Trump takes republicans to Grad school


Gold Member
Nov 25, 2016
Trump Takes His Donors to Graduate School at Trump University
Trump has raised millions in a bait-and-switch campaign promising to contest the 2020 election, but which will actually fund his post-presidential political machine
Trump Takes His Donors to Graduate School at Trump University

A tidbit:

Just days before his 2017 inauguration, Donald Trump coughed up $25 million to settle allegations that he’d defrauded students at his defunct Trump University. Four years later, as he scratches and claws to avoid leaving office, Trump is teaching a final master class in separating fools from their money.
Log on to the campaign website these days, and you’ll be hit with a popup ad reading “1000% OFFER: EXTENDED. CONTRIBUTE NOW>>”

The offer is curious. 1,000 percent of what? If you click, you’re taken to a WinRed donation page and encouraged to give under time pressure:
“DEADLINE EXTENDED!” reads the enticement. “President Trump is counting on YOU to DEFEND the Election, so he asked us to EXTEND your 1000% offer for your next contribution. This offer is available FOR 1 HOUR, so you need to act fast. Please contribute ANY AMOUNT in the NEXT HOUR and you can increase your impact by 1000%!”
The default donation is $250. And the “Total Impact” promised is $2,750. But who is going to “increase your impact” by $2,500?
My friends, you are!
Trump Takes His Donors to Graduate School at Trump University
Trump has raised millions in a bait-and-switch campaign promising to contest the 2020 election, but which will actually fund his post-presidential political machine
Trump Takes His Donors to Graduate School at Trump University

A tidbit:

Just days before his 2017 inauguration, Donald Trump coughed up $25 million to settle allegations that he’d defrauded students at his defunct Trump University. Four years later, as he scratches and claws to avoid leaving office, Trump is teaching a final master class in separating fools from their money.
Log on to the campaign website these days, and you’ll be hit with a popup ad reading “1000% OFFER: EXTENDED. CONTRIBUTE NOW>>”

The offer is curious. 1,000 percent of what? If you click, you’re taken to a WinRed donation page and encouraged to give under time pressure:
“DEADLINE EXTENDED!” reads the enticement. “President Trump is counting on YOU to DEFEND the Election, so he asked us to EXTEND your 1000% offer for your next contribution. This offer is available FOR 1 HOUR, so you need to act fast. Please contribute ANY AMOUNT in the NEXT HOUR and you can increase your impact by 1000%!”
The default donation is $250. And the “Total Impact” promised is $2,750. But who is going to “increase your impact” by $2,500?
My friends, you are!

I had to laugh when there was a Muslims for Rump. Yah,sure. That's like saying DACA for Rump.
The worst ever
Trump is the worst President in US history - split the country?
Trump is a one term LOSER, who has created more division, strife, corruption, death, suffering and destruction than any prior President. He's debased the Office of the Presidency to such an extent that we have become an embarrassment in the world.

The rise of social media allowed a narcissistic fool, a total incompetent in actually getting anything done to catapult himself to the Presidency with the support of a legion of low IQ trumptards.

I do not believe one can reconcile with trumptards, as opposed to real thinking conservatives who can rationally debate different perspectives. I do not think Biden should make the mistake Obama made and try to bring trumptards into the discourse on policy that should be held by rational humans.

My many years of interacting with kooks from graduate school onward has taught me that it's a hopeless useless frustrating venture. Biden should simply push sane rational policy hard. If he can't get anything done, my view is to split the country.

In today's world, there is no reason countries really have to be composed of largely contiguous land blocks. Even if states are geographically separate, they can form a coherent country, assuming some level of reciprocal travel rights are granted.

The EU functions that way at some level of coherence and that involves many countries with different languages and cultures.

We should split. The trumptards should live in a society more on their level and with their values. The blue states should not be hindered by the weight of paying for red states. The albatross around our necks from policies pushed on us by a minority of the population must be removed.

We can rise to new heights unseen in human society if we can free ourselves from the religious zealots, racists and assorted other trumptards. For the most part, these people are low productivity. There is room in a rational society for conservative fiscal and social views as well as more liberal views, but there can be no room for people who cannot reason and cannot accept any truth however robustly demonstrated.

Let's split the country.
The worst ever
Trump is the worst President in US history - split the country?
Trump is a one term LOSER, who has created more division, strife, corruption, death, suffering and destruction than any prior President. He's debased the Office of the Presidency to such an extent that we have become an embarrassment in the world.

The rise of social media allowed a narcissistic fool, a total incompetent in actually getting anything done to catapult himself to the Presidency with the support of a legion of low IQ trumptards.

I do not believe one can reconcile with trumptards, as opposed to real thinking conservatives who can rationally debate different perspectives. I do not think Biden should make the mistake Obama made and try to bring trumptards into the discourse on policy that should be held by rational humans.

My many years of interacting with kooks from graduate school onward has taught me that it's a hopeless useless frustrating venture. Biden should simply push sane rational policy hard. If he can't get anything done, my view is to split the country.

In today's world, there is no reason countries really have to be composed of largely contiguous land blocks. Even if states are geographically separate, they can form a coherent country, assuming some level of reciprocal travel rights are granted.

The EU functions that way at some level of coherence and that involves many countries with different languages and cultures.

We should split. The trumptards should live in a society more on their level and with their values. The blue states should not be hindered by the weight of paying for red states. The albatross around our necks from policies pushed on us by a minority of the population must be removed.

We can rise to new heights unseen in human society if we can free ourselves from the religious zealots, racists and assorted other trumptards. For the most part, these people are low productivity. There is room in a rational society for conservative fiscal and social views as well as more liberal views, but there can be no room for people who cannot reason and cannot accept any truth however robustly demonstrated.

Let's split the country.
Will did you get this part?
here is room in a rational society for conservative fiscal and social views as well as more liberal views, but there can be no room for people who cannot reason and cannot accept any truth however robustly demonstrated.

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