Trump should practice his insanity at the gold course, NOT in the oval office

Everything trump does is for the One Percenters, they're all he cares about.

trump has created his own stinking swamp, complete with gold-colored curtains.

Here's a much needed gift for trump supporters who are still stupid enough to still believe the Orange Doosh will ever do anything to benefit them. Bend over sheeple, here comes trump...

View attachment 163624
Oops: A Liberal Attack on the GOP Tax Plan Accidentally Proves How Many People Would Benefit From It
How will the end of death taxes benefit you? This plan is heavily weighted towards the rich Don't let the orange anus bullshit you
So its ok to steal from others as long as it doesn't affect you ? If the tax plan is heavily weighted towards the rich, I haven't seen one ounce of proof that it is, good, the successful in this country carry most of the tax burden as it is. When are the 45% of people who pay no income tax going to pay their fair share ?
It seems reasonable to expect that 45% to pay income taxes when the Democrats can figure out how to raise incomes, so that all Americans might share in income and taxes. .
Everything trump does is for the One Percenters, they're all he cares about.

trump has created his own stinking swamp, complete with gold-colored curtains.

Here's a much needed gift for trump supporters who are still stupid enough to still believe the Orange Doosh will ever do anything to benefit them. Bend over sheeple, here comes trump...

View attachment 163624
Oops: A Liberal Attack on the GOP Tax Plan Accidentally Proves How Many People Would Benefit From It
How will the end of death taxes benefit you? This plan is heavily weighted towards the rich Don't let the orange anus bullshit you
So its ok to steal from others as long as it doesn't affect you ? If the tax plan is heavily weighted towards the rich, I haven't seen one ounce of proof that it is, good, the successful in this country carry most of the tax burden as it is. When are the 45% of people who pay no income tax going to pay their fair share ?
It seems reasonable to expect that 45% to pay income taxes when the Democrats can figure out how to raise incomes, so that all Americans might share in income and taxes. .
Dems want raising incomes Repubs are against
and what do you think will happen to the very important housing market??

it's booming right now in anticipation of the tax cuts.

Wait till you find out how screwed you are With no deductions for home mtgs housing will be in deep doo doo

You're full of it, housing starts are booming and home prices are rising, that's not going to change just because you say so.

In case you didn't know it the housing stocks have been going great guns for a year or 2 But no mortgage deduction will be the end of that Sorry you can't see the train coming at you
Dems want raising incomes Repubs are against

What these dimwits FAIL to realize is that if poor Americans' minimum wage is raise to (let's say) $15 per hour, that $120 increase is QUICKLY poured into the economy for some piece of goods or services......

Whereas, the GOP wants us to think that giving corporations billions of dollars (WITHOUT any PROVISO) will result ....out of the kindness of CEOs in more jobs and higher salaries......THAT IS BULLSHIT....Corporations buy back their stocks and reward their boards with that extra cash, or send it to off-shore havens.
and what do you think will happen to the very important housing market??

it's booming right now in anticipation of the tax cuts.

Wait till you find out how screwed you are With no deductions for home mtgs housing will be in deep doo doo

You're full of it, housing starts are booming and home prices are rising, that's not going to change just because you say so.

In case you didn't know it the housing stocks have been going great guns for a year or 2 But no mortgage deduction will be the end of that Sorry you can't see the train coming at you

Close to 90% will take the standard deduction and will not itemize, it will have no effect.

Dems want raising incomes Repubs are against

What these dimwits FAIL to realize is that if poor Americans' minimum wage is raise to (let's say) $15 per hour, that $120 increase is QUICKLY poured into the economy for some piece of goods or services......

Whereas, the GOP wants us to think that giving corporations billions of dollars (WITHOUT any PROVISO) will result ....out of the kindness of CEOs in more jobs and higher salaries......THAT IS BULLSHIT....Corporations buy back their stocks and reward their boards with that extra cash, or send it to off-shore havens.
And increase their salaries and bonuses
Everything trump does is for the One Percenters, they're all he cares about.

trump has created his own stinking swamp, complete with gold-colored curtains.

Here's a much needed gift for trump supporters who are still stupid enough to still believe the Orange Doosh will ever do anything to benefit them. Bend over sheeple, here comes trump...

View attachment 163624
Oops: A Liberal Attack on the GOP Tax Plan Accidentally Proves How Many People Would Benefit From It
How will the end of death taxes benefit you? This plan is heavily weighted towards the rich Don't let the orange anus bullshit you
So its ok to steal from others as long as it doesn't affect you ? If the tax plan is heavily weighted towards the rich, I haven't seen one ounce of proof that it is, good, the successful in this country carry most of the tax burden as it is. When are the 45% of people who pay no income tax going to pay their fair share ?
It seems reasonable to expect that 45% to pay income taxes when the Democrats can figure out how to raise incomes, so that all Americans might share in income and taxes. .
Dems want raising incomes Repubs are against
That is a beyond retarded remark. Republicans are for a sustainable wage and being rewarded for hard work. Democrats do not care about your work ethic or job they believe everyone should make the same high wage.
How will the end of death taxes benefit you? This plan is heavily weighted towards the rich Don't let the orange anus bullshit you
So its ok to steal from others as long as it doesn't affect you ? If the tax plan is heavily weighted towards the rich, I haven't seen one ounce of proof that it is, good, the successful in this country carry most of the tax burden as it is. When are the 45% of people who pay no income tax going to pay their fair share ?
It seems reasonable to expect that 45% to pay income taxes when the Democrats can figure out how to raise incomes, so that all Americans might share in income and taxes. .
Dems want raising incomes Repubs are against
That is a beyond retarded remark. Republicans are for a sustainable wage and being rewarded for hard work. Democrats do not care about your work ethic or job they believe everyone should make the same high wage.
Republicans are AGAINST minimum pay of 15 per hour
How will the end of death taxes benefit you? This plan is heavily weighted towards the rich Don't let the orange anus bullshit you
So its ok to steal from others as long as it doesn't affect you ? If the tax plan is heavily weighted towards the rich, I haven't seen one ounce of proof that it is, good, the successful in this country carry most of the tax burden as it is. When are the 45% of people who pay no income tax going to pay their fair share ?
It seems reasonable to expect that 45% to pay income taxes when the Democrats can figure out how to raise incomes, so that all Americans might share in income and taxes. .
Dems want raising incomes Repubs are against
That is a beyond retarded remark. Republicans are for a sustainable wage and being rewarded for hard work. Democrats do not care about your work ethic or job they believe everyone should make the same high wage.
Republicans are AGAINST minimum pay of 15 per hour
That's because its unsustainable and in the end doesn't help the people its intended to.
Analysis | A ‘very credible’ new study on Seattle’s $15 minimum wage has bad news for liberals
You did mean GOLF course did you not ?

I ALREADY apologized for my typo in the SECOND fucking post....Got anything a bit more insightful to add?

Guess you're not smart enough to know there is a period of time when you can edit a post title, or short of that, you can ask a mod to do it.

Guess you're too dumb to get it right the first time - PS Go fuck yourself

Is there a reason you quoted me?

You did mean GOLF course did you not ?

I ALREADY apologized for my typo in the SECOND fucking post....Got anything a bit more insightful to add?

Guess you're not smart enough to know there is a period of time when you can edit a post title, or short of that, you can ask a mod to do it.

Guess you're too dumb to get it right the first time - PS Go fuck yourself

Is there a reason you quoted me?

Is there a reason you're an arrogant asshole ?
You did mean GOLF course did you not ?

I ALREADY apologized for my typo in the SECOND fucking post....Got anything a bit more insightful to add?

Guess you're not smart enough to know there is a period of time when you can edit a post title, or short of that, you can ask a mod to do it.

Guess you're too dumb to get it right the first time - PS Go fuck yourself

Is there a reason you quoted me?

Is there a reason you're an arrogant asshole ?

Yep, born that way, I don't have any tolerance for stupid people, I guess that would include you. Nat thinks he's the smartest person in the forum, so I take every opportunity to point out that's not the case. Deal with it.


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