Trump should practice his insanity at the gold course, NOT in the oval office

You're the one that said he wouldn't be around in 7 years, I just gave you reasons why he well could be.

Like this world could EVER survive 7 more years of this last DISASTROUS year of buffoonery, lies, ineptitude and treasonous crooks........
Trump tweets to wrong Theresa May in clash over Britain First posts

This is truly ridiculous. I'm convinced the WH Staff are actually happy when he's in his bedroom watching Fox & Friends, and playing with his twitter. At least it keeps him occupied, and out from under their feet!

All I can say is...if Trump decides to attack North Korea, SOMEBODY should probably double check to make sure he's not firing a bunch of Tomahawk Missiles at a Convenience store in Toronto.

You're the one that said he wouldn't be around in 7 years, I just gave you reasons why he well could be.

Like this world could EVER survive 7 more years of this last DISASTROUS year of buffoonery, lies, ineptitude and treasonous crooks........
11.29.2017 - 10:41 PM EDT
Roger Stone's 'Journalist' Go-Between Emerges

CNN reports tonight that the man who served as a go-between between Roger Stone and Julian Assange is named Randy Credico.

Read More →
- Josh Marshall

Is It Giuliani's Turn in the Flynn/Trump/Turkey Barrel?
Here’s a quick backgrounder (sub req.) on why Rudy looks like he got his hands dirty in the Flynn/Turkey/Trump shenanigans.

- Josh Marshall
If your other half brain was functioning, you TOO would laugh at this stale and inane response....
Wake the fuck up!!!
Authoritarian Personality other words they want a "Daddy" to take care of them

A new analysis of Trump supporters has uncovered 5 key psychological traits about them
The lightning-fast ascent and political invincibility of Donald Trump has left many experts baffled and wondering, “How did we get here?”

This country had developed a measure of tolerance (albeit, thin) to counter and mitigate its racist past.....Trump has completely shredded that tolerance and allowed the closeted racist to vent their racism, xenophobia, sexism, and anti gay proclivities......ALL along with the waving of the US flag and the thumping of the Bible.....A real SAD set-back.
Since republicans are fully in charge of our government, it'll take some brave and honest republican leaders to FINALLY stand up to Trump's insanity.......Unfortunately, very few of those folks are left like good patriotic republican Americans during Watergate.......Certainly McConnell or Ryan do NOT have the testicles to do it, but some others should push for Trump's his ouster.....(and don't worry republicans, you'll still have Pence.)

This latest Trump stunt, stating that he "would have had more votes if he kept up with the Obama birther" bullshit is a REAL sign of mental instability......Never mind that he is not really arguing whether Obama was born here or not anymore....The crux of his claim is that had he kept up with the birther nonsense he would have able to CON some more racist votes.

The above, coupled with his NOW denial that the Access Hollywood tape is NT his voice, and the out-of-no-where attack on Muslims, his inane claim that he will be responsible for bring back "Merry Christmas". etc. shows that the orange clown is UNHINGED...........and getting worse by the day.

God help us all since this guy can get us into the worst war that this planet has ever experienced.
You are showing your insanity, lol. Trump is the man! You need to go to your nearest safe place. Also, I think you meant golf instead of gold. Learn to spell, or is that part of you losing your mind?
You are showing your insanity, lol. Trump is the man! You need to go to your nearest safe place. Also, I think you meant golf instead of gold. Learn to spell, or is that part of you losing your mind?

First,Mr. fuck head, I already apologized for typing "gold" instead of "golf" (ask a grown up to help you)

BUT, you also must be one of the idiots that still "believes" that Obama is a Kenyan, Muslim and that Trump really was not the idiot in that Access Hollywood tape,.,,,,,,Correct????.............LOL
You are showing your insanity, lol. Trump is the man! You need to go to your nearest safe place. Also, I think you meant golf instead of gold. Learn to spell, or is that part of you losing your mind?

First,Mr. fuck head, I already apologized for typing "gold" instead of "golf" (ask a grown up to help you)

BUT, you also must be one of the idiots that still "believes" that Obama is a Kenyan, Muslim and that Trump really was not the idiot in that Access Hollywood tape,.,,,,,,Correct????.............LOL
You still are whining about that tape not ruining Trump? Lol, maybe next time. You shouldn't run a treasonous bitch as your candidate. Also Obama's social security number came from a state he never lived in. Glad you are blind from the lies of your own party.
You still are whining about that tape not ruining Trump? Lol, maybe next time. You shouldn't run a treasonous bitch as your candidate. Also Obama's social security number came from a state he never lived in. Glad you are blind from the lies of your own party.

It took 30 posts to bring up Hillary????........Gee, you morons are slipping.....

Address the current Trump INSANITY and don't hide behind pointing fingers at the flawed Hillary candidacy.
Since republicans are fully in charge of our government, it'll take some brave and honest republican leaders to FINALLY stand up to Trump's insanity.......Unfortunately, very few of those folks are left like good patriotic republican Americans during Watergate.......Certainly McConnell or Ryan do NOT have the testicles to do it, but some others should push for Trump's his ouster.....(and don't worry republicans, you'll still have Pence.)

This latest Trump stunt, stating that he "would have had more votes if he kept up with the Obama birther" bullshit is a REAL sign of mental instability......Never mind that he is not really arguing whether Obama was born here or not anymore....The crux of his claim is that had he kept up with the birther nonsense he would have able to CON some more racist votes.

The above, coupled with his NOW denial that the Access Hollywood tape is NT his voice, and the out-of-no-where attack on Muslims, his inane claim that he will be responsible for bring back "Merry Christmas". etc. shows that the orange clown is UNHINGED...........and getting worse by the day.

God help us all since this guy can get us into the worst war that this planet has ever experienced.
Hey Sniffles, Merry Christmas.
You still are whining about that tape not ruining Trump? Lol, maybe next time. You shouldn't run a treasonous bitch as your candidate. Also Obama's social security number came from a state he never lived in. Glad you are blind from the lies of your own party.

It took 30 posts to bring up Hillary????........Gee, you morons are slipping.....

Address the current Trump INSANITY and don't hide behind pointing fingers at the flawed Hillary candidacy.
The only insanity I see happening, is coming from liberals like yourself whining about Trump 24/7. Open your eyes the economy is great, Obama's legacy is disappearing. Trump is the man, and just think. You only have seven more years of it!
The only insanity I see happening, is coming from liberals like yourself whining about Trump 24/7. Open your eyes the economy is great, Obama's legacy is disappearing. Trump is the man, and just think. You only have seven more years of it!

ONLY an idiot would give "credit" for the economy to the first year of ANY administration.....But, as I've asked before, if the fucking economy is doing so great, WHY the give away tax benefits to the wealthy who are already drowning in cash?
The only insanity I see happening, is coming from liberals like yourself whining about Trump 24/7. Open your eyes the economy is great, Obama's legacy is disappearing. Trump is the man, and just think. You only have seven more years of it!

ONLY an idiot would give "credit" for the economy to the first year of ANY administration.....But, as I've asked before, if the fucking economy is doing so great, WHY the give away tax benefits to the wealthy who are already drowning in cash?
Liberals talking point, any tax cut is for the rich. Just like Bush's tax cuts were only for the rich? Lol, you're an idiot.
Liberals talking point, any tax cut is for the rich. Just like Bush's tax cuts were only for the rich? Lol, you're an idiot.

MORON.....its yet ANOTHER "trickle down" scam that did NOT work for either Reagan or GWB....

This tax scam is just a reward for campaign donors......PERIOD.
President Trump is doing fine , millions love him and you don't . YOU and youe ilk are unimportant as so far The Trump is working for Americans and America Nat .
Polling Data
Poll Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 11/2 - 11/28 -- 39.9 55.9 -16.0
Economist/YouGov 11/26 - 11/28 1319 RV 43 53 -10
Gallup 11/26 - 11/28 1500 A 38 55 -17
Rasmussen Reports 11/26 - 11/28 1500 LV 41 57 -16
Reuters/Ipsos 11/24 - 11/28 1969 A 38 57 -19
Quinnipiac 11/15 - 11/20 1415 RV 38 55 -17
NPR/PBS/Marist 11/13 - 11/15 802 RV 42 54 -12
Harvard-Harris 11/11 - 11/14 2350 RV 41 59 -18
CNN 11/2 - 11/5 RV 38 57 -19
All President Trump Job Approval Polling Data
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

And many more millions of Americans think that the treasonous fat senile old orange clown is a waste of oxygen. Over 50% think that he is not doing a good job at all.
------------------------------------------ i don't care about Poll data and see hilarys experience with poll data . Anyway , TRUMP works fine for his supporters and i already told you ' Nat like ilk' that YOU guys don't matter OldRocks .
Liberals talking point, any tax cut is for the rich. Just like Bush's tax cuts were only for the rich? Lol, you're an idiot.

MORON.....its yet ANOTHER "trickle down" scam that did NOT work for either Reagan or GWB....

This tax scam is just a reward for campaign donors......PERIOD.
---------------------------------------------- trickle down or what ever you want to call it . But i and my middle class family have always done fine and thats for these last hundred years since my parents birth Nat .
Liberals talking point, any tax cut is for the rich. Just like Bush's tax cuts were only for the rich? Lol, you're an idiot.

MORON.....its yet ANOTHER "trickle down" scam that did NOT work for either Reagan or GWB....

This tax scam is just a reward for campaign donors......PERIOD.
Then why did Obama keep the Bush's tax cuts for the poor?

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