Trump says they were all merely suggestions.

I don't know about recession, but there's simply no way of knowing what Trump actually thinks or what he might actually do.

I don't believe Bill Clinton is a rapist. A pedophile? Yes. A sexual deviant who should be answering to his charges (ala Bill Cosby) and locked up for his sexual perversions? Or, at the very least - pay millions in lawsuits against the women he harmed, and undergo psych counseling? Yes, that too. These are the types of individuals that Liberals hold as national treasures.
I suggest he shows us his tax returns.

Why? Who gives a rip about his tax returns, and why?
He already said he is in the middle of an audit, and won't show returns until that is finished.
What's the big deal? Just something to harp on??
every president since 1960 has shown his ,,hill has shown hers ,,,what makes that pos trump better than they are ? what is he hiding?
paul do you really believe all that crapolla repubs have accused her of? I don't believe the half of it and the rest is so minor as not to mention them Repubs have been after fer forever it seems,,,, a dem woman ,,,,hated by republicans

Sorry, i'll pass on the corrupt witch and the serial rapist.
lol paul I see you're not all bad ,,, like chief is
No he's not. And I probably will not vote for either of them either.
Lotta people feel that way ben I don't despise hillary the way they do I think half the stuff being thrown at her is crapolla and the rest no big deal
I don't necessarily despise Hillary. I think her selling access by raising money for her foundations from people who really are bad people, should disqualify her. However, she's no nearly as "insane" as Donald.

I just don't think she's got any positive positions on jobs and trade. If I lived in a swing state, I'd vote for her simply because of the effect she'd have on the federal judiciary.
what about the sc ben lifetime jobs ,,you want another scalia or thomas in there?
I suggest he shows us his tax returns.

Why? Who gives a rip about his tax returns, and why?
He already said he is in the middle of an audit, and won't show returns until that is finished.
What's the big deal? Just something to harp on??
every president since 1960 has shown his ,,hill has shown hers ,,,what makes that pos trump better than they are ? what is he hiding?
I personally don't think it's a big deal that he won't release them other than it reveals just how big of a hypocrite he is after insisting Obama should release his own personal records.
Trump: Anything I say now 'is a suggestion'

Calling into "Fox & Friends," Trump was asked by co-host Brian Kilmeade about saying his proposed ban on Muslims entering the country was "just a suggestion" earlier this week.

"Yeah. It was a suggestion," Trump said. "Look, anything I say right now, I'm not the president. Everything is a suggestion, no matter what you say, it's a suggestion."


I suggest he shows us his tax returns.

So when he claims to be pro gun now, well that and everything else he says is going to flip.
He hasn't flipped on any topic.

Yall just used to dealing with typical politicians who have a particular view and refuse to negotiate , and thus we end up with two sides trying to bully each other. Trump is a business man and as he has said, a good negotiation is when both sides leave a little happy and a little unhappy.

Odd that a candidate who's willing to modify his stances in order to get things done is being mocked. I personally don't like dictatorships.
Because he's flipped on every topic.

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