Trump set to weaponize Mueller report in war on Democrats and media


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Trump set to weaponize Mueller report in war on Democrats and media

Findings play into the president’s narrative of ‘no collusion’ as he embraces the role of victim

Trump set to weaponize Mueller report in war on Democrats and media
By David Smith in Washington ~ 25 Mar 2019
Donald Trump is set to weaponize the special counsel’s finding of no collusion with Russia in his bid for re-election, turning vindication into vengeance with an assault on Democrats and the media.
Robert Mueller found no evidence Trump’s campaign “conspired or coordinated” with Russia to influence the 2016 election and reached no conclusion on whether the president obstructed justice, according to a four-page summary of his findings by the attorney general, William Barr.
The official reprieve, the denouement of a saga that transfixed Washington, deflated critics who believed the Mueller report could lead to Trump’s impeachment, as the Watergate scandal led to the downfall of Richard Nixon. It left White House aides giddy with relief and prominent allies calling for revenge.
“Starting Monday we will hold every deep state official who abused power accountable,” he tweeted. “We will hold every fake news media liar member accountable. We will hold every liar in Congress accountable.
The White House fired off an email with the heading: “The Collusion Delusion.” The Trump campaign released a video entitled “Collusion Hoax!” The Republican National Committee issued “talking points” that set out the cost of the investigation – $50,230 per day for 675 days – and an email headed: “Russiagate may have destroyed the media’s reputation.”

After more than two years of lies coming from both the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats and the biased media most Americans are glad that the Mueller Report is completed and submitted to the DOJ AG Barr.
The PMS Dem Left are in the first stages of grief and because of their perfidy and criminal violations of the Constitution , those that actively participated in the failed coup d'état and coverup afterward may soon face lawful retribution. How many will be prosecuted is unknown at this time, but I would say there's more than a bakers dozen.
Trump thinks collusion is the only thing that could make him unfit for the job. He's wrong.
Trump set to weaponize Mueller report in war on Democrats and media

Findings play into the president’s narrative of ‘no collusion’ as he embraces the role of victim

Trump set to weaponize Mueller report in war on Democrats and media
By David Smith in Washington ~ 25 Mar 2019
Donald Trump is set to weaponize the special counsel’s finding of no collusion with Russia in his bid for re-election, turning vindication into vengeance with an assault on Democrats and the media.
Robert Mueller found no evidence Trump’s campaign “conspired or coordinated” with Russia to influence the 2016 election and reached no conclusion on whether the president obstructed justice, according to a four-page summary of his findings by the attorney general, William Barr.
The official reprieve, the denouement of a saga that transfixed Washington, deflated critics who believed the Mueller report could lead to Trump’s impeachment, as the Watergate scandal led to the downfall of Richard Nixon. It left White House aides giddy with relief and prominent allies calling for revenge.
“Starting Monday we will hold every deep state official who abused power accountable,” he tweeted. “We will hold every fake news media liar member accountable. We will hold every liar in Congress accountable.
The White House fired off an email with the heading: “The Collusion Delusion.” The Trump campaign released a video entitled “Collusion Hoax!” The Republican National Committee issued “talking points” that set out the cost of the investigation – $50,230 per day for 675 days – and an email headed: “Russiagate may have destroyed the media’s reputation.”

After more than two years of lies coming from both the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats and the biased media most Americans are glad that the Mueller Report is completed and submitted to the DOJ AG Barr.
The PMS Dem Left are in the first stages of grief and because of their perfidy and criminal violations of the Constitution , those that actively participated in the failed coup d'état and coverup afterward may soon face lawful retribution. How many will be prosecuted is unknown at this time, but I would say there's more than a bakers dozen.

It’s a pretty thought, but jail is for us, not them.
Funny how the media and the Dems fed us this horsecrap nararrative that Trump colluded and was this so called Russian asset spy. Spent two years and tens of millions of taxpayer money harassing this president, his administration, his family, and anybody ever associated with him. And yet, despite all this treasonous behavior by the Dems, the media, FBI and CIA leadership, and Deep State actors, Trump ends up doing an amazing job as president.
Trump set to weaponize Mueller report in war on Democrats and media

Findings play into the president’s narrative of ‘no collusion’ as he embraces the role of victim

Trump set to weaponize Mueller report in war on Democrats and media
By David Smith in Washington ~ 25 Mar 2019
Donald Trump is set to weaponize the special counsel’s finding of no collusion with Russia in his bid for re-election, turning vindication into vengeance with an assault on Democrats and the media.
Robert Mueller found no evidence Trump’s campaign “conspired or coordinated” with Russia to influence the 2016 election and reached no conclusion on whether the president obstructed justice, according to a four-page summary of his findings by the attorney general, William Barr.
The official reprieve, the denouement of a saga that transfixed Washington, deflated critics who believed the Mueller report could lead to Trump’s impeachment, as the Watergate scandal led to the downfall of Richard Nixon. It left White House aides giddy with relief and prominent allies calling for revenge.
“Starting Monday we will hold every deep state official who abused power accountable,” he tweeted. “We will hold every fake news media liar member accountable. We will hold every liar in Congress accountable.
The White House fired off an email with the heading: “The Collusion Delusion.” The Trump campaign released a video entitled “Collusion Hoax!” The Republican National Committee issued “talking points” that set out the cost of the investigation – $50,230 per day for 675 days – and an email headed: “Russiagate may have destroyed the media’s reputation.”

After more than two years of lies coming from both the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats and the biased media most Americans are glad that the Mueller Report is completed and submitted to the DOJ AG Barr.
The PMS Dem Left are in the first stages of grief and because of their perfidy and criminal violations of the Constitution , those that actively participated in the failed coup d'état and coverup afterward may soon face lawful retribution. How many will be prosecuted is unknown at this time, but I would say there's more than a bakers dozen.
Trump thinks collusion is the only thing that could make him unfit for the job. He's wrong.
It's time for Democrats to move on to a new lie.
Most Americans by a wide margin want the full report released.
Trump thinks collusion is the only thing that could make him unfit for the job. He's wrong.
Your desperation is stinkin the place up

Nothing desperate about that. There are 16 different investigations into his unethical behavior right now. Each and every one is for a legitimate purpose that would kill the prospects of any other president. We deserve an honorable president. With him, the bizarrely crude has become common place.
Trump thinks collusion is the only thing that could make him unfit for the job. He's wrong.
Your desperation is stinkin the place up

Nothing desperate about that. There are 16 different investigations into his unethical behavior right now. Each and every one is for a legitimate purpose that would kill the prospects of any other president. We deserve an honorable president. With him, the bizarrely crude has become common place.
Yet you and others loved and defended the last guy in office who pulled stuff that should have gotten him rode out on a rail.
He had news media spied on, emails and computers confiscated.
He wrote an Executive Order that even he claimed might not be constitutional.
He weaponized the IRS.
He allowed congress to be spied on and not only allowed the agency to lie about it under oath to congress but then still worked to keep him in office.
He told the Russians that he would have more room after the election.
He tried a rest with Russia.
He allowed guns to be sold to drug cartels then lied about who did it.
I could continue but non of the rabid and uneducated left will read or understand it anyway.
Trump thinks collusion is the only thing that could make him unfit for the job. He's wrong.

There's plenty of things that can make anyone unfit for any office. However the ride has decidedly turned and impeachment is not limited to the POTUS .
Trump thinks collusion is the only thing that could make him unfit for the job. He's wrong.
It's time for Democrats to move on to a new lie.
They already had that in the works. Obviously the conclusions of the report were leaked to the Dems, which is why Pelosi and others started singing a different tune than "impeach 45". They literally have nothing but lies and demonization.
Trump set to weaponize Mueller report in war on Democrats and media

Findings play into the president’s narrative of ‘no collusion’ as he embraces the role of victim

Trump set to weaponize Mueller report in war on Democrats and media
By David Smith in Washington ~ 25 Mar 2019
Donald Trump is set to weaponize the special counsel’s finding of no collusion with Russia in his bid for re-election, turning vindication into vengeance with an assault on Democrats and the media.
Robert Mueller found no evidence Trump’s campaign “conspired or coordinated” with Russia to influence the 2016 election and reached no conclusion on whether the president obstructed justice, according to a four-page summary of his findings by the attorney general, William Barr.
The official reprieve, the denouement of a saga that transfixed Washington, deflated critics who believed the Mueller report could lead to Trump’s impeachment, as the Watergate scandal led to the downfall of Richard Nixon. It left White House aides giddy with relief and prominent allies calling for revenge.
“Starting Monday we will hold every deep state official who abused power accountable,” he tweeted. “We will hold every fake news media liar member accountable. We will hold every liar in Congress accountable.
The White House fired off an email with the heading: “The Collusion Delusion.” The Trump campaign released a video entitled “Collusion Hoax!” The Republican National Committee issued “talking points” that set out the cost of the investigation – $50,230 per day for 675 days – and an email headed: “Russiagate may have destroyed the media’s reputation.”

After more than two years of lies coming from both the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats and the biased media most Americans are glad that the Mueller Report is completed and submitted to the DOJ AG Barr.
The PMS Dem Left are in the first stages of grief and because of their perfidy and criminal violations of the Constitution , those that actively participated in the failed coup d'état and coverup afterward may soon face lawful retribution. How many will be prosecuted is unknown at this time, but I would say there's more than a bakers dozen.
Trump thinks collusion is the only thing that could make him unfit for the job. He's wrong.
It's time for Democrats to move on to a new lie.
Most Americans by a wide margin want the full report released.

Most Americans wouldn’t read it if it was, they would just read the summary the AP puts out.
Trump set to weaponize Mueller report in war on Democrats and media

Findings play into the president’s narrative of ‘no collusion’ as he embraces the role of victim

Trump set to weaponize Mueller report in war on Democrats and media
By David Smith in Washington ~ 25 Mar 2019
Donald Trump is set to weaponize the special counsel’s finding of no collusion with Russia in his bid for re-election, turning vindication into vengeance with an assault on Democrats and the media.
Robert Mueller found no evidence Trump’s campaign “conspired or coordinated” with Russia to influence the 2016 election and reached no conclusion on whether the president obstructed justice, according to a four-page summary of his findings by the attorney general, William Barr.
The official reprieve, the denouement of a saga that transfixed Washington, deflated critics who believed the Mueller report could lead to Trump’s impeachment, as the Watergate scandal led to the downfall of Richard Nixon. It left White House aides giddy with relief and prominent allies calling for revenge.
“Starting Monday we will hold every deep state official who abused power accountable,” he tweeted. “We will hold every fake news media liar member accountable. We will hold every liar in Congress accountable.
The White House fired off an email with the heading: “The Collusion Delusion.” The Trump campaign released a video entitled “Collusion Hoax!” The Republican National Committee issued “talking points” that set out the cost of the investigation – $50,230 per day for 675 days – and an email headed: “Russiagate may have destroyed the media’s reputation.”

After more than two years of lies coming from both the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats and the biased media most Americans are glad that the Mueller Report is completed and submitted to the DOJ AG Barr.
The PMS Dem Left are in the first stages of grief and because of their perfidy and criminal violations of the Constitution , those that actively participated in the failed coup d'état and coverup afterward may soon face lawful retribution. How many will be prosecuted is unknown at this time, but I would say there's more than a bakers dozen.

It’s a pretty thought, but jail is for us, not them.

Unfortunately unless Republicans get a set of cajones they will be the case....
Trump set to weaponize Mueller report in war on Democrats and media

Findings play into the president’s narrative of ‘no collusion’ as he embraces the role of victim

Trump set to weaponize Mueller report in war on Democrats and media
By David Smith in Washington ~ 25 Mar 2019
Donald Trump is set to weaponize the special counsel’s finding of no collusion with Russia in his bid for re-election, turning vindication into vengeance with an assault on Democrats and the media.
Robert Mueller found no evidence Trump’s campaign “conspired or coordinated” with Russia to influence the 2016 election and reached no conclusion on whether the president obstructed justice, according to a four-page summary of his findings by the attorney general, William Barr.
The official reprieve, the denouement of a saga that transfixed Washington, deflated critics who believed the Mueller report could lead to Trump’s impeachment, as the Watergate scandal led to the downfall of Richard Nixon. It left White House aides giddy with relief and prominent allies calling for revenge.
“Starting Monday we will hold every deep state official who abused power accountable,” he tweeted. “We will hold every fake news media liar member accountable. We will hold every liar in Congress accountable.
The White House fired off an email with the heading: “The Collusion Delusion.” The Trump campaign released a video entitled “Collusion Hoax!” The Republican National Committee issued “talking points” that set out the cost of the investigation – $50,230 per day for 675 days – and an email headed: “Russiagate may have destroyed the media’s reputation.”

After more than two years of lies coming from both the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats and the biased media most Americans are glad that the Mueller Report is completed and submitted to the DOJ AG Barr.
The PMS Dem Left are in the first stages of grief and because of their perfidy and criminal violations of the Constitution , those that actively participated in the failed coup d'état and coverup afterward may soon face lawful retribution. How many will be prosecuted is unknown at this time, but I would say there's more than a bakers dozen.
Trump thinks collusion is the only thing that could make him unfit for the job. He's wrong.
It's time for Democrats to move on to a new lie.
Most Americans by a wide margin want the full report released.

No doubt about that, however that's near impossible. The "Report" must be free of any National Security and Grand Jury reporting. Those would have to be redacted. Therefore the "Full" report is impossible to be released. Mueller was allowed to see whatever he needed to see. Surely we would all have liked to see the real information hidden from the American public regarding the Iranian Deal, Benghazi, Fast & Furious, the security information found on Hillary's home brewed Server, etc....
Trump thinks collusion is the only thing that could make him unfit for the job. He's wrong.
Your desperation is stinkin the place up

Nothing desperate about that. There are 16 different investigations into his unethical behavior right now. Each and every one is for a legitimate purpose that would kill the prospects of any other president. We deserve an honorable president. With him, the bizarrely crude has become common place.
We deserve an honorable president like Obama, who lied to the American people over Ben Ghazi on camera, weaponized and sic'd the IRS upon conservatives, where ever he could he stoked the flames of racial, economic, ethnic divisions, engaged in police bashing, anti Americanism etc. Or perhaps Hillary, such a great example she is...or perhaps, the light that you see at the end of the tunnel is actually an oncoming Trump Train.

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