Trump threatens extortion

i suspect another empty threat from Trump

President Donald Trump said that if Democrats "want to play tough" when they control the House of Representatives next year, he will declassify documents that will be "devastating" to them.
"If they want to play tough, I will do it," Trump told the New York Post in an interview Wednesday. "They will see how devastating those pages are."
How is that extortion?
(ɪkstɔrʃən )

uncountable noun
Extortion is the crime of obtaining something from someone, especially money, by using force or threats.
He has been charged with extortion and abusing his powers.
OK, you need to look up "obtain", or at you level you could try one of the several definitions of "get". Then see if you can figure out what "especially money" means.
What is Trump looking to obtain?

He is looking to obtain compliance from Democrats in overlooking possible criminal activity
Bullshit. What you're saying is that saying you'll punch someone if they punch you is extortion.

You're an idiot.
Extortion is extortion

Just like a mobster threatening a witness if they testify against him
"When will this illegal Joseph McCarthy style Witch Hunt, one that has shattered so many innocent lives, ever end-or will it just go on forever? After wasting more than $40,000,000 (is that possible?), it has proven only one thing-there was NO Collusion with Russia. So Ridiculous!

Did you ever see an investigation more in search of a crime? At the same time Mueller and the Angry Democrats aren’t even looking at the atrocious, and perhaps subversive, crimes that were committed by Crooked Hillary Clinton and the Democrats. A total disgrace!" - President Trump
"When will this illegal Joseph McCarthy style Witch Hunt, one that has shattered so many innocent lives, ever end-or will it just go on forever? After wasting more than $40,000,000 (is that possible?), it has proven only one thing-there was NO Collusion with Russia. So Ridiculous!

Did you ever see an investigation more in search of a crime? At the same time Mueller and the Angry Democrats aren’t even looking at the atrocious, and perhaps subversive, crimes that were committed by Crooked Hillary Clinton and the Democrats. A total disgrace!" - President Trump
Funny he brings up Joe McCarthy

His mentor Roy Cohn was the mastermind behind the McCarthy witch hunts
"When will this illegal Joseph McCarthy style Witch Hunt, one that has shattered so many innocent lives, ever end-or will it just go on forever? After wasting more than $40,000,000 (is that possible?), it has proven only one thing-there was NO Collusion with Russia. So Ridiculous!

Did you ever see an investigation more in search of a crime? At the same time Mueller and the Angry Democrats aren’t even looking at the atrocious, and perhaps subversive, crimes that were committed by Crooked Hillary Clinton and the Democrats. A total disgrace!" - President Trump
nice story, bro.
What kind of information is Trump referring to?
He has no information

Most people engaging in extortion will tip their hand with what they have on you.

Trump is bluffing in claiming he has “devastating” information

Lol, but yet mueller has no evidence and you're making a false claim.
What would make you assume he has no evidence?

If he had evidence he wouldn't be serving up petty perjury process crimes and indictments on personal applications that happened 20-30 years ago. Mueller is desperate now. He has nothing to show. The best he can do is serve up perjuries and hope he can avoid the fallout.
Extortion or Washington politics? The Democrats are not hiding they want to investigate Trump for any and everything they can think of when they take control of the House in January which they have the right to do Trump is reminding them he and the Republican controlled Senate can fight back which they have the right to do. So maybe the Republicans, Democrats and the President should focus a little less on trying embarass and destroy each other and more on working to fix the problems of the nation.

Tough to do. Trump is learning how to become a politician; not that he probably hasn't done something like this in his business dealings, but doing it in politics is fighting fire with fire. You can't let these people with the help of their MSM push you around too much.
All Trump knows about politics is what he learned from Roy Cohn. Attack and smear, repeat. Roy Cohn, Joe McCarthy's attorney, was Trump's mentor. The problem with Trump is that his intellect and personality is so limited he has been unable to switch from a Roy Cohn's style of politics to a presidential one. Add Trump's intellectual and emotional stunted development to his desire to act like a syndicate boss, and you have this pseudo-"Don" in the WH who only knows how to threaten to break legs. I look forward when the Democrats give him the great middle finger.

Politics and Trump?? Nah he doesn't need to be a politician and he isn't.

That's the reason I voted for the man. No one needs more crooked, mealy mouthed politicians. DC is full of em.

So you voted for the crookedest, most mealy-mouthed non-politician possible. Congrats. You really showed us. :cuckoo:
What kind of information is Trump referring to?
He has no information

Most people engaging in extortion will tip their hand with what they have on you.

Trump is bluffing in claiming he has “devastating” information

Lol, but yet mueller has no evidence and you're making a false claim.
What would make you assume he has no evidence?

If he had evidence he wouldn't be serving up petty perjury process crimes and indictments on personal applications that happened 20-30 years ago. Mueller is desperate now. He has nothing to show. The best he can do is serve up perjuries and hope he can avoid the fallout.
Petty perjury charges is how you get them to plea deal information they have on higher ups.

If Mueller has nothing, he would have folded up his tent months ago
Trump has increased the frequency of his No Collusion chant

Mueller must be hitting close to home
How is that extortion?
(ɪkstɔrʃən )

uncountable noun
Extortion is the crime of obtaining something from someone, especially money, by using force or threats.
He has been charged with extortion and abusing his powers.
OK, you need to look up "obtain", or at you level you could try one of the several definitions of "get". Then see if you can figure out what "especially money" means.
What is Trump looking to obtain?

He is looking to obtain compliance from Democrats in overlooking possible criminal activity
Bullshit. What you're saying is that saying you'll punch someone if they punch you is extortion.

You're an idiot.
Extortion is extortion

Just like a mobster threatening a witness if they testify against him
That is not extortion nor what Trump is said, and you're still an idiot.
(ɪkstɔrʃən )

uncountable noun
Extortion is the crime of obtaining something from someone, especially money, by using force or threats.
He has been charged with extortion and abusing his powers.
OK, you need to look up "obtain", or at you level you could try one of the several definitions of "get". Then see if you can figure out what "especially money" means.
What is Trump looking to obtain?

He is looking to obtain compliance from Democrats in overlooking possible criminal activity
Bullshit. What you're saying is that saying you'll punch someone if they punch you is extortion.

You're an idiot.
Extortion is extortion

Just like a mobster threatening a witness if they testify against him
That is not extortion nor what Trump is said, and you're still an idiot.
Using his official powers to release classified information to prevent an investigation of his criminal activities is textbook extortion
Why keep all the illegal, immoral and sleezy things the libs do secret? Will it embarrass you for supporting such despicable bunch of antiAmerican wacko? Trump is the best thing to happen this country since Washington. Release the garbage so we can see just what the left has been electing
Extortion or Washington politics? The Democrats are not hiding they want to investigate Trump for any and everything they can think of when they take control of the House in January which they have the right to do Trump is reminding them he and the Republican controlled Senate can fight back which they have the right to do. So maybe the Republicans, Democrats and the President should focus a little less on trying embarass and destroy each other and more on working to fix the problems of the nation.

Tough to do. Trump is learning how to become a politician; not that he probably hasn't done something like this in his business dealings, but doing it in politics is fighting fire with fire. You can't let these people with the help of their MSM push you around too much.

It's been 2 years, and the fool has learned nothing. He's to stupid to even try.
He still resorts to his silly games

LMAO Well his "silly" games have worked pretty well so far.

Trump isn't a politician and that what you keep forgetting.

He will do whatever he has to do and he doesn't give a shit if you or others like or not.

He's no mealy mouth politician telling everyone what they want to hear.

As for Mueller?? I think he has a whole lot of nothing. If he had something it would have leaked long ago. That's how DC works. Leaks upon leaks for everything.

Its been two years and all I've seen is the trial of a couple of crooks. There was no Trump/Russia collusion about the election.

The whole thing is one big shit show.

It has actually been less than 19 months. And Bob doesn't leak. All the leaks come from tRump himself.
What kind of information is Trump referring to?
He has no information

Most people engaging in extortion will tip their hand with what they have on you.

Trump is bluffing in claiming he has “devastating” information

Lol, but yet mueller has no evidence and you're making a false claim.
What would make you assume he has no evidence?

If he had evidence he wouldn't be serving up petty perjury process crimes and indictments on personal applications that happened 20-30 years ago. Mueller is desperate now. He has nothing to show. The best he can do is serve up perjuries and hope he can avoid the fallout.
Petty perjury charges is how you get them to plea deal information they have on higher ups.

If Mueller has nothing, he would have folded up his tent months ago
Trump has increased the frequency of his No Collusion chant

Mueller must be hitting close to home

He wouldn't have folded. He would keep on investigating to save face and to pile on the petty process crimes in order to control the perception. The house of cards always falls when its built on sand though.
i suspect another empty threat from Trump

President Donald Trump said that if Democrats "want to play tough" when they control the House of Representatives next year, he will declassify documents that will be "devastating" to them.
"If they want to play tough, I will do it," Trump told the New York Post in an interview Wednesday. "They will see how devastating those pages are."
Those documents are probably soaked in hooker urine.
i suspect another empty threat from Trump

President Donald Trump said that if Democrats "want to play tough" when they control the House of Representatives next year, he will declassify documents that will be "devastating" to them.
"If they want to play tough, I will do it," Trump told the New York Post in an interview Wednesday. "They will see how devastating those pages are."

How is this "extortion"? If Mueller and the libs have nothing to hide, why would they care about this at all?
i suspect another empty threat from Trump

President Donald Trump said that if Democrats "want to play tough" when they control the House of Representatives next year, he will declassify documents that will be "devastating" to them.
"If they want to play tough, I will do it," Trump told the New York Post in an interview Wednesday. "They will see how devastating those pages are."

How is this "extortion"? If Mueller and the libs have nothing to hide, why would they care about this at all?
Since when does a president of the U.S. release classified documents to the public in order to get even with his political opponents?
i suspect another empty threat from Trump

President Donald Trump said that if Democrats "want to play tough" when they control the House of Representatives next year, he will declassify documents that will be "devastating" to them.
"If they want to play tough, I will do it," Trump told the New York Post in an interview Wednesday. "They will see how devastating those pages are."

How is this "extortion"? If Mueller and the libs have nothing to hide, why would they care about this at all?
Since when does a president of the U.S. release classified documents to the public in order to get even with his political opponents?

Trump didn't release a damn thing.

And if his political opponents have nothing to hide, they should be welcoming the President's suggestion
Trump thinks releasing the classified FISA warrants against all his fellow crooks will somehow hurt the Democrats!



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