Trump quotes Mussolini on Meet the Press

Even fascist dictators come up with winning quote now and again.

If Obungles had quoted it we'd here crickets from the left loons
It is, indeed an interesting - and true quote. Every intelligent and informed person would certainly prefer to be a lion than one of the brain dead sheep who follow crooked, lying, unqualified people like The Bern or Shrillary.
"It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep."

I have no problem with that quote regardless of who said it. Of course, the Left follows the opposite of the sentiment expressed in the quote.
How We Fooled Donald Trump Into Retweeting Benito Mussolini

Mira Fascismo with a Bad Haircut has come to Amerikkka

In fact I thought that "Mussolini " was pasta that looked like D Trumps hairpiece on a plate...

The link between "The Donald " and Benito is that they are both "Authoritarian"....they attract folks looking for a "Macho type" to reassure them and help them to not quit...weaklings and sheeples...Republicans....but I repeat myself............
Even fascist dictators come up with winning quote now and again.

If Obungles had quoted it we'd here crickets from the left loons
liberals would never quote a moron fascist. BTW, a loon does. and a minion of a loon defends it....which makes you a sheep.
It's amazing how fair and open minded Trump is when it comes to Mussolini, Putin, KKK, but not so much when it comes to Muslims, Hispanics...
And I'm really alarmed at how badly he spells. It's as if he paid for his entire education via illegal term papers and answer keys to all the final exams.
How We Fooled Donald Trump Into Retweeting Benito Mussolini

Mira Fascismo with a Bad Haircut has come to Amerikkka

In fact I thought that "Mussolini " was pasta that looked like D Trumps hairpiece on a plate...

The link between "The Donald " and Benito is that they are both "Authoritarian"....they attract folks looking for a "Macho type" to reassure them and help them to not quit...weaklings and sheeples...Republicans....but I repeat myself............

You do so much people quit listening to you...much like Obungles
How We Fooled Donald Trump Into Retweeting Benito Mussolini

Mira Fascismo with a Bad Haircut has come to Amerikkka

In fact I thought that "Mussolini " was pasta that looked like D Trumps hairpiece on a plate...

The link between "The Donald " and Benito is that they are both "Authoritarian"....they attract folks looking for a "Macho type" to reassure them and help them to not quit...weaklings and sheeples...Republicans....but I repeat myself............

You do so much people quit listening to you...much like Obungles
more bi catfish wisdom
How We Fooled Donald Trump Into Retweeting Benito Mussolini

Mira Fascismo with a Bad Haircut has come to Amerikkka

In fact I thought that "Mussolini " was pasta that looked like D Trumps hairpiece on a plate...

The link between "The Donald " and Benito is that they are both "Authoritarian"....they attract folks looking for a "Macho type" to reassure them and help them to not quit...weaklings and sheeples...Republicans....but I repeat myself............

You do so much people quit listening to you...much like Obungles
more bi catfish wisdom
SIEG HEIL TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You and your 'type' will be the FIRST ones on the cattle cars!
How did Italy do while headed by the decisive Lion Mussolini...?

They lined up with Adolph Hitler with Tojo and the Axis Powers ending up on the wrong side of WW 2.... is that where Trump is going to lead us to...?

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