Trump says he wants to see policing done in a 'more gentle fashion'


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
This is the message Trump can win on, he's a quick learner we all know that.

Support good cops, get rid of the bad ones. Trump can support civil liberties and listen to people. He knows the world isn't fair all the time, but ones constitutional rights must never be spit on, let alone lead to death when handcuffed.

There is no way around it, the world is changing with video cameras, youtube, social media, a much smaller world where even in Canada we see British police and say "how come they have so few deaths by the hands of cops?". The days of old are over and it will be reflected in policing and budgets, one way or another.

Besides, men and women in uniform, at least in Canada; are far less the problem than those operating with impunity undercover. They have no need to be so reckless when it can be done more reasonably (where possible).

Trump says he wants to see policing done in a 'more gentle fashion'

President Trump said Monday during a roundtable with law enforcement he’s going to discuss ideas to see how policing can be done in “a much more gentle fashion.”

“We’re going to work and we’re going to talk about ideas, how we can do it better and how we can do it, if possible, in a much more gentle fashion,” the president said. “A thing like what happened should never have happened, and plenty of things shouldn’t have happened.”

Trump said that the country could not give up the “finest law enforcement anywhere in the world.”

“We won’t be defunding our police,” he added. “I guess you might have some cities who want to try.”

On Monday, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said the president believed there were “instances of racism” within the police force but that most cops have been “good people.”

When asked what the president thought of the “Justice in Policing” Act unveiled by Democrats, McEnany said Trump hadn’t reviewed it but was looking into options of police reform. However, she added that ending “qualified immunity” protecting police from lawsuits was off the table.
WIthout an idea what the reasons for the problem are, this sounds doomed to failure.
WIthout an idea what the reasons for the problem are, this sounds doomed to failure.

You mean when you have a guy handed with his hands behind his back and calling for "mama" as your knee is on their throat, it's time to be less gentle? :dunno:
The fuzzy cuffs may come in hand...Just sayin'...

This is the message Trump can win on, he's a quick learner we all know that.
We do? Then why has it taken him more than three years? This isn't the first time he's misjudged a situation, just the worst instance. My prediction: this won't last long. Some 3 a.m. in the near future his Twitter finger will start itching and everything he's learned will go out the window.
The dems are so far left on this issue that Trump can take a step towards the middle....its one is going to get rid of the police I don't care what you may hear....that would be a horrible thing to even propose in a serious way....If you want to see what a place without cops looks like I can tell you where to go to get a good look at will need body armor and a lot of luck.....
This is the message Trump can win on, he's a quick learner we all know that.
We do? Then why has it taken him more than three years? This isn't the first time he's misjudged a situation, just the worst instance. My prediction: this won't last long. Some 3 a.m. in the near future his Twitter finger will start itching and everything he's learned will go out the window.

I don't agree completely with your statement, but I do understand the premise. It's an easy layup. Considering how much he fought to hit China hard, call them out and tariff them, along with building a wall on your southern border, I'd say Trump will get this, and hopefully he has already.
WIthout an idea what the reasons for the problem are, this sounds doomed to failure.

You mean when you have a guy handed with his hands behind his back and calling for "mama" as your knee is on their throat, it's time to be less gentle? :dunno:

Somewhere along the way, quite a number of cops got the idea from somewhere, that that is needed.

If we don't know why, then we will end up trying to fix a problem, without actually knowing what the problem is.

We can punish the cops in question, and talk a lot, pass some laws, and spend some money. Pretend we did something useful. Until the next time.

That type of playing pretend does not interest me. I want some actual problems FIXED for a change.
WIthout an idea what the reasons for the problem are, this sounds doomed to failure.
They were discussing it with a number in the field of law enforcement as well as those within the communities. They were having sessions today. What they aired was just their introductions.
Trump knows how to get things done. Don't be foolin' yourself or trying to fool others, or be fooled by them.
Oh no!
This is not good...Trump is doing exactly what nutless GOP'ers have done for decades. Bowing to the desires of the Left have never worked...NOT ONCE!
FUCK TRUMP on this one.
Oh no!
This is not good...Trump is doing exactly what nutless GOP'ers have done for decades. Bowing to the desires of the Left have never worked...NOT ONCE!
FUCK TRUMP on this one.

He's not bowing to anyone, he's showing respect for the Constitution. He isn't chastizing all cops, but we all know bad ones exist. There are bad salesmen and janitors too, but they don't have the power to detain you, handcuff you, imprison you, and, too often end your life (or ruin it if a lying undercover).

Trump is saying what all think. He isn't bowing to anyone, he's showing leadership based on sanity.
This is the message Trump can win on, he's a quick learner we all know that.

Support good cops, get rid of the bad ones. Trump can support civil liberties and listen to people. He knows the world isn't fair all the time, but ones constitutional rights must never be spit on, let alone lead to death when handcuffed.

There is no way around it, the world is changing with video cameras, youtube, social media, a much smaller world where even in Canada we see British police and say "how come they have so few deaths by the hands of cops?". The days of old are over and it will be reflected in policing and budgets, one way or another.

Besides, men and women in uniform, at least in Canada; are far less the problem than those operating with impunity undercover. They have no need to be so reckless when it can be done more reasonably (where possible).

Trump says he wants to see policing done in a 'more gentle fashion'

President Trump said Monday during a roundtable with law enforcement he’s going to discuss ideas to see how policing can be done in “a much more gentle fashion.”

“We’re going to work and we’re going to talk about ideas, how we can do it better and how we can do it, if possible, in a much more gentle fashion,” the president said. “A thing like what happened should never have happened, and plenty of things shouldn’t have happened.”

Trump said that the country could not give up the “finest law enforcement anywhere in the world.”

“We won’t be defunding our police,” he added. “I guess you might have some cities who want to try.”

On Monday, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said the president believed there were “instances of racism” within the police force but that most cops have been “good people.”

When asked what the president thought of the “Justice in Policing” Act unveiled by Democrats, McEnany said Trump hadn’t reviewed it but was looking into options of police reform. However, she added that ending “qualified immunity” protecting police from lawsuits was off the table.
A possible solution for more gentle policing might be those fuzzy-lined handcuffs. The police departments can order them from their local sex toy shop. Instead of carrying firearms, they can carry super-soakers and nerf-bats in place of police batons. Hail to the new infantile police force.
Oh no!
This is not good...Trump is doing exactly what nutless GOP'ers have done for decades. Bowing to the desires of the Left have never worked...NOT ONCE!
FUCK TRUMP on this one.

He's not bowing to anyone, he's showing respect for the Constitution. He isn't chastizing all cops, but we all know bad ones exist. There are bad salesmen and janitors too, but they don't have the power to detain you, handcuff you, imprison you, and, too often end your life (or ruin it if a lying undercover).

Trump is saying what all think. He isn't bowing to anyone, he's showing leadership based on sanity.
"He isn't chastizing all cops, but we all know bad ones exist."
That's always been the case and it will always be the case...We didn't need a stampede of dirty negroes shredding our cities to prompt such discussions.
The very facts that he is entertaining such discussion right now is troubling and it sends the wrong message to core Americans.
The talking point of pussifying law enforcement is fucking ludicrous and Democart like...FUCK THAT and FUCK TRUMP on this one.

"Trump is saying what all think."
Bullshit...nobody in favor of law and order thinks anything of the sort.

There you go Mac1958 I disagree with nutless, Leftist boot-licking Trump
This is the message Trump can win on, he's a quick learner we all know that.

Support good cops, get rid of the bad ones. Trump can support civil liberties and listen to people. He knows the world isn't fair all the time, but ones constitutional rights must never be spit on, let alone lead to death when handcuffed.

There is no way around it, the world is changing with video cameras, youtube, social media, a much smaller world where even in Canada we see British police and say "how come they have so few deaths by the hands of cops?". The days of old are over and it will be reflected in policing and budgets, one way or another.

Besides, men and women in uniform, at least in Canada; are far less the problem than those operating with impunity undercover. They have no need to be so reckless when it can be done more reasonably (where possible).

Trump says he wants to see policing done in a 'more gentle fashion'

President Trump said Monday during a roundtable with law enforcement he’s going to discuss ideas to see how policing can be done in “a much more gentle fashion.”

“We’re going to work and we’re going to talk about ideas, how we can do it better and how we can do it, if possible, in a much more gentle fashion,” the president said. “A thing like what happened should never have happened, and plenty of things shouldn’t have happened.”

Trump said that the country could not give up the “finest law enforcement anywhere in the world.”

“We won’t be defunding our police,” he added. “I guess you might have some cities who want to try.”

On Monday, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said the president believed there were “instances of racism” within the police force but that most cops have been “good people.”

When asked what the president thought of the “Justice in Policing” Act unveiled by Democrats, McEnany said Trump hadn’t reviewed it but was looking into options of police reform. However, she added that ending “qualified immunity” protecting police from lawsuits was off the table.
Pandering BULLSHIT.

GENTLE policing?

GTFO with that nonsensical garbage.

Trump virtue signaling to the minorities is no better than Pelosi bowing down to BLM.

Our nation is in a disgusting place.
This is the message Trump can win on, he's a quick learner we all know that.

Support good cops, get rid of the bad ones. Trump can support civil liberties and listen to people. He knows the world isn't fair all the time, but ones constitutional rights must never be spit on, let alone lead to death when handcuffed.

There is no way around it, the world is changing with video cameras, youtube, social media, a much smaller world where even in Canada we see British police and say "how come they have so few deaths by the hands of cops?". The days of old are over and it will be reflected in policing and budgets, one way or another.

Besides, men and women in uniform, at least in Canada; are far less the problem than those operating with impunity undercover. They have no need to be so reckless when it can be done more reasonably (where possible).

Trump says he wants to see policing done in a 'more gentle fashion'

President Trump said Monday during a roundtable with law enforcement he’s going to discuss ideas to see how policing can be done in “a much more gentle fashion.”

“We’re going to work and we’re going to talk about ideas, how we can do it better and how we can do it, if possible, in a much more gentle fashion,” the president said. “A thing like what happened should never have happened, and plenty of things shouldn’t have happened.”

Trump said that the country could not give up the “finest law enforcement anywhere in the world.”

“We won’t be defunding our police,” he added. “I guess you might have some cities who want to try.”

On Monday, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said the president believed there were “instances of racism” within the police force but that most cops have been “good people.”

When asked what the president thought of the “Justice in Policing” Act unveiled by Democrats, McEnany said Trump hadn’t reviewed it but was looking into options of police reform. However, she added that ending “qualified immunity” protecting police from lawsuits was off the table.

It's just another Trump lie that he can feed his gullible base. Sane people know better.
This is the message Trump can win on, he's a quick learner we all know that.
We do? Then why has it taken him more than three years? This isn't the first time he's misjudged a situation, just the worst instance. My prediction: this won't last long. Some 3 a.m. in the near future his Twitter finger will start itching and everything he's learned will go out the window.
Fuck off with that bullshit. He's running his mouth JUST LIKE OBAMA DID FOR EIGHT FUCKING YEARS

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