Trump Republicans: What is the main reason you want Trump '24? Poll

Trump Republicans: What is the main reason you want Trump '24?

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Nope, after the kangaroo court fails. Trump will win in a landslide. Then Trump will have the support of the American people to do as he pleases.
Promises made before the election we must know. Vengeance to what they did to him is of honor and integrity.
Is the left blind? All we hear is Trump, Trump, Trump and nobody is talking about the serious mental decline of the current president not to mention the corruption that has become obvious despite the media's effort to cover it up. Is Biden up to it?

What does that have to do with the post you responded to? What are you claiming is a "sunk cost" exactly?
I love it when republicans point out all the violence, and riots, and looting, and arson , and police injured, and billions in damage that happened under Trump.

Then I tap them on the shoulder to remind them that America is back to normal.
Who was rioting?



I like DeS and Ramsy and really, all of them save Dense and Hutchinson and CC

I know the damnrats won't like this following comment, but Trump has EARNED it. A lesser candidate would have... well, not sure how to finish tht sentence but...maybe this works:

"would have done things differently... become a RINO or what have you"
The one choice you didn't have on your poll was effectiveness, i.e. ability, instincts, aptitude, courage to get things done that are good for America and Americans and the wisdom to not bother with things that don't help

Example of things that don't help: Biden announced this week that he is going to protect us all from add on fees on concert tickets. That's a big fat comfort to Americans who are seeing the value of their paychecks, options, opportunities, choices eroding every day.

Okay so Trump is sometimes arrogant, self-important, petulant, petty, obnoxious. But he delivered or was delivering on his campaign promises that got him elected and there is no reason to believe he won't do his best there again.

I'm voting effectiveness over personality. Trump has my vote if he is the nominee in 2024.
You are the worst liar in this forum.
Trump was the greatest president ever.


Trump had 4 years to save America. Over a million people died because Trump didn't want to ruin his makeup, he crashed your economy, fractured NATO, and let Putin have his way in the Middle East, allowing the slaughter of the Kurds, and the release of thousands of ISIS fighters in both Syria and Afghanistan, and nearly starting WWIII with Iran.

He tore up all of your trade deals, and those deals he DID replace, lead to a better balance of trade for your trading partners, not the USA. Under Trump's NAFTA 2.0, Canada has gone from an $11 billion per year manufacturing surplus, to a

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