Trump responds to NFL players kneeling on Thanksgiving Day.

Well, they figure it's best to completely avoid any perspectives that don't coincide with theirs.

That's the alternate universe.
maybe a hell of a lot of people dont appreciate politics being brought into sports.....
It's not about politics. It is only made political by those who make pretty much EVERYTHING political.

The libs do make everything political. But the NFL decided to celebrate Kaepernick for his protests against Veterans, instead of reprimanding him or even ignoring him.

What veterans was he protesting against? A lie doesn't care who tells it.

Veterans who defend our country and our flag

Please show us where Kap claimed to be attacking veterans.

The American Legion as well as the VFW agree that Kaepernick's actions are disrespectful to them.

Maybe Kaep has never claimed to be specifically attacking veterans, but they see it as an attack so he needs to apologize IMHO.

Well, they figure it's best to completely avoid any perspectives that don't coincide with theirs.

That's the alternate universe.

When you inject it, into our entertainment and national pasttimes, you are getting in our faces with our anti-Americanism.

This is not about out bad behavior, but yours.
Well, they figure it's best to completely avoid any perspectives that don't coincide with theirs.

That's the alternate universe.
maybe a hell of a lot of people dont appreciate politics being brought into sports.....
It's not about politics. It is only made political by those who make pretty much EVERYTHING political.

The libs do make everything political. But the NFL decided to celebrate Kaepernick for his protests against Veterans, instead of reprimanding him or even ignoring him.

What veterans was he protesting against? A lie doesn't care who tells it.
Standard Trumpian arrogant ignorance. They hear on the radio that he was protesting veterans, so that's that. They lack the fundamental curiosity to even find out what's actually happening, or to understand the life experiences and perspectives of others.

The athlete followed a veteran's advice and chose to kneel. It was then up to his employer to either allow it or not. The employer allowed it. The Trumpsters whined and lied about his intent. If ratings drop, that's the way it goes for the employers. That's that.

They're so emotional and easily misled that they made more out of it than was actually there, because they are conditioned to.
Well, they figure it's best to completely avoid any perspectives that don't coincide with theirs.

That's the alternate universe.
maybe a hell of a lot of people dont appreciate politics being brought into sports.....
It's not about politics. It is only made political by those who make pretty much EVERYTHING political.

The libs do make everything political. But the NFL decided to celebrate Kaepernick for his protests against Veterans, instead of reprimanding him or even ignoring him.

What veterans was he protesting against? A lie doesn't care who tells it.

Veterans who defend our country and our flag
That's really what you think he was protesting?

You're simply wrong. Someone has lied to you.

Worse, you lack the curiosity to find out what he was really protesting. That intellectual laziness is on you.
Teams and Players who kneel to honor Democrat Racism and to insult our LEOs will lose income and some might even go broke because of empty stadiums.

The Stadiums are already empty due to TRUMP PLAGUE

Trump is the death punch we needed.

Yeah, the "Death Punch" is 267,000 dead from Covid... I think we've been punched quite hard.

November 3rd, we punched back.

After January 20th, we get to punch him some more with some prosecutions.
Well, they figure it's best to completely avoid any perspectives that don't coincide with theirs.

That's the alternate universe.
maybe a hell of a lot of people dont appreciate politics being brought into sports.....
It's not about politics. It is only made political by those who make pretty much EVERYTHING political.

The libs do make everything political. But the NFL decided to celebrate Kaepernick for his protests against Veterans, instead of reprimanding him or even ignoring him.

What veterans was he protesting against? A lie doesn't care who tells it.

Veterans who defend our country and our flag

Please show us where Kap claimed to be attacking veterans.
He heard it on the radio. Evidently that's what they've been told in the alternate universe.
Well, they figure it's best to completely avoid any perspectives that don't coincide with theirs.

That's the alternate universe.

When you inject it, into our entertainment and national pasttimes, you are getting in our faces with our anti-Americanism.

This is not about out bad behavior, but yours.

I made a point. YOu were unable to refute it.

My point stands.

When you inject it, into our entertainment and national pasttimes, you are getting in our faces with our anti-Americanism.

This is not about out bad behavior, but yours.
"I won't be watching much anymore."

A committed, aggressive, serial draft dodger has nothing to say about our flag. NOTHING!!! Bigly!!!

Yea, I was wondering what Biden had to say about this.

Why would a POTUS have anything to say? How is it any of the gummint's bidness?

Oh I'm sure Trump didn't realize that he didn't have permission to speak his mind. He's not entitled to his opinion because he's POTUS.

Yea, right.
Why does ANYONE care what the players do? Do you watch the event for the star spangled banner? That would be kinda, no very, weird. Simply ignore. Good nuff
"I won't be watching much anymore."

A committed, aggressive, serial draft dodger has nothing to say about our flag. NOTHING!!! Bigly!!!

Yea, I was wondering what Biden had to say about this.

Why would a POTUS have anything to say? How is it any of the gummint's bidness?

Oh I'm sure Trump didn't realize that he didn't have permission to speak his mind. He's not entitled to his opinion because he's POTUS.

Yea, right.

Correct. He's not the POTNFL, is he.

He WANTED in to the NFL, we know that. They snubbed him. So he bought into the USFL and then sued NFL. He won. A settlement of one dollar, which the NFL attorney reached into his pocket and laid on the table. That was the end of the USFL.

So this is yet another tantrum from the perpetual six-year-old. Fuck him and every spoiled-brat narcissist who acts like him.
"I won't be watching much anymore."

So let me get this straight.

According to trump and you, no one has the right to peaceful protest.

Even though the First Amendment to our constitution clearly says we do.

According to trump and you, trump can tell private citizens, playing for a privately owned football team what they and can't do at their games.

So trump and you believe that the government can tell a private company and their employees what they can and can't do.

You people need to crawl back under the rocks you came out from under.
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Well, they figure it's best to completely avoid any perspectives that don't coincide with theirs.

That's the alternate universe.
maybe a hell of a lot of people dont appreciate politics being brought into sports.....
It's not about politics. It is only made political by those who make pretty much EVERYTHING political.

The libs do make everything political. But the NFL decided to celebrate Kaepernick for his protests against Veterans, instead of reprimanding him or even ignoring him.

NFL players, including Kaepernick, have repeatedly made it clear that the protests are meant as no disrespect to the military but are intended to highlight police brutality.

the only disrespect for veterans comes from Trump.
Well, they figure it's best to completely avoid any perspectives that don't coincide with theirs.

That's the alternate universe.
maybe a hell of a lot of people dont appreciate politics being brought into sports.....
It's not about politics. It is only made political by those who make pretty much EVERYTHING political.

The libs do make everything political. But the NFL decided to celebrate Kaepernick for his protests against Veterans, instead of reprimanding him or even ignoring him.

NFL players, including Kaepernick, have repeatedly made it clear that the protests are meant as no disrespect to the military but are intended to highlight police brutality.

the only disrespect for veterans comes from Trump.
Yep. Trump likes soldiers who aren't caught, and his generals are "a bunch of dopes and babies".
Well, they figure it's best to completely avoid any perspectives that don't coincide with theirs.

That's the alternate universe.
maybe a hell of a lot of people dont appreciate politics being brought into sports.....
It's not about politics. It is only made political by those who make pretty much EVERYTHING political.

The libs do make everything political. But the NFL decided to celebrate Kaepernick for his protests against Veterans, instead of reprimanding him or even ignoring him.

NFL players, including Kaepernick, have repeatedly made it clear that the protests are meant as no disrespect to the military but are intended to highlight police brutality.

the only disrespect for veterans comes from Trump.

The alleged disrespect that Trump was said to have given to veterans was shown to be a lie by Trump adversary John Bolton.
Well, they figure it's best to completely avoid any perspectives that don't coincide with theirs.

That's the alternate universe.
maybe a hell of a lot of people dont appreciate politics being brought into sports.....
As private citizens football players are at liberty to engage in lawful, peaceful protest.

It’s idiocy to suggest that football players should refrain from lawful, peaceful protest because others might object.
the gripe is bringing it into a sporting event jones....not if its ok for them to protest.....
The left makes everything political. They're like cancer. They disease everything they touch.
The kneeling doesn't bother me one bit. I don't care. I stand they kneel good nuff.When stadiums open again I will be in attendance whether they kneel or not. It's not an issue.

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