trump predicts end of country in 3 years and then says he may run again in 3 years


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

Good Grief! The man has finally gone over the edge. But his cult will continue drool over his ever convoluted word...and send him their money. The Liar in Chief will never cease to amaze.

I suppose his BIG LIE was losing some of it's impact, so he had to come up with another earth shaking statement to stay relevant. He is losing ground quickly.
Donald Trump is gaining Democrats every day who are finally waking up to the HORROR of DEMOCRATIC RULE and the insanity of the Biden administration.
No one wants to see an attempted insurrectionist back in the WH. No one! He is losing support every day. And unfortunately, he is losing what is left of his mind every day. He is is this to fleece an much money as he can from his cult.

I bet you have sent him a couple dollars, haven't you? Yup, he will lie and you will send him money.

Good Grief! The man has finally gone over the edge. But his cult will continue drool over his ever convoluted word...and send him their money. The Liar in Chief will never cease to amaze.

I suppose his BIG LIE was losing some of it's impact, so he had to come up with another earth shaking statement to stay relevant. He is losing ground quickly.
The neat thing is, he knows he can pretty much anything and he'll never answer for it.

This is a guy who talked about the size of his DICK in a nationally-televised "presidential" debate.

He lowered the bar to the ground and his cultists adore him more every day.
No one wants to see an attempted insurrectionist back in the WH. No one! He is losing support every day. And unfortunately, he is losing what is left of his mind every day. He is is this to fleece an much money as he can from his cult.

I bet you have sent him a couple dollars, haven't you? Yup, he will lie and you will send him money.

No one wants to see an attempted insurrectionist back in the WH.

My poor country, We have gotten down to the place were we are mud wrestling with each other.
The left will be obliterated in 2024, the Dem party may never recover. Then we'll put many of those corrupt Dem bastards in Washington in prison and see how they like that. Oh yes, the beating is coming!
The left will be obliterated in 2024, the Dem party may never recover. Then we'll put many of those corrupt Dem bastards in Washington in prison and see how they like that. Oh yes, the beating is coming!
trump will still be wearing diapers in 2024, but he will need helping feeding himself. each day he slips a little further into the twilight zone.
No one wants to see an attempted insurrectionist back in the WH. No one! He is losing support every day. And unfortunately, he is losing what is left of his mind every day. He is is this to fleece an much money as he can from his cult.

I bet you have sent him a couple dollars, haven't you? Yup, he will lie and you will send him money.
You quibble over nothing while your country is being taken from you. Open your eyes.

Good Grief! The man has finally gone over the edge. But his cult will continue drool over his ever convoluted word...and send him their money. The Liar in Chief will never cease to amaze.

I suppose his BIG LIE was losing some of it's impact, so he had to come up with another earth shaking statement to stay relevant. He is losing ground quickly.
Jesus H Tapdancing Christ....Do you have a poster of Trump wallpapered onto your bedroom ceiling?

Huff Post fake news.

Good Grief! The man has finally gone over the edge.
So for the past FIVE years while you lefties said he has gone over the edge, he hadn't? You were lying all that time?

But his cult will continue drool over his ever convoluted word...and send him their money.
At least he offers something worth drooling over, a better America. All Biden offers is brain-fog, senility, forgetfulness, walking in circles, and catastrophe everywhere he goes.

The Liar in Chief will never cease to amaze.
You'd be amazed by a 4th of July sparkler.

I suppose his BIG LIE was losing some of it's impact,
There is no big lie except those made up by democrats. If there WAS a big lie, you'd be able to PROVE IT! Where's the proof of the lie????????

so he had to come up with another earth shaking statement to stay relevant.
America already has one foot in the grave. Trump is right, there will be nothing to save by the end of a Biden'Harris term.

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