Trump tells Lester Holt: Don’t fact-check debates


"Trump said he believe obama was born in the US so a so called moderator trying to make it an issue at this point isn't moderating, they are engaging in a political hit job, like Crowley did

oh that's bullshit. for 5 years tribbles droned on about obama's origin of birth & a 30 sec. statement where he says 'never mind' just ain't gonna cut it, weasel dude... & no way, no how would any moderator worth anything NOT call himout on it.

Here’s a look at some of the Republican presidential nominee’s past statements in which he questioned where Mr. Obama was born:

February 2011: In a speech at a conservative conference, Mr. Trump said: “Our current president came out of nowhere. Came out of nowhere. In fact, I’ll go a step further: the people that went to school with him, they never saw him, they don’t know who he is. It’s crazy.” [Politifact]

March 2011: Mr. Trump went on “The View” when he was first considering a run for the presidency and was asked if he believed Mr. Obama was born in the U.S. He responded: “Why doesn’t he show his birth certificate? And you know what? I wish he would… Nobody from those early years remembers him… There’s something on that birth certificate he doesn’t like.” [Mediaite]

April 7, 2011: Mr. Trump said: “Right now, I have some real doubts…His grandmother in Kenya said he was born in Kenya and she was there and witnessed the birth. He doesn’t have a birth certificate or he hasn’t shown it.” [“Today”]

April 19, 2011: “He doesn’t have a birth certificate or he hasn’t provided it. He’s given a certificate of live birth. It’s a much different instrument.” Mr. Trump also said he sent investigators to Hawaii, though he gave no evidence of that. [“ABC News”]

April 27, 2011: The White House publishes the long form of Mr. Obama’s birth certificate. The president discussed the inquiries into his birthplace in a press conference the same day. “Normally, I would not comment on something like this,” Mr. Obama said. “Two weeks ago when the Republican House had put forward a budget that will have huge consequences potentially to the country, and when I gave a speech about my budget and how I felt that we needed to invest in education and infrastructure and making sure that we had a strong safety net for our seniors, even as we were closing the deficit, during that entire week the dominant news story wasn’t about these huge monumental choices that we’re going to have to make as a nation, it was about my birth certificate.”

May 1, 2011: Mr. Obama opened the White House Correspondents’ Dinner with a “birth video” — taken from the start of the Disney movie”The Lion King.” He quickly turned to jokes at Mr. Trump’s expense. “Donald Trump is here tonight! Now, I know that he’s taken some flak lately, but no one is happier, no one is prouder to put this birth certificate matter to rest than the Donald. And that’s because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter –- like, did we fake the moon landing? What really happened in Roswell? And where are Biggie and Tupac?” [Transcript]

May 29, 2012: Mr. Trump told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer that “a lot of people don’t agree with that birth certificate. A lot of people do not think it’s authentic.” [Video/Transcript, CNN’s “The Situation Room”]

July 10, 2012:

President Obama wants @MittRomney to hand over even more past tax returns- he should when @BarackObama reveals his college applications.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 10, 2012

Aug. 22, 2012:

I am tired of @BarackObama talking about @MittRomney's father. Why don't we discuss Barack Obama Sr.!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 22, 2012

Aug. 29, 2012:

What a coincidence--Michelle Obama called Kenya @BarackObama's "homeland" in 2008

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 29, 2012

Oct. 11, 2012:

Why does Barack Obama's ring have an arabic inscription? Who is this guy?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 11, 2012

Oct. 24, 2012: Mr. Trump offered to pay $5 million to Mr. Obama’s charity of choice if the president releases his college and passport records. [YouTube video]

There is nothing I would be happier to do than to donate the $5M to a charity of Obama’s choice, once he releases all of his records.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 31, 2012
August 2013: Mr. Trump is asked about his “birther” comments. “I think that resonated with a lot of people.” Did he still question if Mr. Obama was born in the U.S.? “I have no idea. I don’t know. Was there a birth certificate? You tell me. … Nobody knows.” [ABC’s “This Week”]

Dec. 12, 2013:

How amazing, the State Health Director who verified copies of Obama’s “birth certificate” died in plane crash today. All others lived

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 12, 2013

Feb. 27, 2015: At the Conservative Political Action Conference, Mr. Trump questioned whether Mr. Obama’s long-form birth certificate that’s posted on the White House’s website is real. He also said Hillary Clinton and Sen. John McCain also wanted to see his birth certificate but the White House only posted one in response to Mr. Trump. [Video (24:37)]

July 2015: When asked by CNN’s Anderson Cooper if he accepts that Mr. Obama was born in the U.S., Mr. Trump said, “I really don’t know. I don’t know why he wouldn’t release his records, but you know, honestly, I don’t want to get into it.”[CNN]

September 2015: On “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” Mr. Colbert asked Mr. Trump, “Barack Obama, born in the United States?” Mr. Trump said: “I don’t talk about it any more.” [Video, “The Late Show”]

Sept. 17, 2015: At a town-hall event, Mr. Trump didn’t denounce a comment from an attendee who said Mr. Obama isn’t an American. The man said,”We have a problem in this country. It’s called Muslims. We know our current president is one. You know he’s not even an American.” Mr. Trump interrupted, saying, “We need this question.” [Video (16:40)]

Jan. 26, 2016: In an interview, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer discusses whether Sen. Ted Cruz, a Republican presidential candidate, is a natural-born citizen. Mr. Blitzer said: “Your critics are saying you’re doing to Ted Cruz what you tried to do to President Obama, where he was born, his birth certificate…” Mr. Trump said: “Who knows about Obama, who cares right now.” [Video, CNN’s “The Situation Room”]

Sept. 15, 2016: In an interview published by the Washington Post, Mr. Trump declined to say whether he believed the president was born in Hawaii. “I’ll answer that question at the right time,” he said. “I just don’t want to answer it yet.” Later in the day, the Trump campaign put out a statement, referring back to 2011: [WSJ]

Sept. 16, 2016: Mr. Trump briefly addresses the issue at an event at his new hotel in Washington. “President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period. Now we all want to get back to making America strong and great again.” In his remarks, he also falsely blamed Hillary Clinton for the birther controversy. [WSJ]

Five Years of Donald Trump’s ‘Birther’ Statements

<pffft> are you kidding me?
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Patrick Moynihan said it best........You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts

Moderators need to stay on top of the debate and not allow obvious distortions to go unchallenged

The other participant isn't capable of calling out the lie?

They are trying to be POTUS, they shouldn't need the moderator to fact check.

Who is to say the moderator is the walking encyclopedia on every subject?

only if a candidate gets to respond... sometimes the moderator decides to move on & a candidate isn't allowed to speak over the other.
The problem for Hillary is Trump spins so many yarns, half-truths and falsehoods that she would be spending all of her allocated time saying....I never said that, that is not true, that is totally ridiculous, are you fucking crazy?

she should ignore that completely, instead say ' fact check it ' to the camera ( ie the viewers) & then recite her policies & issues. sticking to that, she'll actually be able to get that info out there because the media hasn't covered her anywhere near as much as the cheeze doodle.
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"Donald Trump says NBC's Lester Holt should not correct his or Hillary Clinton's facts while moderating the first presidential debate.
"I think he has to be a moderator," Trump said on "Fox & Friends" Thursday.
"I mean, if you're debating somebody and if she makes a mistake or I make a mistake ... we'll take each other on," he added. "But I certainly don't think you want Candy Crowley again."
Crowley interjected during an October 2012 debate between President Obama and Mitt Romney, after Romney said it took Obama two weeks to refer to the Benghazi, Libya, attacks as terrorism.
"He did call it an act of terror," Crowley told Romney, though she added that he was "correct" that it took that long for the White House to acknowledge the attack was not related to an anti-Islamic video.
Trump on Thursday ripped Crowley's handling of the incident, urging Holt not to follow suit.
"She turned out to be wrong," he said. "I really don't think you want that. That was a very pivotal moment in that debate. And it really threw the debate off and it was unfair. No, I think you have to have somebody that's just - let them argue it out.""
Trump tells Lester Holt: Don’t fact-check debates

Now that is a classic. It doesn't surprise me one bit. A proven pathological liar, doesn't want to be fact checked during a debate. Trump won the "Liar of the Year" award primarily for his huge amount of falsehoods in the GOP debates.
2015 Lie of the Year: Donald Trump's campaign misstatements
Donald Trump's file
And doesn't Hillary Clinton also have an honesty problem?
I for one, would love to have both candidate, fact check throughout all three debates.
It's fair to the candidates and even more important, it would be great for the American voters. It would also a nice break from all the negative and typically false advertisements that dumb down voters.

...So says a Candy Crowley fan: Heads I win, tails you lose. Moderators are not participants, and should not interject their personal opinions or beliefs. Unless your are a left wing fascist who wants to control discussion and muzzle the opposition.

if a moderator know that an obvious lie has been said, then he or she should call the candidate out on it. period. if they can't do that, then they should at the very least ask follow up questions 9which they do already) & have the candidate 'expand' on the lie, so they can dig an even deeper hole.
Crowley shot off her fat mouth and was wrong. It wasn't her job and unfortunately Romney rolled over for her. It could have cost him the election. A moderator should moderate the debate, not try to influence the outcome.

wow- how you love to read into things that simply aren't there. I do not want opinions interjected... I said if an O-B-V-I-O-U-S lie were told... something that is commonly known... like trump saying he isn't a birther is an obvious lie. so follow up questions or a request for elaboration should be raised or that moderator isn't worth a damn.
A follow up question is not fact checking. A followup question is part of the moderators job.

i said if something quite blatant is being said that is known to be factually incorrect, then the moderator should follow up with additional questions or statements that give the candidate an opportunity to CLARIFY or be corrected. much like what martha radditz did to romney.
Looks like Trump is getting ready to tell some Whoppers

Of course it is a moderators job not to accept a response with an obvious mistruth to it and to demand an accurate answer
No it isn't, douche bag. Please explain why a debate even needs a so-called "moderator." Why can't the candidates ask each other questions?

that's called a ''conversation' & is not a debate.
Moderate only. The "objective" moderator isn't supposed to be interjecting anything aside from the questions.
if a moderator know that an obvious lie has been said, then he or she should call the candidate out on it. period. if they can't do that, then they should at the very least ask follow up questions 9which they do already) & have the candidate 'expand' on the lie, so they can dig an even deeper hole.

Yet Candy Crowley openly and outrageously lied on behalf of Obama, throwing the debate.

Moderators need to stay out of the debate.


Fuck the press corps and fuck the moderators. They need to shut their fucking mouths and just do what they're paid to do..REPORT. Nobody gives a shit about their half formed imbecilic interpretation and censorship.
...So says a Candy Crowley fan: Heads I win, tails you lose. Moderators are not participants, and should not interject their personal opinions or beliefs. Unless your are a left wing fascist who wants to control discussion and muzzle the opposition.

if a moderator know that an obvious lie has been said, then he or she should call the candidate out on it. period. if they can't do that, then they should at the very least ask follow up questions 9which they do already) & have the candidate 'expand' on the lie, so they can dig an even deeper hole.
Crowley shot off her fat mouth and was wrong. It wasn't her job and unfortunately Romney rolled over for her. It could have cost him the election. A moderator should moderate the debate, not try to influence the outcome.

wow- how you love to read into things that simply aren't there. I do not want opinions interjected... I said if an O-B-V-I-O-U-S lie were told... something that is commonly known... like trump saying he isn't a birther is an obvious lie. so follow up questions or a request for elaboration should be raised or that moderator isn't worth a damn.
A follow up question is not fact checking. A followup question is part of the moderators job.

i said if something quite blatant is being said that is known to be factually incorrect, then the moderator should follow up with additional questions or statements that give the candidate an opportunity to CLARIFY or be corrected. much like what martha radditz did to romney.
You stated:
"if a moderator know that an obvious lie has been said, then he or she should call the candidate out on it."
And that is not what they should do. I agreed with your statements after that one where you said if they couldn't do that then they should ask followup questions. For instance:

If Trump says that he was not a birther it would be massively improper for the moderator to say "that is a lie" or "you are incorrect." It would be proper and expected for the moderator to follow that statement up with a quote from Trump whining about Obama's birth certificate (or even better one of the ones about his 'experts' in Hawaii) and ask what he meant when he said it. One is an attempt at a fact check without having the facts and time available to do such and the other is a question that forces the canidate to come to terms with what they are claiming. It is Hillary's job to state, when she gets her time, that Trump is blowing smoke.

There is a key difference between the two above statements. One is, as others have stated, taking part in the debate. The other is the core responsibility of the moderator - asking questions. As I have stated before as well, fact checking for a moderator is literally impossible. I do not care how 'obvious' you think one falsehood or another is. The moderator is not perfect and does not have the facts sitting in front of them to actually perform a fact check. It is nothing more than interjecting their own opinion, something that does not belong in the debate in any shape or form.
"Donald Trump says NBC's Lester Holt should not correct his or Hillary Clinton's facts while moderating the first presidential debate.
"I think he has to be a moderator," Trump said on "Fox & Friends" Thursday.
"I mean, if you're debating somebody and if she makes a mistake or I make a mistake ... we'll take each other on," he added. "But I certainly don't think you want Candy Crowley again."
Crowley interjected during an October 2012 debate between President Obama and Mitt Romney, after Romney said it took Obama two weeks to refer to the Benghazi, Libya, attacks as terrorism.
"He did call it an act of terror," Crowley told Romney, though she added that he was "correct" that it took that long for the White House to acknowledge the attack was not related to an anti-Islamic video.
Trump on Thursday ripped Crowley's handling of the incident, urging Holt not to follow suit.
"She turned out to be wrong," he said. "I really don't think you want that. That was a very pivotal moment in that debate. And it really threw the debate off and it was unfair. No, I think you have to have somebody that's just - let them argue it out.""
Trump tells Lester Holt: Don’t fact-check debates

Now that is a classic. It doesn't surprise me one bit. A proven pathological liar, doesn't want to be fact checked during a debate. Trump won the "Liar of the Year" award primarily for his huge amount of falsehoods in the GOP debates.
2015 Lie of the Year: Donald Trump's campaign misstatements
Donald Trump's file
And doesn't Hillary Clinton also have an honesty problem?
I for one, would love to have both candidate, fact check throughout all three debates.
It's fair to the candidates and even more important, it would be great for the American voters. It would also a nice break from all the negative and typically false advertisements that dumb down voters.
that isn't at all what he said. He said leave the fact checking to the debators. Gawd I hate it when people like you can't read or comprehend.
if a moderator know that an obvious lie has been said, then he or she should call the candidate out on it. period. if they can't do that, then they should at the very least ask follow up questions 9which they do already) & have the candidate 'expand' on the lie, so they can dig an even deeper hole.
Crowley shot off her fat mouth and was wrong. It wasn't her job and unfortunately Romney rolled over for her. It could have cost him the election. A moderator should moderate the debate, not try to influence the outcome.

wow- how you love to read into things that simply aren't there. I do not want opinions interjected... I said if an O-B-V-I-O-U-S lie were told... something that is commonly known... like trump saying he isn't a birther is an obvious lie. so follow up questions or a request for elaboration should be raised or that moderator isn't worth a damn.
A follow up question is not fact checking. A followup question is part of the moderators job.

i said if something quite blatant is being said that is known to be factually incorrect, then the moderator should follow up with additional questions or statements that give the candidate an opportunity to CLARIFY or be corrected. much like what martha radditz did to romney.
You stated:
"if a moderator know that an obvious lie has been said, then he or she should call the candidate out on it."
And that is not what they should do. I agreed with your statements after that one where you said if they couldn't do that then they should ask followup questions. For instance:

If Trump says that he was not a birther it would be massively improper for the moderator to say "that is a lie" or "you are incorrect." It would be proper and expected for the moderator to follow that statement up with a quote from Trump whining about Obama's birth certificate (or even better one of the ones about his 'experts' in Hawaii) and ask what he meant when he said it. One is an attempt at a fact check without having the facts and time available to do such and the other is a question that forces the canidate to come to terms with what they are claiming. It is Hillary's job to state, when she gets her time, that Trump is blowing smoke.

There is a key difference between the two above statements. One is, as others have stated, taking part in the debate. The other is the core responsibility of the moderator - asking questions. As I have stated before as well, fact checking for a moderator is literally impossible. I do not care how 'obvious' you think one falsehood or another is. The moderator is not perfect and does not have the facts sitting in front of them to actually perform a fact check. It is nothing more than interjecting their own opinion, something that does not belong in the debate in any shape or form.
if a birther question does come up, Trump will end the discussion with a quick, it's no longer an issue or an issue for this debate. next question.
if a moderator know that an obvious lie has been said, then he or she should call the candidate out on it. period. if they can't do that, then they should at the very least ask follow up questions 9which they do already) & have the candidate 'expand' on the lie, so they can dig an even deeper hole.
Crowley shot off her fat mouth and was wrong. It wasn't her job and unfortunately Romney rolled over for her. It could have cost him the election. A moderator should moderate the debate, not try to influence the outcome.

wow- how you love to read into things that simply aren't there. I do not want opinions interjected... I said if an O-B-V-I-O-U-S lie were told... something that is commonly known... like trump saying he isn't a birther is an obvious lie. so follow up questions or a request for elaboration should be raised or that moderator isn't worth a damn.
A follow up question is not fact checking. A followup question is part of the moderators job.

i said if something quite blatant is being said that is known to be factually incorrect, then the moderator should follow up with additional questions or statements that give the candidate an opportunity to CLARIFY or be corrected. much like what martha radditz did to romney.
You stated:
"if a moderator know that an obvious lie has been said, then he or she should call the candidate out on it."
And that is not what they should do. I agreed with your statements after that one where you said if they couldn't do that then they should ask followup questions. For instance:

If Trump says that he was not a birther it would be massively improper for the moderator to say "that is a lie" or "you are incorrect." It would be proper and expected for the moderator to follow that statement up with a quote from Trump whining about Obama's birth certificate (or even better one of the ones about his 'experts' in Hawaii) and ask what he meant when he said it. One is an attempt at a fact check without having the facts and time available to do such and the other is a question that forces the canidate to come to terms with what they are claiming. It is Hillary's job to state, when she gets her time, that Trump is blowing smoke.

There is a key difference between the two above statements. One is, as others have stated, taking part in the debate. The other is the core responsibility of the moderator - asking questions. As I have stated before as well, fact checking for a moderator is literally impossible. I do not care how 'obvious' you think one falsehood or another is. The moderator is not perfect and does not have the facts sitting in front of them to actually perform a fact check. It is nothing more than interjecting their own opinion, something that does not belong in the debate in any shape or form.

i gave the example of trump saying he's not a birther. is that obvious enough?
Crowley shot off her fat mouth and was wrong. It wasn't her job and unfortunately Romney rolled over for her. It could have cost him the election. A moderator should moderate the debate, not try to influence the outcome.

wow- how you love to read into things that simply aren't there. I do not want opinions interjected... I said if an O-B-V-I-O-U-S lie were told... something that is commonly known... like trump saying he isn't a birther is an obvious lie. so follow up questions or a request for elaboration should be raised or that moderator isn't worth a damn.
A follow up question is not fact checking. A followup question is part of the moderators job.

i said if something quite blatant is being said that is known to be factually incorrect, then the moderator should follow up with additional questions or statements that give the candidate an opportunity to CLARIFY or be corrected. much like what martha radditz did to romney.
You stated:
"if a moderator know that an obvious lie has been said, then he or she should call the candidate out on it."
And that is not what they should do. I agreed with your statements after that one where you said if they couldn't do that then they should ask followup questions. For instance:

If Trump says that he was not a birther it would be massively improper for the moderator to say "that is a lie" or "you are incorrect." It would be proper and expected for the moderator to follow that statement up with a quote from Trump whining about Obama's birth certificate (or even better one of the ones about his 'experts' in Hawaii) and ask what he meant when he said it. One is an attempt at a fact check without having the facts and time available to do such and the other is a question that forces the canidate to come to terms with what they are claiming. It is Hillary's job to state, when she gets her time, that Trump is blowing smoke.

There is a key difference between the two above statements. One is, as others have stated, taking part in the debate. The other is the core responsibility of the moderator - asking questions. As I have stated before as well, fact checking for a moderator is literally impossible. I do not care how 'obvious' you think one falsehood or another is. The moderator is not perfect and does not have the facts sitting in front of them to actually perform a fact check. It is nothing more than interjecting their own opinion, something that does not belong in the debate in any shape or form.
if a birther question does come up, Trump will end the discussion with a quick, it's no longer an issue or an issue for this debate. next question.

uh-huh. then should hillary's emails or the never ending benghaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii questions be gone ?
The LIB MSM is shit-scared that Hillary won't even be able to stand on her own feet for twenty minutes
Her team "demanded" she should be able to use a 'step-stool' during the debate.
If she is allowed to use the step stool to sit on Trump WILL ask her if when she is responding if she will stand up please.
Fucking priceless!
Lester Holt's people have sent a msg to Trump's people that if Trump lies Holt will call him out on prime time debate tv.
you aren't going to like the outcome of that exchange. I can't wait. lester will be humiliated on stage if he goes there. I guarantee it.
wow- how you love to read into things that simply aren't there. I do not want opinions interjected... I said if an O-B-V-I-O-U-S lie were told... something that is commonly known... like trump saying he isn't a birther is an obvious lie. so follow up questions or a request for elaboration should be raised or that moderator isn't worth a damn.
A follow up question is not fact checking. A followup question is part of the moderators job.

i said if something quite blatant is being said that is known to be factually incorrect, then the moderator should follow up with additional questions or statements that give the candidate an opportunity to CLARIFY or be corrected. much like what martha radditz did to romney.
You stated:
"if a moderator know that an obvious lie has been said, then he or she should call the candidate out on it."
And that is not what they should do. I agreed with your statements after that one where you said if they couldn't do that then they should ask followup questions. For instance:

If Trump says that he was not a birther it would be massively improper for the moderator to say "that is a lie" or "you are incorrect." It would be proper and expected for the moderator to follow that statement up with a quote from Trump whining about Obama's birth certificate (or even better one of the ones about his 'experts' in Hawaii) and ask what he meant when he said it. One is an attempt at a fact check without having the facts and time available to do such and the other is a question that forces the canidate to come to terms with what they are claiming. It is Hillary's job to state, when she gets her time, that Trump is blowing smoke.

There is a key difference between the two above statements. One is, as others have stated, taking part in the debate. The other is the core responsibility of the moderator - asking questions. As I have stated before as well, fact checking for a moderator is literally impossible. I do not care how 'obvious' you think one falsehood or another is. The moderator is not perfect and does not have the facts sitting in front of them to actually perform a fact check. It is nothing more than interjecting their own opinion, something that does not belong in the debate in any shape or form.
if a birther question does come up, Trump will end the discussion with a quick, it's no longer an issue or an issue for this debate. next question.

uh-huh. then should hillary's emails or the never ending benghaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii questions be gone ?
why, they're not over yet. There isn't consensus to those at all. for birther questions, anyone here on stage think obummer isn't a us citizen, speak? silence. ok, now, anyone who thinks that hitlery hasn't committed treason speak up, oh and let the flood gates open. yep, I can't wait.
if a moderator know that an obvious lie has been said, then he or she should call the candidate out on it. period. if they can't do that, then they should at the very least ask follow up questions 9which they do already) & have the candidate 'expand' on the lie, so they can dig an even deeper hole.
Crowley shot off her fat mouth and was wrong. It wasn't her job and unfortunately Romney rolled over for her. It could have cost him the election. A moderator should moderate the debate, not try to influence the outcome.

wow- how you love to read into things that simply aren't there. I do not want opinions interjected... I said if an O-B-V-I-O-U-S lie were told... something that is commonly known... like trump saying he isn't a birther is an obvious lie. so follow up questions or a request for elaboration should be raised or that moderator isn't worth a damn.
A follow up question is not fact checking. A followup question is part of the moderators job.

i said if something quite blatant is being said that is known to be factually incorrect, then the moderator should follow up with additional questions or statements that give the candidate an opportunity to CLARIFY or be corrected. much like what martha radditz did to romney.
You stated:
"if a moderator know that an obvious lie has been said, then he or she should call the candidate out on it."
And that is not what they should do. I agreed with your statements after that one where you said if they couldn't do that then they should ask followup questions. For instance:

If Trump says that he was not a birther it would be massively improper for the moderator to say "that is a lie" or "you are incorrect." It would be proper and expected for the moderator to follow that statement up with a quote from Trump whining about Obama's birth certificate (or even better one of the ones about his 'experts' in Hawaii) and ask what he meant when he said it. One is an attempt at a fact check without having the facts and time available to do such and the other is a question that forces the canidate to come to terms with what they are claiming. It is Hillary's job to state, when she gets her time, that Trump is blowing smoke.

There is a key difference between the two above statements. One is, as others have stated, taking part in the debate. The other is the core responsibility of the moderator - asking questions. As I have stated before as well, fact checking for a moderator is literally impossible. I do not care how 'obvious' you think one falsehood or another is. The moderator is not perfect and does not have the facts sitting in front of them to actually perform a fact check. It is nothing more than interjecting their own opinion, something that does not belong in the debate in any shape or form.
Do you think Lester is going to 'axe' Hillary about her lies about her emails?

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