Trump Proposed "Armed Security Guards" in Every School


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2018
This sounds like a great idea but will be nearly impossible to implement and a waste of resources. What is an armed security guard going to do at a school that never sees a school shooting--which is the vast majority of schools, btw? Walk around armed and...what? It makes no sense.

"Every school", of course, includes huge high schools with 2,000 kids and this school in Wyoming, with 10 children. Yes. 10.

Can I be one of these guards? Can I bring my ar-15? How much does it pay per hour to stand at the front door?

Yeah and here's another thing. How much would this pay, and how comfortable would parents be--really--having someone in their kids' school with a gun all the time? I
Yeah and here's another thing. How much would this pay, and how comfortable would parents be--really--having someone in their kids' school with a gun all the time? I
As long as the person had a good background check and training I would have no problem with having them in a school my grandkids attended.

Most shooters will avoid schools with armed guards. Harder to rack up a high kill score before you go down. Zones where guns are not allowed are far more attractive as shooting galleries.
As long as the person had a good background check and training I would have no problem with having them in a school my grandkids attended.

Most shooters will avoid schools with armed guards. Harder to rack up a high kill score before you go down. Zones where guns are not allowed are far more attractive as shooting galleries.
There were guns at Stoneman Douglas High School. Didn't do any good there. There were guns at that bank too. Still plenty of dead people.
The issue of mass shootings is a social one. Society is becoming more sick with fewer resources as the health industry isn't organized and doing interviews on Fox. We've had many random knife murders in Toronto with a massive, municipal bankrupting police budget to boot as the police telll us " we need more moey to protect you! ". Riiiight.... Record budgets, well armed, well funded (and unaccountable), yet, the innocent victims keep piling up. No gun even needed in this city. The rabbit chasing expands though...
There were guns at Stoneman Douglas High School. Didn't do any good there. There were guns at that bank too. Still plenty of dead people.
True. The armed guard at Stoneman Douglas wasn’t up to the job.

In the Louisville bank shooting I believe the armed guard was killed.

Armed guards will not stop very shooter but will be able to stop some perhaps most.
schools cant afford to pay teachers or pay for books for each student but hell yes lets pay armed guards...who are going to do what? how much training do the armed guards need? more than the police in uvalde in texas....will armed guards stop the killings ...i dont think so....shooters will just take them out first
True. The armed guard at Stoneman Douglas wasn’t up to the job.

In the Louisville bank shooting I believe the armed guard was killed.

Armed guards will not stop very shooter but will be able to stop some perhaps most.
The guard at Stoneman Douglas was not up to the job. He didn’t even try to stop the attack. A different guard might have made a big difference. The guard at the bank may have tried to stop the shooter but gave up his life trying.

No armed guards means the shooter in many incidents will have more time to kill before the police can respond. We have a shortage of police in many big cities today so response time may be higher than a few years ago.

Armed guards can make a difference. This story is from 2022.


From the AP . . .

St. Louis Schools Superintendent Kelvin Adams said seven security guards were in the school at the time, each at an entry point of the locked building. One of the guards noticed the man was trying to get in at a locked door, but couldn’t. The guard notified school officials and ensured that police were contacted, Sack said.

“It was that timely response by that security officer, the fact that the door did cause pause for the suspect, that bought us some time,” Sack said.

It’s truly heartbreaking that two were killed in the school, but we should sing the praises of the courageous good guys with guns who seem to have done their jobs and short-circuited this would-be murder spree quickly, apparently minimizing casualties.

While early reports ic cases such as this are usually full of bad and misinformation, it appears that a very bad situation was handled as well as it could have been.
True. The armed guard at Stoneman Douglas wasn’t up to the job.

In the Louisville bank shooting I believe the armed guard was killed.

Armed guards will not stop very shooter but will be able to stop some perhaps most.

Dress them up in civilian clothes and concealed carry practices will make them stand out less. The employees are the only ones who need to know who the guards are, same with school staffs. They can also do other jobs for cover, they don't have to just stand around wearing a figurative bull's eye and be spotted from a mile off. They can look like grounds keepers or bus drivers, or even teachers.
As long as the person had a good background check and training I would have no problem with having them in a school my grandkids attended.

Most shooters will avoid schools with armed guards. Harder to rack up a high kill score before you go down. Zones where guns are not allowed are far more attractive as shooting galleries.

The guy that shot up the bank last week had a clean record and would have passed a background check.
Trump is good at proposing a lot of things. He doesn't have the attention span to follow anything through though.
schools cant afford to pay teachers or pay for books for each student but hell yes lets pay armed guards...who are going to do what? how much training do the armed guards need? more than the police in uvalde in texas....will armed guards stop the killings ...i dont think so....shooters will just take them out first

More to the point, schools can't get people in. Shortages in teachers, subs, bus drivers, aides, paras. So now you're gonna pay people for this training and then to do...what?
how much does one need to be paid to face up to a ar 15? how much pay would it take for you to be armed SweetSue92

I'm a gun owner. But do I want a gun in my classroom? Not on my life. Or on my students' lives. If another teacher wants that, fine. That's their choice. My choice is no.

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