Trump rekindles the nuclear arms race.

Not even President & within the past two days Trump has started a nuclear arms race with the rest of the planet.

So while other Countries are building their nuke supply I guess we shall fight back with a few rocks........gawd the logic of liberal screwballs.

Not to mention every nuclear power plant in the US is leaking radioactive bs as it is.

But I guess the screwballs prefer a nice slow cancerous death rather than an instant death .
Race? The Russians and the USA have enough nukes to obliterate each other a thousand times over

Exactly, so why is Trump saying that we need to have even more nukes until the world comes to their senses concerning them? Actually, here is his exact tweet............

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes

10:50 AM - 22 Dec 2016
Still think he's playing with a full deck?

I'll ask the same question I asked above that has yet to be responded to. Are you referring to his response to Putin? You see, Trump didn't just pull the tweet out of his ass. He was responding to Putin wanting to up his nuclear arsenal. So yes, he is playing with a full deck. He could do like Obama and clutch his pearls and piss his panties.

He was responding to Putin? What did Putin say to provoke that kind of response?

Seriously? If you're going to post in these discussions, you need to be informed.

Trump, Putin both seek to boost their nuclear capability -

"President-elect Donald Trump signaled Thursday that he will look to "strengthen and expand" the US's nuclear capability hours after Russian President Vladimir Putin pledged to enhance his country's nuclear forces."

"In Moscow earlier Tuesday, Putin said in a defense speech that Russia needs to "enhance the combat capability of strategic nuclear forces, primarily by strengthening missile complexes that will be guaranteed to penetrate existing and future missile defense systems."

Putin's remarks appeared to suggest that he was talking about new weapons systems that could overcome US missile defenses, a development that could force the US to respond. It was not clear, however, if he was contemplating an expansion in the total numbers of Russian weapons or of the stocks of those arms that are deployed. "

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