Trump says he’s testifying Wednesday in NY investigation

Trump is shaking in his boots, he knows he's finished, allow me to take glee in this

What will you do if Trump isn't finished and skates right through all of this? I think the guy has ice water in his veins. I mean really? You've never done any corporate work--- every business could be accused of "overstating its real estate value," it is a very weeny charge; every business wants top value for its property---

---it just shows how pathetic the whole Trump witch hunt is, because there isn't a big wig politician in D.C. who could hold up to all that they've put Trump through! Certainly not Joe Biddum or Nancy Pelosi!

Let's put Barry, Hillary, Adam or Maxine through half the micro-sifting of their lives as Trump has withstood turning their underwear inside out to the bloodhounds and see what happens!

Wonder what we would find?

Trump is cleaner than all of them-- -- maybe that is the cure for Washington: put politicians through the scrutiny you or I must go through just to get a job flipping burgers, that would exclude 85% of the DC workforce!
Trump is cleaner than all of them--
the FBI raid coupled with this makes him shake in his boots...he's finished... OH HELL YEAH! HE'S DONE! DONE! DONE!
yeah…well i guess that’s what that raid was suppose to make you feel

and you realize he’s volunteering to testify in this CIVIL case in your article about the company not him personally right?
Wow! If he is found guilty, what happens?

His company pays a fine. End of story.
/----/ You can value your property any way you want. The banks do their own assessment. democRATs don't know that because they only rent.
Condos similar to mine are worth $550,000, but I value mine at $1,000,000 for a loan. What laws did I break?

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