Trump thinks climate change is a scam

So there was no ice ages or tropical earth like periods(45, 250 million years) in earths history. Is this what Trump is saying?
How can that be when there were no humans then?

We also had global warming in Roman times and during the dark ages.

But you do want all wealth confiscated by Government

The truth is you hate individual freedom and capitalism.
Jeopardy! Music still playing...


Why does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?

If you cannot answer that question, you know precisely NOTHING about Earth climate change...
That's what I thought. The "warmers" here are complete science invalids who do nothing but imitate this species...

Maybe Trump thinks climate change is a scam because its a scam. The proposed solutions to climate change are tax increases. Advocates of this scam had to change the name after global warming failed to materialize. The so called scientists are compromised with government grant money. Then there is the long string of drummed up anti fossil fuel crisis that came before climate change, frogs deforming, global cooling, spotted owl, this is just the latest scam.
if people think that this world is going to stay the same by doing outlandish things, even in their own lifetime, are sadly mistake. humans are but a blip, which leads us back to the wisdom of george carlin.
gore just found a way to get super rich by it. remember when tipper tried to censor musicians... heh.
Al is saving the world with his multiple mansions air conditioned to a comfy 72.
and no humidity, which ironically is/becomes a greenhouse gas.
That's what I thought. The "warmers" here are complete science invalids who do nothing but imitate this species...

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i have to say that smart people are coming around to the conclusion that it was a corrupt bleeding heart chicken little liberal drama to control people politically.

but i mean that in a nice way.
this fraud has done more harm to the environment than the oil and nuclear industries summed together.
So there was no ice ages or tropical earth like periods(45, 250 million years) in earths history. Is this what Trump is saying?

Must believe that the earth is only 6,000 years old.
Amazing how you libs have figured out that water disasters only occur where there's water. Dang you guys are smart.
Trump doesn't think MMGW is a scam....Trump knows MMGW is a hoax....

He is supported by a majority of non-settled science scientists.....
At least Toddster jokingly answered the question, the FIRST QUESTION of Earth Climate Change.

None of the "warmers" did, because none have a clue, none have the ability to do anything more than...

The first official "Earth Day" was April 22, 1970. And the big concern then, was "Global Cooling".

People have been "researching" this supposed manmade climate change for forty-five years. And after all that researching, all that screaming, all that denigration of those who don't see any evidence for it...

...not a single report proving that man has had any impact on climate change, or can ever have any in the foreseeable future, has ever been published.

Not one. In forty-six years.

Lots of stuff has been published saying that man has had an effect on climate change. and lots of it claims to "prove" it, or at least support it, by "logic" such as:

1.) Increased levels of (CO2, methane, hydrogen, pick your favorite "greenhouse gas") can change the climate.

2.) Man can create more greenhouse gases by paving too much land, or burning fossil fuels, or exhaling really heavily (insert the activity you want to demonize here).

3.) Man is doing that activity, so man is changing the climate.

No attempt to establish what increase in gases is necessary to actually change the climate in whatever way you are fearing this week. No attempt to find if man is actually creating that much. No attempt to find if such increases do or don't trigger other events that might absorb or use up more of those gases (more plants growing or oceans absorbing or whatever). Etc. etc.

And a great deal of publishing has been done, of documents that purport to "prove" that man is affecting the climate, by referring to long bibliographies of learned documents and other "studies". But if you actually look into those bibliographies and open up the documents they cite, you find... you guessed it, more bibliographies, pointing to yet more documents. No actual studies or experiments that demonstrate what the publishers say is true. Just references to even more studies... which in turn refer to even more studies... none of which ever actually prove the original assertion.

FORTY-SIX YEARS. And not a single actual proof.

There's a reason for this. And it's similar to the reason why no chemical has ever been found that can turn lead into gold... something that has been "researched" for thousands of years.

And the reason is, because there just plain isn't any.

Go peddle your papers, manmade-global-whatever hysterics. You HAVE succeeded in convincing the rest of us of one thing: that you're selling snake oil, no matter how high a price you're charging for it. Nothing else could account for your complete failure to produce even ONE piece of proof, after all the resources you have expended (usually from other peoples' pockets) and forty-plus years of trying.

Why not join the Flat Earth Society? You'll find some people there, who have the mindset needed to believe you.
The first official "Earth Day" was April 22, 1970. And the big concern then, was "Global Cooling".

pushed by the same misinfo sources - NYT, Newsweek, and Time

Do you have any evidence of this?

(all Zionist liars)
When certain people encounter a controversy, all they can see is JEW JEW JEW.

World War II beat that vile filth out of a lot of them. In many cases by killing them, since nothing else would work.

Looks like they missed a few.
Time, Newsweek, and NYT are all Zionist owned.

There is a difference between Jews and Zionists.

Bernie Sanders is a Jew. DWS is a Zionist. W is a Zionist. Huckabee is a Zionist.

Newsweek Rewind: Debunking Global Cooling

"These quant tidbits come from a short article penned by Gwynne and printed on Page 64 of Newsweek’s April 28, 1975, issue. Titled “The Cooling World,” "

So, you card tossed, you obfuscated, and you got outed for being full of shit card tosser and a science invalid.
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