male. This has never offered me protection of any sort. Lol, people get huffy when you call them faggot whores? Lol, that all ya got? Hilarious I am so wounded.
"If anyone was expecting moderate Republicans in Congress to temper Donald Trump’s more extreme plans on immigration and tariffs, the president-elect doesn’t plan to give them the chance, Trump told lawmakers this week.

During a two-hour meeting with Senate Republicans, Trump said he plans to immediately enact his MAGA vision instead of waiting for Congress to act, according to a new report in the Wall Street Journal. He has already prepared about 100 executive orders, and he has no qualms testing the legal limits of presidential authority, he said.

For months, Trump’s aides have been looking at obscure laws passed about 50 years ago that he can invoke to unilaterally carry out his plans and bypass congressional funding limits. Instead of feeling preemptively constrained by constitutional checks and balances, he plans to do what he wants and take his chances with the courts, the Journal reported."

This is why Trump is in fact a fascist – he has contempt for the rule of law, the Constitution, and our democratic institutions.
Libs are afraid of Trump acting within the law and using his presidential authority?

You poor things
Bring this “hit hard” pussy girl, I’d say you hit like a girl but you can’t even tell me if you are a girl
I doubt he is. There are only two or three girls at USMB who are that wrong and/or dumb and/or hateful. Selfish I know, but as a girl, I prefer to think most of us are smarter than that so the most extreme of that group are guys. :)

Meanwhile, Trump had to govern via executive order most of his first four years due to a Democrat/RINO controlled Senate for all four years and a Democrat controlled House for two. Despite that and a 98% hostile media, he still got more good things done in the three years he had than any other President of my lifetime got done in eight.
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Trump went past his constitutional authority in his first term. Biden didn't.
I rarely respond to your posts because almost all of them are so. . . you know. . .really not intelligent and/or honest. But I accidentally read this one.

I'll give you one example of Biden's m.o. of which there were several.

The Supreme Court of the USA said Biden did not have the authority as President to forgive student loans as that was a function given to Congress alone. He did it anyway.

You won't find any incident that Trump behaved that way.
"If anyone was expecting moderate Republicans in Congress to temper Donald Trump’s more extreme plans on immigration and tariffs, the president-elect doesn’t plan to give them the chance, Trump told lawmakers this week.

During a two-hour meeting with Senate Republicans, Trump said he plans to immediately enact his MAGA vision instead of waiting for Congress to act, according to a new report in the Wall Street Journal. He has already prepared about 100 executive orders, and he has no qualms testing the legal limits of presidential authority, he said.

For months, Trump’s aides have been looking at obscure laws passed about 50 years ago that he can invoke to unilaterally carry out his plans and bypass congressional funding limits. Instead of feeling preemptively constrained by constitutional checks and balances, he plans to do what he wants and take his chances with the courts, the Journal reported."

This is why Trump is in fact a fascist – he has contempt for the rule of law, the Constitution, and our democratic institutions.
Biden just signs whatever people put in front of him

If they put a “launch the nukes” EO, he’d sign it
Persactly, you voted for the shit storm that is about to be unleashed. Monday is going to be a big day. EO's are coming, like the article states, perhaps a hundred or more.

You can't blame Trump. The Republican party is officially a shit show. The best thing for Democrats to do is sit back and let the shit start flowing. Inflation, buckle up cowboy, it is going to return with vengeance.

Nobody has ever capitalized on stupid like Trump.
Yes, and I'm lovin' it!

Trump Threatens to Bypass GOP Congress to Unleash MAGA Plans​


"If anyone was expecting moderate Republicans in Congress to temper Donald Trump’s more extreme plans on immigration and tariffs, the president-elect doesn’t plan to give them the chance, Trump told lawmakers this week.
Hope so. Thanks for the heads up.

During a two-hour meeting with Senate Republicans, Trump said he plans to immediately enact his MAGA vision instead of waiting for Congress to act,
You mean just like Joe Biden did on Day One. Rock on. :rock:

He has already prepared about 100 executive orders, and he has no qualms testing the legal limits of presidential authority, he said.
Now you're making my dick hard. Sure hope you are not just a cock tease.

For months, Trump’s aides have been looking at obscure laws passed about 50 years ago that he can invoke to unilaterally carry out his plans and bypass congressional funding limits. Instead of feeling preemptively constrained by constitutional checks and balances, he plans to do what he wants and take his chances with the courts, the Journal reported."
Man, Trump sure learns fast from you democrats! :auiqs.jpg:
Funny how you were all FOR this when Biden was doing it! Buttwipe.

This is why Trump is in fact a fascist – he has contempt for the rule of law, the Constitution, and our democratic institutions.
Sweet jambalaya, Trump has moved up in the world from being a dictator and Nazi to now just being a fascist. Party hardy Clay cum Tardy. See ya in two days. Hey, thank Joe Biden again for helping get Trump reelected for us.

Screen Shot 2025-01-18 at 8.00.18 PM.png
Persactly, you voted for the shit storm that is about to be unleashed. Monday is going to be a big day. EO's are coming, like the article states, perhaps a hundred or more.

You can't blame Trump. The Republican party is officially a shit show. The best thing for Democrats to do is sit back and let the shit start flowing. Inflation, buckle up cowboy, it is going to return with vengeance.

Nobody has ever capitalized on stupid like Trump.

Bookmarked for posterity, so you can choke on your own words next year.

Hope so. Thanks for the heads up.

You mean just like Joe Biden did on Day One. Rock on. :rock:

Now you're making my dick hard. Sure hope you are not just a cock tease.

Man, Trump sure learns fast from you democrats! :auiqs.jpg:
Funny how you were all FOR this when Biden was doing it! Buttwipe.

Sweet jambalaya, Trump has moved up in the world from being a dictator and Nazi to now just being a fascist. Party hardy Clay cum Tardy. See ya in two days. Hey, thank Joe Biden again for helping get Trump reelected for us.

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Isn't it something how the Democrat's best candidate got her ass whipped by a dictator, a Nazi, and a fascist?

That sure says a hell says a lot about the Democrat party.
"If anyone was expecting moderate Republicans in Congress to temper Donald Trump’s more extreme plans on immigration and tariffs, the president-elect doesn’t plan to give them the chance, Trump told lawmakers this week.

During a two-hour meeting with Senate Republicans, Trump said he plans to immediately enact his MAGA vision instead of waiting for Congress to act, according to a new report in the Wall Street Journal. He has already prepared about 100 executive orders, and he has no qualms testing the legal limits of presidential authority, he said.

For months, Trump’s aides have been looking at obscure laws passed about 50 years ago that he can invoke to unilaterally carry out his plans and bypass congressional funding limits. Instead of feeling preemptively constrained by constitutional checks and balances, he plans to do what he wants and take his chances with the courts, the Journal reported."

This is why Trump is in fact a fascist – he has contempt for the rule of law, the Constitution, and our democratic institutions.
great idea,,
Bookmarked for posterity, so you can choke on your own words next year.
Great, I can't wait. Since you have bookmarked this thread, let me make more predictions.

Inflation will blow up, including gas prices.

GDP growth will be anemic, not even reaching three percent, let alone the four Trump promised and never delivered the first term.

Unemployment will increase

The rich will get richer, the poor will get poorer, but that always happens

The stock market will spike, but then crash, look for another bad October

The deficit will explode, Treasury rates will go through the roof as China and other countries dump their holdings.

Russia will take Ukraine, possible seek further expansion

China will take Tawain, possible seek further expansion

When I was a kid I had an amazing dog, Tippy. He was a beast, king of the neighborhood. Then he got old, it was sad. On the world stage, the US will no longer be the king of the neighborhood. We will sink to insignificance. China will become top dog.
"If anyone was expecting moderate Republicans in Congress to temper Donald Trump’s more extreme plans on immigration and tariffs, the president-elect doesn’t plan to give them the chance, Trump told lawmakers this week.

During a two-hour meeting with Senate Republicans, Trump said he plans to immediately enact his MAGA vision instead of waiting for Congress to act, according to a new report in the Wall Street Journal. He has already prepared about 100 executive orders, and he has no qualms testing the legal limits of presidential authority, he said.

For months, Trump’s aides have been looking at obscure laws passed about 50 years ago that he can invoke to unilaterally carry out his plans and bypass congressional funding limits. Instead of feeling preemptively constrained by constitutional checks and balances, he plans to do what he wants and take his chances with the courts, the Journal reported."

This is why Trump is in fact a fascist – he has contempt for the rule of law, the Constitution, and our democratic institutions.
Everybody on Fox News was saying the plane was Air Force One. It is not if Biden is not aboard. If Trump were on board this Tuesday, it would be Air Force One.
Dude I know that and so do the people on FOX News... we don't need your constant corrections 24-7....
Lighten up man....
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