Trump promised the wall and an end to these stupid wars and he is delivering...

I'm still wondering why we wasted 300,000 to 500,000 EACH for the 8 prototypes of wall, that is never going to be built? Serious waste of money there.

Never mind the active troop deployment to the southern border that is still costing taxpayers and wasting money.

It should not be a deployment, they should be permanently stationed there.

Posse Comitatus Act won't allow it.

Bullshit. Border defense is not a law enforcement activity. LE can deal with the few that get past the military

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pssssttt...there is no have been lied to

Thanks to Dems and RINOs.

You do realize that Trump is a RINO, he has never really been a Repub

True, he is a real independent. But at least he is against the Marxist Agenda, and the neocons. Hopefully he will set the GOP straight.

He is closets to a populist, he says what will make people in front of him cheer the most. That is why he changes so much and why when he is face to face with world leaders he always caves.

Like when he “caved” to the Paris accords?
Like when the EU caved to his demands to drop tariffs against the US?

Can you provide a list of tariffs that the EU has actually dropped?
the oldest wall in history is one in Syria, constructed 4,000 years ago.

see how Trump brings everything together from the ancient past to the present!

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