Trump shares stage with talkshow host who describes Jews as "stinking excrement"

Nothing hysterical about pointing out why a Jew might shy away from voting for the Party that targets the sole Jewish county for disproportionate condemnation and falsely calls it an apartheid country.

But just like a leftist, you put your hands over your ears to what I am saying, and insult and mock a Jew woman because she won’t vote for the anti-Israel party. It is THAT very intolerance and nastiness from Democrats that, in part at least, had me move away from my Democrat Roots.

You liberals will learn at midterms that taunting, mocking, and insulting people who disagree with you loses you voters.
You mock us all the time Lisa.:rolleyes:
Objecting to very specific policies is not necessarily antisemitic, which is why I said criticism of Israel is antisemitic “in the vast majority of cases” and not “in 100% of the cases.” I agree there are exceptions, albeit rarely.

“Vast majority”? Rarely are there exceptions?

I disagree.

A lot of criticism of Israel is fueled by it’s continued occupation of captured territory and control over a large population of people who do not have the rights of citizens. This results in inequality of justice and human rights that are not anti-Semitic but is proclaimed as such by the pro-Israel faction In order to shut down much needed debate. Kind of like constantly pulling the race card, you cheapen the ugliness that is real antisemitism or racism.

On the other hand, I think the claim of being “anti-Zionist” is nothing more than a cleaned up version of anti-semitism designed to be accepted by the mainstream, like white nationalism replaced white supremacy.
But if you question most people who are criticizing Israel, you will find that have very little knowledge of the complexities of the conflict and absolutely NO knowledge of the wrong the Palestinians are guilty of. Very few know that Muslims are granted citizenship in Israel and even hold elected office. Neither do they know that the West Bank was Jordan, but they lost it when they attacked Israel in an effort to destroy it. They just “know” somehow that the Jews are in the wrong, and 100% of the time.

I agree with you that very few know the complexities…it is a very nuanced old conflict, but I would add that applies to both sides. IMO, there are no angels and no absolute rights and wrongs, except for one: it is never ok to commit violence on civilians.

Another giveaway that antisemitism is usually behind the Israel-bashing is that in every single thread complaining about Israel, the ones complaining will, sooner rather than later, start in with general, sweeping negative remarks about Jews. (In fairness, you are one of the few exceptions.) For example (a real-life example), a critic of Israel will be complaining about Israel, and all of a sudden add in “that’s just how Jews are. They always have to get their way.” This type of thing happens without fail, in every Israel thread.
I agree, which is one reason I quit posting in IP. These discussions inevitably seem to end up with a promotion of anti-Semitic canards and conspiracy theories about Jews as a whole. To be fair though, I see similar attacks on Palestinians. The discouraging thing is that the IP conflict attracts anti-semites who use the Palestinians as a vehicle to legitimize their hatred of Jews, not because they care about the Palestinians. For the record, I am pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel. I do not think one has to be one or the other.

And finally, the most telling is the double standards. When the U.N. Issues more resolutions against Israel for human rights violations than Syria, Iraq, and Iran COMBINED, when they are such worse offenders, it’s antisemitism driving the criticism.
Yes, I think that is a fair criticism.

And it’s a crying shame that the Dems are part of the anti-Israel movement, which explains the rising tolerance for Jew-haters within your party.

Hmmm…you sidestep the complexities of that issue.
Why are we funding it? :dunno:

The fact that you ask this question tells me you‘re as bad as Omar.

We should just let Islamic terrorists send rockets randomly into Israel with the intention of killing innocent Jewish children (after which they hand out candy to little Muslim kids to celebrate the deaths)?

Jews don’t hand out candy celebrating when innocent lives are taken, the way the Muslims do. But then again, Jews don‘t teach their little kids that it’s a good thing to kill Muslims. That you think there’s a moral equivalence here tells me you’re a…..a……a……leftist.
Will somebody tell this “Jew woman” (her very strange term, not mine!) that I never said Jewish voters should vote Democratic. I have never told anybody to do that.

Republicans, Independents, as well as Democrats, whatever their religious beliefs, who simply oppose U.S. aid to Israel (or who oppose specific “apartheid”-like policies of Israel) should not put up with lunatics trying to browbeat them as “anti-Semitic” … or worse yet … “FASCIST!”

Both Democratic and Republican leadership, after all, have agreed to support Israel for decades, to the tune of billions in taxpayer dollars — and Israel is today more than capable of defending itself.
The fact that you ask this question tells me you‘re as bad as Omar.

We should just let Islamic terrorists send rockets randomly into Israel with the intention of killing innocent Jewish children (after which they hand out candy to little Muslim kids to celebrate the deaths)?

I don’t know where you get that out of what I said.

Why can’t Israel fund it’s own defense systems?

Nigeria, Philippines, DRC, suffer attacks from terrorists. We don’t fund their defense and they are far poorer than Israel.
I don’t know where you get that out of what I said.

Why can’t Israel fund it’s own defense systems?

Nigeria, Philippines, DRC, suffer attacks from terrorists. We don’t fund their defense and they are far poorer than Israel.
Israel is a tiny sliver of land surrounded by massive Arab countries that would like to see it wiped to sea. They can’t afford to defend themselves without aid, and we as a humane country help countries that are in constant danger of attack from enemies, due to bigotry.

We cannot allow Israel to fall…..ever.
Israel is a tiny sliver of land surrounded by massive Arab countries that would like to see it wiped to sea. They can’t afford to defend themselves without aid, and we as a humane country help countries that are in constant danger of attack from enemies, due to bigotry.

We cannot allow Israel to fall…..ever.
Oh come on…Philippines is tiny too and Nigeria lacks the economy, development and tech of Israel. Size is irrelevant. Consider Great Britain.
They do? Even I didn’t know that. So then why were the antisemitic Democrats (Omar and Tlaib) saying they wanted it defunded?
Because they want to end the contract. It’s not a gift. Israel pays for it with money, military base accommodations and intelligence sharing.
Oh come on…Philippines is tiny too and Nigeria lacks the economy, development and tech of Israel. Size is irrelevant. Consider Great Britain.
And are large enemies countries sending rockets in to kill indiscriminately, while expressing their desire to wipe the Phillipines and Nigeria off the map, and wipe their citizens into the sea?
Truth be told they likely don’t understand it either as they are Islamic extremist idiots.
My excuse is that I’m not a member of Congress. But Omar is a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Is she totally ignorant, and just elected because “woke” liberals wanted to Pat themselves on the back for electing a Muslim, no matter how incompetent? wait….don’t answer that.
And are large enemies countries sending rockets in to kill indiscriminately, while expressing their desire to wipe the Phillipines and Nigeria off the map, and wipe their citizens into the sea?
There aren’t any large countries lobbing rockets into Israel. Israel’s military capacity far exceeds that of it’s neighbors who might be large in landmass but sparse in population and weaponry..
There aren’t any large countries lobbing rockets into Israel. Israel’s military capacity far exceeds that of it’s neighbors who might be large in landmass but sparse in population and weaponry..
Yes….thanks to American aid. It’s what’s keeping Arab countries from attacking Israel. If not for American support, Egypt, Syria, and Jordan would have been able to destroy Israel back in 1967.

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