Trump Promises All Americans Will Get Same COVID Treatment He Got -- For Free

And when Trump received 100K worth of taxpayer funded medical treatment; administered by government employed doctors at a government owned medical facility -- that isn't socialism either??


Because everyone in a socialist system would get the same treatment that Trump got. Do you think everyone in the UK gets the same level of care Boris Johnson got when he was hospitalized with the Rona?
So when Trump said he was going to make sure everyone got the same treatment he got for free -- what was he talking about?? Free market capitalism??

You know, like how you can go and get a disease -- and then go to any hospital and get free treatment?

"President Donald Trump in a video in front of the Oval Office posted on Wednesday promised coronavirus patients free therapeutics and painted his diagnosis as a positive development. "I want to get for you what I got, and I'm going to make it free. You're not going to pay for it. It wasn't your fault that this happened. It was China's fault," Trump said in the nearly five-minute video. Trump made a special appeal to seniors, who have abandoned him in droves in polling ahead of the quickly approaching election. "If you're in the hospital and you're feeling really bad, I think we're going to work it so that you get them and you get them free. Especially if you're a senior, we're going to get you in there quick."

Well, I am almost certain that Trump is just talking out of his ass -- much like he promised a super extra special middle class tax cut right before the 2018 midterms....but if catching COVID is what it took for him to come out in support of universal healthcare -- then I guess him catching COVID really is a blessing from God..

I have long thought that Trump is the only person who can get universal healthcare passed because most of the republicans who would oppose it will suddenly be in favor of it just because their cult leader told them to -- added to the significant amount of Democrats who already support it (like Sanders, AOC, Ilhan Omar, etc) that would be enough to get it passed....but of course the reality is -- he was just talking out of his ass, but it is interesting that when trying to pander; he chose to pander with liberal policies and not conservative ones...

Headline should read "tRump talking outta his ass again or in other words, Monday".
All he has to do is raise tariffs on China to pay for the treatment. That would work out perfectly.

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