Trump on partial birth abortion, gays in the military & NEW YORK VALUES

I take NY values over Texas values any day.
Maybe that's why you medical costs are so much higher...and you have to pay to clean up the street after the homeless dude shits on your doorstep...and pay to spray the gizzum off the light pole after the brown man jerks off ....
My medical costs are not higher...they are just fine. And while there are homeless there, not as many as in the South (not a values thing...a weather thing) And how many "brown men" have you been spying on jerking off?
Not all men jerk off in front of the Kennedy center...but the one I saw was brown. Maybe he was waiting for Teddy?
Libtards want to attack Donald...but they hate you have a stumper here....
I am more interested in convincing Trump supporters that he is not who he portrays himself to be
Come on. Republicans deify a B movie actor. Someone who wasn't who he protrays himself to be. He was an "ACTOR". He was acting. I thought that's who they like.
If New York had always had southern conservative values, none of you rubes in this thread would be here because your immigrant ancestors would have been sent back.
Those liberal values gave us our slaves...thanks for that.
Lol. Slavery is a socially conservative concept. That's why slavers always referred to the bible to justify it and were afraid and angry at social liberals for wanting to CHANGE things so that there was no slavery. "Change" is anathema to social conservatives.
My point was if conservative values would have sent my ancestors home, the liberal values let my slaves in. We're talking history here Rdean....long time ago.

I hope that Fedex guy shows up today....
When Ted Cruz was talking about New York values, he talked about pro-abortion, anti-second-amendment, gay marriage, minimum wage, common core, tax-the-rich etc. etc. etc. He said nothing about the heroism of New York Police and Fire Department.

So, Trump's non-answer was nothing but an empty deflection.

Having said that Trump would still be the best Republican to oppose whichever old clown the Democrats send to their inevitable demise.
Libtards want to attack Donald...but they hate you have a stumper here....

No, I'm fine with either one of these cultural rejects being your candidate.
And I with your commie, lying, braindead candidates.

But, I don't care what your opinion is of the Democrats, I didn't ask, you seem to be concerned about what the liberals think of Cruz and Trump.
I'm not concerned...just stating facts.
Libtards want to attack Donald...but they hate you have a stumper here....

No, I'm fine with either one of these cultural rejects being your candidate.
And I with your commie, lying, braindead candidates.

But, I don't care what your opinion is of the Democrats, I didn't ask, you seem to be concerned about what the liberals think of Cruz and Trump.
I'm not concerned...just stating facts.

"Libtards want to attack Donald...but they hate you have a stumper here..." That's a fact?

Trump is an unelectable windbag and Cruz is worse. There is no stumper to it. Elect either one, I'm begging you to.
I take NY values over Texas values any day.

Have you ever been to Texas?

If not then you are writing something you have no knowledge about.

Texas has it Conservative element but it is liberal in all of it major cities and I love it here more than Chicago...

Still trust him?

First off it's 17 years ago. I've said and believed in things 17 years ago that are in no way who I am today--HOWEVER--this makes me like him even more. I'm pro choice, pro gay marriage and for gays in the military. He wins in this interview.

He was a Democrat for 60 years. He conveniently became a Republican when he first chose to run for president.

Still trust him?

First off it's 17 years ago. I've said and believed in things 17 years ago that are in no way who I am today--HOWEVER--this makes me like him even more. I'm pro choice, pro gay marriage and for gays in the military. He wins in this interview.

He was a Democrat for 60 years. He conveniently became a Republican when he first chose to run for president.

I don't care what he is. I vote for the man/woman not the party. (I voted for Obama in 08)

Still trust him?

How people are convinced that this joker is NOW some kind of conservative is beyond me. He's PRO-CHOICE, period. That hasn't changed ... he's just paying it lip service, pandering to the sheep. Just like Hillary is when it comes to gay marriage (or really anything else she's changed her position on). I don't believe for one minute that she's changed her opinion on that, she just pays it lip service because then people will vote for her.
I take NY values over Texas values any day.
Maybe that's why you medical costs are so much higher...and you have to pay to clean up the street after the homeless dude shits on your doorstep...and pay to spray the gizzum off the light pole after the brown man jerks off ....
My medical costs are not higher...they are just fine. And while there are homeless there, not as many as in the South (not a values thing...a weather thing) And how many "brown men" have you been spying on jerking off?
Not all men jerk off in front of the Kennedy center...but the one I saw was brown. Maybe he was waiting for Teddy?
Ok, you like to watch.
I take NY values over Texas values any day.
Maybe that's why you medical costs are so much higher...and you have to pay to clean up the street after the homeless dude shits on your doorstep...and pay to spray the gizzum off the light pole after the brown man jerks off ....
My medical costs are not higher...they are just fine. And while there are homeless there, not as many as in the South (not a values thing...a weather thing) And how many "brown men" have you been spying on jerking off?
Not all men jerk off in front of the Kennedy center...but the one I saw was brown. Maybe he was waiting for Teddy?
Ok, you like to watch.
I see the brown man on TV...I don't watch.

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