Trump SUING!

Some repudiation. You expected a landslide victory. You'll be lucky to barely eke him out by a sliver with massive fraud behind you. Democrats LOST on every front.
Y’all said that Trump won in a landslide. Biden is going to get just as many electoral votes AND win the popular vote by millions.

You will have a tantrum once you see the 100+ year sentences the fraudsters score.
you are a parody account. you can admit it. the jig is up. the orange tumor will be removed.

Blah blah blah....

Nope, we will stand with Trump until all the fraud is exposed.
the fraud WAS exposed. that's why so many voted against the fraud.

Snark, bitching, moaning, snark, bitching, moaning.

The election fraud is going to be exposed is court. There is no negotiating on this.
Nope, we will stand with Trump until all the fraud is exposed.
the fraud WAS exposed. that's why so many voted against the fraud.

Well, they certainly didn't vote FOR the Fraud!
deep fake.gif
Keep denying. It's hilarious.
I don't need to deny. NO ONE has been elected.
The legal challenges are JUST BEGINNING.
The fact that you counted ballots in secret and are now trying to quickly sweep it under the rug and move on proves that you are peeing down your legs with guilt and fear.

Now THAT is hilarious!
Biden wins.
Really? Did CBS elect him or NBC.

Keep denying. It's hilarious. :lol:

I am afraid the media does not decide who the president of our nation is.

The people decided. You lost.

If you two don't recognize that, then I can't help you. You'll find out soon enough.
Biden wins.
Really? Did CBS elect him or NBC.

Keep denying. It's hilarious. :lol:

I am afraid the media does not decide who the president of our nation is.

The people decided. You lost.

If you two don't recognize that, then I can't help you. You'll find out soon enough.

The dead people?

Again, this IS going to court. What the hell is so difficult to understand about it? STFU and GTFO!
The dead people?

Again, this IS going to court. What the hell is so difficult to understand about it? STFU and GTFO!

Go ahead and take it to court. Provide the evidence of dead people voting. OH wait...YOU DON'T HAVE ANY. :lol:

Biden will be your president. Sucks for you, huh?

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