Trump threatens extortion

i suspect another empty threat from Trump

President Donald Trump said that if Democrats "want to play tough" when they control the House of Representatives next year, he will declassify documents that will be "devastating" to them.
"If they want to play tough, I will do it," Trump told the New York Post in an interview Wednesday. "They will see how devastating those pages are."
Its not extortion its simple facts. He can hide their crimes if they stop trying to destroy what America voted for.

America voted for Hillary. 3 million more votes.

One more time, I’ll go slow, T R U M P W O N ! He played the game well, he used the rules, Hillery didn’t understand them, remember Comey said she was so stupid she didn’t know what she was doing.

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You think the outcome of that election will last forever, or makes that clown king? You remind me of a little kid playing soft ball. You hit a double in the first inning, and then strike out every other at bat because you are basking in the glow of that one hit instead of paying attention to what comes next.
i suspect another empty threat from Trump

President Donald Trump said that if Democrats "want to play tough" when they control the House of Representatives next year, he will declassify documents that will be "devastating" to them.
"If they want to play tough, I will do it," Trump told the New York Post in an interview Wednesday. "They will see how devastating those pages are."
I guess "revolutions" should be "kept inside the Government". Thank Goodness for a doctrine of separation of powers.
Extortion or Washington politics? The Democrats are not hiding they want to investigate Trump for any and everything they can think of when they take control of the House in January which they have the right to do Trump is reminding them he and the Republican controlled Senate can fight back which they have the right to do. So maybe the Republicans, Democrats and the President should focus a little less on trying embarass and destroy each other and more on working to fix the problems of the nation.

Tough to do. Trump is learning how to become a politician; not that he probably hasn't done something like this in his business dealings, but doing it in politics is fighting fire with fire. You can't let these people with the help of their MSM push you around too much.
All Trump knows about politics is what he learned from Roy Cohn. Attack and smear, repeat. Roy Cohn, Joe McCarthy's attorney, was Trump's mentor. The problem with Trump is that his intellect and personality is so limited he has been unable to switch from a Roy Cohn's style of politics to a presidential one. Add Trump's intellectual and emotional stunted development to his desire to act like a syndicate boss, and you have this pseudo-"Don" in the WH who only knows how to threaten to break legs. I look forward when the Democrats give him the great middle finger.

Politics and Trump?? Nah he doesn't need to be a politician and he isn't.

That's the reason I voted for the man. No one needs more crooked, mealy mouthed politicians. DC is full of em.
You're joking right. There is no one more corrupt that Trump, his family and his cronies. In case you did not know, this whole Saudi Arabian controversy is based on Trump's and Jared's relationship with the Saudis. Their financial ties run long and deep. Trump would never offend the Saudis just as he seeks to avoid offending the Russians: because he is so deeply indebted to them.

Trump is the most compromised President this nation has ever had, and, hopefully, the most compromised president this country will ever have again.
Extortion or Washington politics? The Democrats are not hiding they want to investigate Trump for any and everything they can think of when they take control of the House in January which they have the right to do Trump is reminding them he and the Republican controlled Senate can fight back which they have the right to do. So maybe the Republicans, Democrats and the President should focus a little less on trying embarass and destroy each other and more on working to fix the problems of the nation.

Tough to do. Trump is learning how to become a politician; not that he probably hasn't done something like this in his business dealings, but doing it in politics is fighting fire with fire. You can't let these people with the help of their MSM push you around too much.

It's been 2 years, and the fool has learned nothing. He's to stupid to even try.
He still resorts to his silly games

LMAO Well his "silly" games have worked pretty well so far.

Trump isn't a politician and that what you keep forgetting.

He will do whatever he has to do and he doesn't give a shit if you or others like or not.

He's no mealy mouth politician telling everyone what they want to hear.

As for Mueller?? I think he has a whole lot of nothing. If he had something it would have leaked long ago. That's how DC works. Leaks upon leaks for everything.

Its been two years and all I've seen is the trial of a couple of crooks. There was no Trump/Russia collusion about the election.

The whole thing is one big shit show.
If Mueller was finding nothing of value he would have ended the investigation months ago. He also would not offer lucrative plea deals in return for information of no value
Trump is in full panic mode. His dangling of pardons and using his executive power to thwart Democratic investigations can only be looked at as obstruction
Extortion or Washington politics? The Democrats are not hiding they want to investigate Trump for any and everything they can think of when they take control of the House in January which they have the right to do Trump is reminding them he and the Republican controlled Senate can fight back which they have the right to do. So maybe the Republicans, Democrats and the President should focus a little less on trying embarass and destroy each other and more on working to fix the problems of the nation.

Tough to do. Trump is learning how to become a politician; not that he probably hasn't done something like this in his business dealings, but doing it in politics is fighting fire with fire. You can't let these people with the help of their MSM push you around too much.
All Trump knows about politics is what he learned from Roy Cohn. Attack and smear, repeat. Roy Cohn, Joe McCarthy's attorney, was Trump's mentor. The problem with Trump is that his intellect and personality is so limited he has been unable to switch from a Roy Cohn's style of politics to a presidential one. Add Trump's intellectual and emotional stunted development to his desire to act like a syndicate boss, and you have this pseudo-"Don" in the WH who only knows how to threaten to break legs. I look forward when the Democrats give him the great middle finger.

Politics and Trump?? Nah he doesn't need to be a politician and he isn't.

That's the reason I voted for the man. No one needs more crooked, mealy mouthed politicians. DC is full of em.
You're joking right. There is no one more corrupt that Trump, his family and his cronies. In case you did not know, this whole Saudi Arabian controversy is based on Trump's and Jared's relationship with the Saudis. Their financial ties run long and deep. Trump would never offend the Saudis just as he seeks to avoid offending the Russians: because he is so deeply indebted to them.

Trump is the most compromised President has ever had, and, hopefully, the most compromised president this country will ever have.

The Saudi's are an ally and I doubt financial ties have anything to do with it. The guy was killed in Turkey. I'm sure the Turkish authorities will handle it.

Its a free country. Believe whatever floats your boats.
Extortion or Washington politics? The Democrats are not hiding they want to investigate Trump for any and everything they can think of when they take control of the House in January which they have the right to do Trump is reminding them he and the Republican controlled Senate can fight back which they have the right to do. So maybe the Republicans, Democrats and the President should focus a little less on trying embarass and destroy each other and more on working to fix the problems of the nation.

Tough to do. Trump is learning how to become a politician; not that he probably hasn't done something like this in his business dealings, but doing it in politics is fighting fire with fire. You can't let these people with the help of their MSM push you around too much.

It's been 2 years, and the fool has learned nothing. He's to stupid to even try.
He still resorts to his silly games

LMAO Well his "silly" games have worked pretty well so far.

Trump isn't a politician and that what you keep forgetting.

He will do whatever he has to do and he doesn't give a shit if you or others like or not.

He's no mealy mouth politician telling everyone what they want to hear.

As for Mueller?? I think he has a whole lot of nothing. If he had something it would have leaked long ago. That's how DC works. Leaks upon leaks for everything.

Its been two years and all I've seen is the trial of a couple of crooks. There was no Trump/Russia collusion about the election.

The whole thing is one big shit show.
If Mueller was finding nothing of value he would have ended the investigation months ago. He also would not offer lucrative plea deals in return for information of no value
Trump is in full panic mode. His dangling of pardons and using his executive power to thwart Democratic investigations can only be looked at as obstruction

If he had found anything about collusion between Trump and Russia it would have been leaked long ago.

All I've seen is a couple of crooks on trial. There was no collusion.

There was however plenty of Hitlery high jink's with the fake dossier. Oh and those FISA warrants weren't to kosher either.

Loads of stuff could come out but collusion between Trump and Russia won't be one of them.

If you want to believe there was then have at it.
i suspect another empty threat from Trump

President Donald Trump said that if Democrats "want to play tough" when they control the House of Representatives next year, he will declassify documents that will be "devastating" to them.
"If they want to play tough, I will do it," Trump told the New York Post in an interview Wednesday. "They will see how devastating those pages are."
How is that extortion?
(ɪkstɔrʃən )

uncountable noun
Extortion is the crime of obtaining something from someone, especially money, by using force or threats.
He has been charged with extortion and abusing his powers.
i suspect another empty threat from Trump

President Donald Trump said that if Democrats "want to play tough" when they control the House of Representatives next year, he will declassify documents that will be "devastating" to them.
"If they want to play tough, I will do it," Trump told the New York Post in an interview Wednesday. "They will see how devastating those pages are."
Its not extortion its simple facts. He can hide their crimes if they stop trying to destroy what America voted for.

Trump is bluffing with a pair of threes
lol mmk. We know there is classified info the GOP wants him to declassify so I hope the democrats try something,they obviously still don't comprehend they aren't dealing with a typical politician

They are dealing with an asshole willing to use the classification system for political retribution
Democrats need to be taught their place. Oh well. I love what Trump is doing,he is the boss,what he says goes PERIOD.
Tough to do. Trump is learning how to become a politician; not that he probably hasn't done something like this in his business dealings, but doing it in politics is fighting fire with fire. You can't let these people with the help of their MSM push you around too much.

It's been 2 years, and the fool has learned nothing. He's to stupid to even try.
He still resorts to his silly games

LMAO Well his "silly" games have worked pretty well so far.

Trump isn't a politician and that what you keep forgetting.

He will do whatever he has to do and he doesn't give a shit if you or others like or not.

He's no mealy mouth politician telling everyone what they want to hear.

As for Mueller?? I think he has a whole lot of nothing. If he had something it would have leaked long ago. That's how DC works. Leaks upon leaks for everything.

Its been two years and all I've seen is the trial of a couple of crooks. There was no Trump/Russia collusion about the election.

The whole thing is one big shit show.
If Mueller was finding nothing of value he would have ended the investigation months ago. He also would not offer lucrative plea deals in return for information of no value
Trump is in full panic mode. His dangling of pardons and using his executive power to thwart Democratic investigations can only be looked at as obstruction

If he had found anything about collusion between Trump and Russia it would have been leaked long ago.

All I've seen is a couple of crooks on trial. There was no collusion.

There was however plenty of Hitlery high jink's with the fake dossier. Oh and those FISA warrants weren't to kosher either.

Loads of stuff could come out but collusion between Trump and Russia won't be one of them.

If you want to believe there was then have at it.
Mueller is not Comey

He leaks Nothing
i suspect another empty threat from Trump

President Donald Trump said that if Democrats "want to play tough" when they control the House of Representatives next year, he will declassify documents that will be "devastating" to them.
"If they want to play tough, I will do it," Trump told the New York Post in an interview Wednesday. "They will see how devastating those pages are."
How is that extortion?
(ɪkstɔrʃən )

uncountable noun
Extortion is the crime of obtaining something from someone, especially money, by using force or threats.
He has been charged with extortion and abusing his powers.
OK, you need to look up "obtain", or at you level you could try one of the several definitions of "get". Then see if you can figure out what "especially money" means.
It's been 2 years, and the fool has learned nothing. He's to stupid to even try.
He still resorts to his silly games

LMAO Well his "silly" games have worked pretty well so far.

Trump isn't a politician and that what you keep forgetting.

He will do whatever he has to do and he doesn't give a shit if you or others like or not.

He's no mealy mouth politician telling everyone what they want to hear.

As for Mueller?? I think he has a whole lot of nothing. If he had something it would have leaked long ago. That's how DC works. Leaks upon leaks for everything.

Its been two years and all I've seen is the trial of a couple of crooks. There was no Trump/Russia collusion about the election.

The whole thing is one big shit show.
If Mueller was finding nothing of value he would have ended the investigation months ago. He also would not offer lucrative plea deals in return for information of no value
Trump is in full panic mode. His dangling of pardons and using his executive power to thwart Democratic investigations can only be looked at as obstruction

If he had found anything about collusion between Trump and Russia it would have been leaked long ago.

All I've seen is a couple of crooks on trial. There was no collusion.

There was however plenty of Hitlery high jink's with the fake dossier. Oh and those FISA warrants weren't to kosher either.

Loads of stuff could come out but collusion between Trump and Russia won't be one of them.

If you want to believe there was then have at it.
Mueller is not Comey

He leaks Nothing

Sure. DC is leak proof.
Common ploy from Trump

Claim you have damaging information on an opponent and use it as a threat

Somehow, that information never materializes
Didn't Trump have a source that would "prove" something about Obama's birth certificate?

What happened to that?

It has been proven to ad naseum that Barrypuppet's certificate of live birth was a fraudulent document......try and keep up.
It was only proven to crazy people.
i suspect another empty threat from Trump

President Donald Trump said that if Democrats "want to play tough" when they control the House of Representatives next year, he will declassify documents that will be "devastating" to them.
"If they want to play tough, I will do it," Trump told the New York Post in an interview Wednesday. "They will see how devastating those pages are."
How is that extortion?
(ɪkstɔrʃən )

uncountable noun
Extortion is the crime of obtaining something from someone, especially money, by using force or threats.
He has been charged with extortion and abusing his powers.
OK, you need to look up "obtain", or at you level you could try one of the several definitions of "get". Then see if you can figure out what "especially money" means.
What is Trump looking to obtain?

He is looking to obtain compliance from Democrats in overlooking possible criminal activity
What kind of information is Trump referring to?
He has no information

Most people engaging in extortion will tip their hand with what they have on you.

Trump is bluffing in claiming he has “devastating” information
i suspect another empty threat from Trump

President Donald Trump said that if Democrats "want to play tough" when they control the House of Representatives next year, he will declassify documents that will be "devastating" to them.
"If they want to play tough, I will do it," Trump told the New York Post in an interview Wednesday. "They will see how devastating those pages are."
Its not extortion its simple facts. He can hide their crimes if they stop trying to destroy what America voted for.

Trump is bluffing with a pair of threes
lol mmk. We know there is classified info the GOP wants him to declassify so I hope the democrats try something,they obviously still don't comprehend they aren't dealing with a typical politician

They are dealing with an asshole willing to use the classification system for political retribution
Democrats need to be taught their place. Oh well. I love what Trump is doing,he is the boss,what he says goes PERIOD.
Government solves all problems for the right wing.
i suspect another empty threat from Trump

President Donald Trump said that if Democrats "want to play tough" when they control the House of Representatives next year, he will declassify documents that will be "devastating" to them.
"If they want to play tough, I will do it," Trump told the New York Post in an interview Wednesday. "They will see how devastating those pages are."
How is that extortion?
(ɪkstɔrʃən )

uncountable noun
Extortion is the crime of obtaining something from someone, especially money, by using force or threats.
He has been charged with extortion and abusing his powers.
OK, you need to look up "obtain", or at you level you could try one of the several definitions of "get". Then see if you can figure out what "especially money" means.
What is Trump looking to obtain?

He is looking to obtain compliance from Democrats in overlooking possible criminal activity
Bullshit. What you're saying is that saying you'll punch someone if they punch you is extortion.

You're an idiot.

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