Trump Slaps Down Harmful Leftist Indoctrination with Far Reaching Executive Order


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
HUGE: Trump Slaps Down Harmful Leftist Indoctrination with Far Reaching Executive Order

22 Sep 2020 ~~ By Nick Arama

Far leftists have been pushing radical critical race theory for some time.
But unfortunately a lot of it has been pushed by leftists not just in academia but in the government departments as well, in an attempt to change the nature of the country, to help radical leftist theory take hold.
It’s another incredibly important battle to take on so it’s pretty amazing that President Donald Trump would take it on at this point during his campaign when he has so many other things to do.
Trump announced on Tuesday afternoon that in addition to banning the teaching and instruction from government departments, he has banned the government from doing business with people and companies who promote this racist teaching, calling it “divisive and harmful.”
From Daily Wire:
“A few weeks ago, I BANNED efforts to indoctrinate government employees with divisive and harmful sex and race-based ideologies,” Trump tweeted. “Today, I’ve expanded that ban to people and companies that do business with our Country, the United States Military, Government Contractors, and Grantees. Americans should be taught to take PRIDE in our Great Country, and if you don’t, there’s nothing in it for you!”​
Trump’s executive order says the aim is “to combat offensive and anti-American race and sex stereotyping and scapegoating.”
Today, however, many people are pushing a different vision of America that is grounded in hierarchies based on collective social and political identities rather than in the inherent and equal dignity of every person as an individual. This ideology is rooted in the pernicious and false belief that America is an irredeemably racist and sexist country; that some people, simply on account of their race or sex, are oppressors; and that racial and sexual identities are more important than our common status as human beings and Americans.​
Why is this the particular move Trump took today so critically important? It has far reaching implications across many areas.
Imagine if you will all the companies that do business with the federal government. But they wouldn’t be doing business with them if they’re pushing this stuff. So this will have the effect to making these companies reevaluate pushing this kind of stuff and stop a lot of it from spreading elsewhere, not just in government. Not only that, but to get a federal grant, you will have to not be engaging in this kind of racist ideology. Imagine how that will influence academia, it may indeed stop a lot of indoctrination.
So not only will this be rooted out of diversity programs, but also the DOJ will be looking to see if entities that push this are violating people’s civil rights.
It would be hard to overstate how important this could be.
You can check out the full order here.
Prepare for the leftist meltdown over this one, it will be of epic proportions, because this is one of their keys to pushing leftist theory on people.

Excellent, more undoing of some of the eight years of damage caused by the Kenyanesian Usurper
With all the crap and unrelenting attacks president Trump is dealing-with (including this election), DJT effectively initiated a Middle East peace process, and now has started taking-on an issue facing this country now and into the future. The institutional Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democarat Leftist indoctrination that has been growing steadily for the past thirty years. He gets things done. The man is amazing. He might be the greatest American since Washington.
All that is aggravating, but in a few weeks, we can start returning to normal. All Trump's EOs can be canceled in a day, and then we begin the work of regaining our status in the world.
Status in the world? The world is already jealous of us because their defectors all want to come here. Many break in.
Since your concern is the opinion of the world then you are the quintessential anti-American.
I don't see why we can't have intelligent discussions about race, sex, religion, and everything else. The scumbag in the White House seems to think that pretending that evil doesn't exist will make it all go away. It won't. He likes his gag rules. The scumbag himself is racist and sexist. We see racism and sexism every day, just on USMB alone. Look at the hoopla over the nomination of Kamala Harris. She somehow is horrible, but Pence is somehow acceptable and he is just an idiotic, talentless dweeb. trump is once again showing himself for the little chicken he is.
The (((left's))) race bullshit has been going on for decades actually back when they basically obtained full control of the school systems in the 60's. Now the (((left))) is totally emboldened to spew the most Europhobic crap possible instead of teaching that without Europeans, Blacks, Browns, and Jews would be living in mud huts or in the case of Jews, tents.
Nobody can figure out why Democrats hate their country so much. They root for the riots and mayhem. They root against our economy, world peace and a COVID 19 vaccine. They hate cops but love taxing workers to oblivion. Their subservient education cartel even teaches the American students to hate themselves and their country. We don't want people like this anywhere near government power. Vote straight Republican. MAGA
Isnt this a prime example of the "cancel culture" we have seen Trump supporters condemn in the past?
All that is aggravating, but in a few weeks, we can start returning to normal. All Trump's EOs can be canceled in a day, and then we begin the work of regaining our status in the world.
Status in the world? The world is already jealous of us because their defectors all want to come here. Many break in.
Since your concern is the opinion of the world then you are the quintessential anti-American.

Mexico has started building their own wall to keep Americans out of Mexico and the United States will pay for it.
HUGE: Trump Slaps Down Harmful Leftist Indoctrination with Far Reaching Executive Order

22 Sep 2020 ~~ By Nick Arama

Far leftists have been pushing radical critical race theory for some time.
But unfortunately a lot of it has been pushed by leftists not just in academia but in the government departments as well, in an attempt to change the nature of the country, to help radical leftist theory take hold.
It’s another incredibly important battle to take on so it’s pretty amazing that President Donald Trump would take it on at this point during his campaign when he has so many other things to do.
Trump announced on Tuesday afternoon that in addition to banning the teaching and instruction from government departments, he has banned the government from doing business with people and companies who promote this racist teaching, calling it “divisive and harmful.”
From Daily Wire:
“A few weeks ago, I BANNED efforts to indoctrinate government employees with divisive and harmful sex and race-based ideologies,” Trump tweeted. “Today, I’ve expanded that ban to people and companies that do business with our Country, the United States Military, Government Contractors, and Grantees. Americans should be taught to take PRIDE in our Great Country, and if you don’t, there’s nothing in it for you!”​
Trump’s executive order says the aim is “to combat offensive and anti-American race and sex stereotyping and scapegoating.”
Today, however, many people are pushing a different vision of America that is grounded in hierarchies based on collective social and political identities rather than in the inherent and equal dignity of every person as an individual. This ideology is rooted in the pernicious and false belief that America is an irredeemably racist and sexist country; that some people, simply on account of their race or sex, are oppressors; and that racial and sexual identities are more important than our common status as human beings and Americans.​
Why is this the particular move Trump took today so critically important? It has far reaching implications across many areas.
Imagine if you will all the companies that do business with the federal government. But they wouldn’t be doing business with them if they’re pushing this stuff. So this will have the effect to making these companies reevaluate pushing this kind of stuff and stop a lot of it from spreading elsewhere, not just in government. Not only that, but to get a federal grant, you will have to not be engaging in this kind of racist ideology. Imagine how that will influence academia, it may indeed stop a lot of indoctrination.
So not only will this be rooted out of diversity programs, but also the DOJ will be looking to see if entities that push this are violating people’s civil rights.
It would be hard to overstate how important this could be.
You can check out the full order here.
Prepare for the leftist meltdown over this one, it will be of epic proportions, because this is one of their keys to pushing leftist theory on people.

Excellent, more undoing of some of the eight years of damage caused by the Kenyanesian Usurper
With all the crap and unrelenting attacks president Trump is dealing-with (including this election), DJT effectively initiated a Middle East peace process, and now has started taking-on an issue facing this country now and into the future. The institutional Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democarat Leftist indoctrination that has been growing steadily for the past thirty years. He gets things done. The man is amazing. He might be the greatest American since Washington.
Education is not mentioned in the Constitution so its a State's right issue. If a State wants to pump out generations of morons it should be decided at that level.
Nobody can figure out why Democrats hate their country so much. They root for the riots and mayhem. They root against our economy, world peace and a COVID 19 vaccine. They hate cops but love taxing workers to oblivion. Their subservient education cartel even teaches the American students to hate themselves and their country. We don't want people like this anywhere near government power. Vote straight Republican. MAGA

You live in a very scary fantasy world. Nobody does this stuff. The accusation that one of the two major political parties hates the country is beyond outrageous. Where do you get this ridiculousness from?
I don't see why we can't have intelligent discussions about race, sex, religion, and everything else. The scumbag in the White House seems to think that pretending that evil doesn't exist will make it all go away. It won't. He likes his gag rules. The scumbag himself is racist and sexist. We see racism and sexism every day, just on USMB alone. Look at the hoopla over the nomination of Kamala Harris. She somehow is horrible, but Pence is somehow acceptable and he is just an idiotic, talentless dweeb. trump is once again showing himself for the little chicken he is.
CRT isnt an intelligent discussion on the matter,,,its indoctrination that claims all white people are racist,,,
Nobody can figure out why Democrats hate their country so much. They root for the riots and mayhem. They root against our economy, world peace and a COVID 19 vaccine. They hate cops but love taxing workers to oblivion. Their subservient education cartel even teaches the American students to hate themselves and their country. We don't want people like this anywhere near government power. Vote straight Republican. MAGA

You live in a very scary fantasy world. Nobody does this stuff. The accusation that one of the two major political parties hates the country is beyond outrageous. Where do you get this ridiculousness from?

True. The fact is neither party is much of a defender of this country.
HUGE: Trump Slaps Down Harmful Leftist Indoctrination with Far Reaching Executive Order

22 Sep 2020 ~~ By Nick Arama

Far leftists have been pushing radical critical race theory for some time.
But unfortunately a lot of it has been pushed by leftists not just in academia but in the government departments as well, in an attempt to change the nature of the country, to help radical leftist theory take hold.
It’s another incredibly important battle to take on so it’s pretty amazing that President Donald Trump would take it on at this point during his campaign when he has so many other things to do.
Trump announced on Tuesday afternoon that in addition to banning the teaching and instruction from government departments, he has banned the government from doing business with people and companies who promote this racist teaching, calling it “divisive and harmful.”
From Daily Wire:
“A few weeks ago, I BANNED efforts to indoctrinate government employees with divisive and harmful sex and race-based ideologies,” Trump tweeted. “Today, I’ve expanded that ban to people and companies that do business with our Country, the United States Military, Government Contractors, and Grantees. Americans should be taught to take PRIDE in our Great Country, and if you don’t, there’s nothing in it for you!”​
Trump’s executive order says the aim is “to combat offensive and anti-American race and sex stereotyping and scapegoating.”
Today, however, many people are pushing a different vision of America that is grounded in hierarchies based on collective social and political identities rather than in the inherent and equal dignity of every person as an individual. This ideology is rooted in the pernicious and false belief that America is an irredeemably racist and sexist country; that some people, simply on account of their race or sex, are oppressors; and that racial and sexual identities are more important than our common status as human beings and Americans.​
Why is this the particular move Trump took today so critically important? It has far reaching implications across many areas.
Imagine if you will all the companies that do business with the federal government. But they wouldn’t be doing business with them if they’re pushing this stuff. So this will have the effect to making these companies reevaluate pushing this kind of stuff and stop a lot of it from spreading elsewhere, not just in government. Not only that, but to get a federal grant, you will have to not be engaging in this kind of racist ideology. Imagine how that will influence academia, it may indeed stop a lot of indoctrination.
So not only will this be rooted out of diversity programs, but also the DOJ will be looking to see if entities that push this are violating people’s civil rights.
It would be hard to overstate how important this could be.
You can check out the full order here.
Prepare for the leftist meltdown over this one, it will be of epic proportions, because this is one of their keys to pushing leftist theory on people.

Excellent, more undoing of some of the eight years of damage caused by the Kenyanesian Usurper
With all the crap and unrelenting attacks president Trump is dealing-with (including this election), DJT effectively initiated a Middle East peace process, and now has started taking-on an issue facing this country now and into the future. The institutional Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democarat Leftist indoctrination that has been growing steadily for the past thirty years. He gets things done. The man is amazing. He might be the greatest American since Washington.
O great something else to ignore
HUGE: Trump Slaps Down Harmful Leftist Indoctrination with Far Reaching Executive Order

22 Sep 2020 ~~ By Nick Arama

Far leftists have been pushing radical critical race theory for some time.
But unfortunately a lot of it has been pushed by leftists not just in academia but in the government departments as well, in an attempt to change the nature of the country, to help radical leftist theory take hold.
It’s another incredibly important battle to take on so it’s pretty amazing that President Donald Trump would take it on at this point during his campaign when he has so many other things to do.
Trump announced on Tuesday afternoon that in addition to banning the teaching and instruction from government departments, he has banned the government from doing business with people and companies who promote this racist teaching, calling it “divisive and harmful.”
From Daily Wire:
“A few weeks ago, I BANNED efforts to indoctrinate government employees with divisive and harmful sex and race-based ideologies,” Trump tweeted. “Today, I’ve expanded that ban to people and companies that do business with our Country, the United States Military, Government Contractors, and Grantees. Americans should be taught to take PRIDE in our Great Country, and if you don’t, there’s nothing in it for you!”​
Trump’s executive order says the aim is “to combat offensive and anti-American race and sex stereotyping and scapegoating.”
Today, however, many people are pushing a different vision of America that is grounded in hierarchies based on collective social and political identities rather than in the inherent and equal dignity of every person as an individual. This ideology is rooted in the pernicious and false belief that America is an irredeemably racist and sexist country; that some people, simply on account of their race or sex, are oppressors; and that racial and sexual identities are more important than our common status as human beings and Americans.​
Why is this the particular move Trump took today so critically important? It has far reaching implications across many areas.
Imagine if you will all the companies that do business with the federal government. But they wouldn’t be doing business with them if they’re pushing this stuff. So this will have the effect to making these companies reevaluate pushing this kind of stuff and stop a lot of it from spreading elsewhere, not just in government. Not only that, but to get a federal grant, you will have to not be engaging in this kind of racist ideology. Imagine how that will influence academia, it may indeed stop a lot of indoctrination.
So not only will this be rooted out of diversity programs, but also the DOJ will be looking to see if entities that push this are violating people’s civil rights.
It would be hard to overstate how important this could be.
You can check out the full order here.
Prepare for the leftist meltdown over this one, it will be of epic proportions, because this is one of their keys to pushing leftist theory on people.

Excellent, more undoing of some of the eight years of damage caused by the Kenyanesian Usurper
With all the crap and unrelenting attacks president Trump is dealing-with (including this election), DJT effectively initiated a Middle East peace process, and now has started taking-on an issue facing this country now and into the future. The institutional Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democarat Leftist indoctrination that has been growing steadily for the past thirty years. He gets things done. The man is amazing. He might be the greatest American since Washington.
O great something else to ignore
then why didnt you???
All that is aggravating, but in a few weeks, we can start returning to normal. All Trump's EOs can be canceled in a day, and then we begin the work of regaining our status in the world.
Status in the world? The world is already jealous of us because their defectors all want to come here. Many break in.
Since your concern is the opinion of the world then you are the quintessential anti-American.

Mexico has started building their own wall to keep Americans out of Mexico and the United States will pay for it.
You mean with revenue generated from American tourists in Cancun and Acapulco or the American money that illegal Mexicans send back to Mexico?
HUGE: Trump Slaps Down Harmful Leftist Indoctrination with Far Reaching Executive Order

22 Sep 2020 ~~ By Nick Arama

Far leftists have been pushing radical critical race theory for some time.
But unfortunately a lot of it has been pushed by leftists not just in academia but in the government departments as well, in an attempt to change the nature of the country, to help radical leftist theory take hold.
It’s another incredibly important battle to take on so it’s pretty amazing that President Donald Trump would take it on at this point during his campaign when he has so many other things to do.
Trump announced on Tuesday afternoon that in addition to banning the teaching and instruction from government departments, he has banned the government from doing business with people and companies who promote this racist teaching, calling it “divisive and harmful.”
From Daily Wire:
“A few weeks ago, I BANNED efforts to indoctrinate government employees with divisive and harmful sex and race-based ideologies,” Trump tweeted. “Today, I’ve expanded that ban to people and companies that do business with our Country, the United States Military, Government Contractors, and Grantees. Americans should be taught to take PRIDE in our Great Country, and if you don’t, there’s nothing in it for you!”​
Trump’s executive order says the aim is “to combat offensive and anti-American race and sex stereotyping and scapegoating.”
Today, however, many people are pushing a different vision of America that is grounded in hierarchies based on collective social and political identities rather than in the inherent and equal dignity of every person as an individual. This ideology is rooted in the pernicious and false belief that America is an irredeemably racist and sexist country; that some people, simply on account of their race or sex, are oppressors; and that racial and sexual identities are more important than our common status as human beings and Americans.​
Why is this the particular move Trump took today so critically important? It has far reaching implications across many areas.
Imagine if you will all the companies that do business with the federal government. But they wouldn’t be doing business with them if they’re pushing this stuff. So this will have the effect to making these companies reevaluate pushing this kind of stuff and stop a lot of it from spreading elsewhere, not just in government. Not only that, but to get a federal grant, you will have to not be engaging in this kind of racist ideology. Imagine how that will influence academia, it may indeed stop a lot of indoctrination.
So not only will this be rooted out of diversity programs, but also the DOJ will be looking to see if entities that push this are violating people’s civil rights.
It would be hard to overstate how important this could be.
You can check out the full order here.
Prepare for the leftist meltdown over this one, it will be of epic proportions, because this is one of their keys to pushing leftist theory on people.

Excellent, more undoing of some of the eight years of damage caused by the Kenyanesian Usurper
With all the crap and unrelenting attacks president Trump is dealing-with (including this election), DJT effectively initiated a Middle East peace process, and now has started taking-on an issue facing this country now and into the future. The institutional Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democarat Leftist indoctrination that has been growing steadily for the past thirty years. He gets things done. The man is amazing. He might be the greatest American since Washington.

The right wing seems to like gag orders. They don't want people to talk freely. The impact of race in the U.S. Abortion. Birth control. LGBT rights. Are there any other topics to be banned? trump refers to "patriotic education." What exactly is that? It sounds like indoctrination.
All that is aggravating, but in a few weeks, we can start returning to normal. All Trump's EOs can be canceled in a day, and then we begin the work of regaining our status in the world.
/—-/ You mean our status as a bunch of suckers and pushovers?
HUGE: Trump Slaps Down Harmful Leftist Indoctrination with Far Reaching Executive Order

22 Sep 2020 ~~ By Nick Arama

Far leftists have been pushing radical critical race theory for some time.
But unfortunately a lot of it has been pushed by leftists not just in academia but in the government departments as well, in an attempt to change the nature of the country, to help radical leftist theory take hold.
It’s another incredibly important battle to take on so it’s pretty amazing that President Donald Trump would take it on at this point during his campaign when he has so many other things to do.
Trump announced on Tuesday afternoon that in addition to banning the teaching and instruction from government departments, he has banned the government from doing business with people and companies who promote this racist teaching, calling it “divisive and harmful.”
From Daily Wire:
“A few weeks ago, I BANNED efforts to indoctrinate government employees with divisive and harmful sex and race-based ideologies,” Trump tweeted. “Today, I’ve expanded that ban to people and companies that do business with our Country, the United States Military, Government Contractors, and Grantees. Americans should be taught to take PRIDE in our Great Country, and if you don’t, there’s nothing in it for you!”​
Trump’s executive order says the aim is “to combat offensive and anti-American race and sex stereotyping and scapegoating.”
Today, however, many people are pushing a different vision of America that is grounded in hierarchies based on collective social and political identities rather than in the inherent and equal dignity of every person as an individual. This ideology is rooted in the pernicious and false belief that America is an irredeemably racist and sexist country; that some people, simply on account of their race or sex, are oppressors; and that racial and sexual identities are more important than our common status as human beings and Americans.​
Why is this the particular move Trump took today so critically important? It has far reaching implications across many areas.
Imagine if you will all the companies that do business with the federal government. But they wouldn’t be doing business with them if they’re pushing this stuff. So this will have the effect to making these companies reevaluate pushing this kind of stuff and stop a lot of it from spreading elsewhere, not just in government. Not only that, but to get a federal grant, you will have to not be engaging in this kind of racist ideology. Imagine how that will influence academia, it may indeed stop a lot of indoctrination.
So not only will this be rooted out of diversity programs, but also the DOJ will be looking to see if entities that push this are violating people’s civil rights.
It would be hard to overstate how important this could be.
You can check out the full order here.
Prepare for the leftist meltdown over this one, it will be of epic proportions, because this is one of their keys to pushing leftist theory on people.

Excellent, more undoing of some of the eight years of damage caused by the Kenyanesian Usurper
With all the crap and unrelenting attacks president Trump is dealing-with (including this election), DJT effectively initiated a Middle East peace process, and now has started taking-on an issue facing this country now and into the future. The institutional Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democarat Leftist indoctrination that has been growing steadily for the past thirty years. He gets things done. The man is amazing. He might be the greatest American since Washington.

The right wing seems to like gag orders. They don't want people to talk freely. The impact of race in the U.S. Abortion. Birth control. LGBT rights. Are there any other topics to be banned? trump refers to "patriotic education." What exactly is that? It sounds like indoctrination.
There’s a difference between free speech and government-sanctioned propaganda.
Hell, your post is propaganda.
All that is aggravating, but in a few weeks, we can start returning to normal. All Trump's EOs can be canceled in a day, and then we begin the work of regaining our status in the world.
/—-/ You mean our status as a bunch of suckers and pushovers?
No, I man our status as a dependable world leader which trump threw away.

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