Trump praising confederates

Its all about pandering to whiteness for that dipshit

Another leftist racist post.

Flaylo: Hey guys, let's victimize blacks again and manipulate and use them for free government cheese! Let's just keep stoking race wars and bad feelings. Fuck blacks, they're just pawns. I'm feeling lucky! Let's go!

That's all your post says.

Lee went with his home State of Virginia. If they had stayed in the Union, he'd have been general of the Union army. I know that doesn't fit your racist storyline
Strictly speaking, Trump is correct. Lee was a master tactician and a great General. Anyone who's unable to comprehend that is ignorant and stupid. You can disagree with the cause for which he fought all you want but, from a military perspective, Trump was spot on. Lee was brilliant. Despite facing armies which far outnumbered his own, Lee won strategic victories at both Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville.

And we would not have been two countries, as Lee once wrote: " I can anticipate no greater calamity for the country than a dissolution of the Union. It would be an accumulation of all the evils we complain of, and I am willing to sacrifice everything but honor for its preservation."

Secession was something Lee neither wanted nor pursued...
So what did he want?

He wanted only to defend Virginia...

Yep. Had Virginia stayed in the Union, he'd have been general of the Union troops
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“Trump praising confederates”

…comes as a surprise to no one.
Robert E Lee was every bit an American as you are.
How can an American taking up arms against the United States not be a traitor?

Because the entire region was reassimilated after being defeated. Their history is part of our larger shared history.

IF they had succeeded, that would not be the case. Then Lee would not be an American historical Figure but only a Confederate historical figure.

Secession was something Lee neither wanted nor pursued...
Only something he fought for. Right.

No, it wasn't.

Try being smarter. It'll make all of this so much more fun...
No doubt your next revision of history will be saying slavery the inferiority of the black man wasn't claimed to be the cornerstone of the Confederacy.
Even if it was, how does that justify Lincoln making war on his fellow Americans?
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