Trump Spikes Democratic Party Caucus in Iowa


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
"Democrats are now blaming Trump supporters for the ongoing, slow-motion trainwreck that was the Iowa Caucus."

Nolte: Democrats Blame Trump Supporters for Iowa Caucus Debacle

My honey and I actually discussed last night how the Democrats might blame Trump for the fiasco in the DEMOCRATIC Primary in Iowa, as is their usual practice.

We couldn't think of a way, but we are not as devious and mentally ill as the Peculiar in places like New York and other rotting cities filled with Leninist Bolsheviks.

Low and behold---it is Trump's Fault, after all. See above.


If you have the right attitude, you can enjoy the Desperation.
Good, I hope Trump is responsible. Screw them all.
Dems never accept blame. They tried to blame the app but then realized that still made them look bad.
It seems to me that there is a rule in Dems party since 2016: if something goes wrong blame Trump or Putin or both.

I agree and would add---It is obvious that the Democrats are already at work setting up Excuse No. 1 for Trump winning in November.....that it was rigged in co-operation with the Russians. The lawsuits to stop a vote of the Electoral College are already in Draft Form.

The Democrats/Socialists are going to try their best to steal the election---with illegal aliens...and the Dead Voter Roll, which has long been their most reliable constituency---but if they fail, they are ready to blame Trump for just what they were doing!

That's the Alinsky Playbook. Alinsky learned from Stalin.
So, we’ve heard it was Russia from Sheila Jackson Lee and now it’s Trump supporters! Have they ever accepted responsibility for anything?!?
It seems to me that there is a rule in Dems party since 2016: if something goes wrong blame Trump or Putin or both.

I agree and would add---It is obvious that the Democrats are already at work setting up Excuse No. 1 for Trump winning in November.....that it was rigged in co-operation with the Russians. The lawsuits to stop a vote of the Electoral College are already in Draft Form.

The Democrats/Socialists are going to try their best to steal the election---with illegal aliens...and the Dead Voter Roll, which has long been their most reliable constituency---but if they fail, they are ready to blame Trump for just what they were doing!

That's the Alinsky Playbook. Alinsky learned from Stalin.
I was watching Russian news last night and they said: "For American liberals democracy is when a Democrat wins the presidency." Looks like they just nailed it.

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