Trump should demand proportional audiences at future debates, or just not bother

trump even won the post debate polls at sites that openly hate him.
Its getting a little tiresome to see the RNC stack the audience with rubio illegal ass licking donors. Trump should simply demand all future audiences be based on the national poll %. Trump is around 42% nationally and should get 42% of the invites.

Trump barely got sentence out and they started booing him. It was pathetic. Way to go RNC. The nation was watching your leading candidate get booed.
Trump is not the leader as has been shown so far in the primary voting..
He barely lost Iowa because he didn't even appear for the debate right before the Caucus, and he handily won New Hampshire.
How do the primaries indicate anything but the fact that Trump is way ahead right now?
Its getting a little tiresome to see the RNC stack the audience with rubio illegal ass licking donors. Trump should simply demand all future audiences be based on the national poll %. Trump is around 42% nationally and should get 42% of the invites.

Allowing audience reaction like that just demeans the process, turning the "debate" even more into reality show infotainment. Every minute they spend on the angry back and forth is one more minute you're not getting info giving you insight into candidates actual policies. The "moderators", in allowing the audience's constant loud and raucous and obviously biased cheering and jeering outbursts completely ignored what should be one of their most important functions. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but I'm just a curious foreigner.
I'm far from a Trump fan but it appeared to me those moderators had the establishment's knifes in their hands last night constantly pushing them deeper into Trump's back. Tough questions are great, but didn't it seem like those moderators had a not very neutral anti-Trump agenda last night? Classless act by CBS and a D- for their moderators.

the front runner for the most difficult job in the country, if not the world, deserves difficult questions in a difficult situation, and the country deserves a candidate who can handle them ... obviously Trunp can't.

Like I said I'm not a Trump fan and "tough questions are great". Nothing wrong with that part, however I strongly believe that there is something wrong with letting the audience control the tone, flow, and content to the point CBS did.
And I have said before that Trump should've learned by now when to keep his cool
and when to unleash the angrier, uglier beast that excites his nativist populist base. That's a big problem for him.

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