Trump NY co-chair makes racist remarks about Michelle Obama

Trump NY co-chair makes racist remarks about Michelle Obama

The outlet asked Paladino, “What would you most like to happen in 2017?”

His response: “Obama catches mad cow disease after being caught having relations with a Herford. He dies before trial and is buried in a cow pasture next to [senior White House adviser] Valerie Jarrett, who died weeks prior, after being convicted of sedition and treason, when a Jihady cell mate mistook her being a nice person and decapitated her."

Asked "What would you like to see go in 2017?" Paladino attacked the first lady in sexual and racist terms:

“Michelle Obama. I’d like her to return to being a male and let loose in the outback of Zimbabwe where she lives comfortable in a cave with Maxie, the gorilla.”

Man, the next couple years promises to be oodles of fun!

Yeah, a bit over the top, but essentially a poor attempt at humor.

When did you libtards lose your funny bone?
I'm all for sick humor but that was so bad it wasnt even funny
It was kinda funny
No need to makes awful jokes about MO. Just tell the truth. That'll do fine.

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