Trump now owns healthcare, and the GOP will need to go home

and face the dirty facts of what they just did. Say goodbye to your seats next election. Taking millions off of healthcare to give tax cuts to the wealthy. Shame , shame , shame.

Whoever wanted this and voted for this, just remember you will reap what you sowed. You have got what you wanted, so clap and laugh and face the reality of what you voted for.

This is probably the saddest day in the US history. Taking healthcare away from millions to give tax cuts to the wealthy.

Now Mike Pence needs to break the tie and we know what his vote will be.

Its over and the GOP is over.

They didn't change it, so they own it?
Good then. It needs to be gone. No way in hell is it legal to force a tax on me if I don't have insurance.

Individual mandates are necessary if you're guaranteeing universal coverage. You're not opposed to the mandate, you're opposed to affordable health insurance.

They will get rid of mandate, ind and employer, cost sharing , expanded Medicaid, increase HSA's, whatever the GOP wants. Trump is going to sign it.

Basically it gives permission for the GOP to do whatever they want. Pence is the tie breaker.

More than likely you're right and then the crying will start when those rates don't go down. Not to mention the loss of jobs in the insurance industry which has already started with Molina yesterday, laying off 1400 employees.

The Molina layoffs occurred before the vote, it is a reflection of the current healthcare already in place.

Announced in the 4th quarter of 2016 due to a GOP getting elected, AKA Trump. I assume that is what made their decision, getting out while the getting is good.

Long Beach City Council voted earlier this month to create a business support team tasked with keeping Molina Healthcare in town.

Molina Healthcare has grown substantially in the years since then-President Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act in 2010. At the end of that year, Molina Healthcare employed some 4,200 people, according to its annual report for 2010. Its total employment quintupled between then and the end of last year, when some 21,000 people worked for the firm, the Press-Telegram reported.

So you just want to assume it was because of Trump being elected. It had nothing to do with their 4th quarter losses in 2016 of $91 million.It had nothing to do with their stock dropping 17% in May and getting rid of the CEO and CFO. It had nothing to do with a very rapid growth and then the curbing of that growth, it is just all because of Donald Trump.

I think you are dead wrong.
You can't tell the truth can you? Obama care has not been repealed. No such thing as "trump care" exists! This shit is the end result of obama. Stop lying!
You are the one who is lying!!!
Trumpcare is the ACA without the mandate, taxes and penalties as a result of Don THE Con's EO his FIRST day in office.

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
January 20, 2017
Executive Order Minimizing the Economic Burden of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Pending Repeal
Absofuckinglutely correct.

Trump pulled the legs out from under it -- he owns it now. He'll deny that of course should it collapse due to his changes; but the country will remind him, no matter what he tweets.
You can't tell the truth can you? Obama care has not been repealed. No such thing as "trump care" exists! This shit is the end result of obama. Stop lying!
You are the one who is lying!!!
Trumpcare is the ACA without the mandate, taxes and penalties as a result of Don THE Con's EO his FIRST day in office.

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
January 20, 2017
Executive Order Minimizing the Economic Burden of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Pending Repeal
Absofuckinglutely correct.

Trump pulled the legs out from under it -- he owns it now. He'll deny that of course should it collapse due to his changes; but the country will remind him, no matter what he tweets.
No, it failed before trump did anything. No can play pretend all day long, but in the end, it's another Obama/ special interest failure.
and face the dirty facts of what they just did. Say goodbye to your seats next election. Taking millions off of healthcare to give tax cuts to the wealthy. Shame , shame , shame.

Whoever wanted this and voted for this, just remember you will reap what you sowed. You have got what you wanted, so clap and laugh and face the reality of what you voted for.

This is probably the saddest day in the US history. Taking healthcare away from millions to give tax cuts to the wealthy.

Now Mike Pence needs to break the tie and we know what his vote will be.

Its over and the GOP is over.
It's still too close to call.

Trump was able to cajole the GOP Senators into voting for debate.

He can't do the same once all amendments are in.

This is not repeal.

This is not even replace.

This is just modify.

ACA is here to stay.

Same as Social Security and Medicare.
You can't tell the truth can you? Obama care has not been repealed. No such thing as "trump care" exists! This shit is the end result of obama. Stop lying!
You are the one who is lying!!!
Trumpcare is the ACA without the mandate, taxes and penalties as a result of Don THE Con's EO his FIRST day in office.

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
January 20, 2017
Executive Order Minimizing the Economic Burden of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Pending Repeal
Absofuckinglutely correct.

Trump pulled the legs out from under it -- he owns it now. He'll deny that of course should it collapse due to his changes; but the country will remind him, no matter what he tweets.
No, it failed before trump did anything. No can play pretend all day long, but in the end, it's another Obama/ special interest failure.
It hasn't failed yet. Had it failed, the Republican-led Congress wouldn't be desperately trying to repeal it.
Since the mandates, the growth in premiums has been less than it was prior to the ACA. That's what I meant. Mandates are necessary if you're guaranteeing universal coverage, which is what Trump and the GOP promised as they campaigned in 2016 and even in early 2017 once in office. So by repealing Obamacare, they are breaking that major campaign promise.
Wrong Republicans many promised to repeal Obananacare. The government mandating/forcing the blue collar working class who most generally earn less to pay more for less service to provide for someone else's healthcare is totally insane and it is unjust. The lawyer and his wife can downgrade their lifestyle and pay for their own expenses.

Why should someone go bankrupt, or lose their home, or drop out of school over something out of their control? Any type of cancer treatment is expensive.
Why should someone else have to chance losing their home to pay for another person's medical insurance and care?
Actually the GOP has done everything to ruin the ACA since inception.
Such as WHAT?
The perpetual Right-wing dumb act again.

Such as this:
The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
January 20, 2017
Executive Order Minimizing the Economic Burden of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Pending Repeal
OP said "since inception" which, I believe, was 2009. So what you need to do is carry your happy ass to and find the House and Senate bills passed by Republicans since 2009 that changes anything regarding ACA... I'll wait!
The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
January 20, 2017
Executive Order Minimizing the Economic Burden of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Pending Repeal
They didn't change it, so they own it?
You should have known as soon as your MessiahRushie told you the ACA has not been changed, that it truly has been changed!!!

Jul 18, 2017
RUSH: The law still says you have to buy it. Remember, the mandates are still there. The fines are still there. Everything’s still there if it isn’t repealed in its present downward spiral, which everybody agrees is happening.

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release

January 20, 2017

Executive Order Minimizing the Economic Burden of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Pending Repeal


Sec. 2. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Secretary of Health and Human Services (Secretary) and the heads of all other executive departments and agencies (agencies) with authorities and responsibilities under the Act shall exercise all authority and discretion available to them to waive, defer, grant exemptions from, or delay the implementation of any provision or requirement of the Act that would impose a fiscal burden on any State or a cost, fee, tax, penalty, or regulatory burden on individuals, families, healthcare providers, health insurers, patients, recipients of healthcare services, purchasers of health insurance, or makers of medical devices, products, or medications.
You can't tell the truth can you? Obama care has not been repealed. No such thing as "trump care" exists! This shit is the end result of obama. Stop lying!
You are the one who is lying!!!
Trumpcare is the ACA without the mandate, taxes and penalties as a result of Don THE Con's EO his FIRST day in office.

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
January 20, 2017
Executive Order Minimizing the Economic Burden of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Pending Repeal
Absofuckinglutely correct.

Trump pulled the legs out from under it -- he owns it now. He'll deny that of course should it collapse due to his changes; but the country will remind him, no matter what he tweets.
No, it failed before trump did anything. No can play pretend all day long, but in the end, it's another Obama/ special interest failure.
Nope, if it actually had failed before Don THE Con fucked with it, you would not have to repeal it or WAIT for it to fail.
Admit it for 8 years the Right have been lying to you about the ACA failing.
You can't tell the truth can you? Obama care has not been repealed. No such thing as "trump care" exists! This shit is the end result of obama. Stop lying!
You are the one who is lying!!!
Trumpcare is the ACA without the mandate, taxes and penalties as a result of Don THE Con's EO his FIRST day in office.

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
January 20, 2017
Executive Order Minimizing the Economic Burden of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Pending Repeal
Absofuckinglutely correct.

Trump pulled the legs out from under it -- he owns it now. He'll deny that of course should it collapse due to his changes; but the country will remind him, no matter what he tweets.
No, it failed before trump did anything. No can play pretend all day long, but in the end, it's another Obama/ special interest failure.
Nope, if it actually had failed before Don THE Con fucked with it, you would not have to repeal it or WAIT for it to fail.
Admit it for 8 years the Right have been lying to you about the ACA failing.
You're liar. Obama care has been screwed since the beginning. How criminal is it to make people pay a tax if they don't have insurance. It's being dropped all over the country, rates are sky high, and you just look the other way and lie.
Right, you know exactly what I'm opposed to.

Thing is, Conservatives have no idea what it is they actually want. All they know is what they don't want, and that's a pretty childish way to go about policy. Individual mandates are necessary if you are looking to keep premiums low. The more healthy people that pay into the premium pool, the lower the premium for that pool. That's how insurance works. Then, when those healthy people become unhealthy, the new healthy people cover their costs. And the system repeats itself as such. That's how it's sustainable.
Mandates are not keeping insurance rates low. If the lawyers wife wants to continue with her expensive cancer treatment she and hubby may have to sell that million dollar plus house and tell their kids that they will have to pay for their own college just like poor peoples children generally have to do.

Man you are a lost one. Obviously you do not understand insurance.
Obviously I understand it all to well. I actually considered selling some of it for a brief moment in time. Spent two days studying, spent the required two hundred bucks for that module, took the test and got a license for that specific type of insurance that I was considering being a sales person for with a possibility of expanding later after I checked it all out throughally. Spent one day with another agent and then came across his superior that accosted me in an attempt to steal my notes out of my hands.

I was also the one for years who determined which insurance my company would have for the employees and my own family. I also have a fairly decent line on the medical community and the pitfalls in that field too due to some fortunate and unfortunate circumstances. Insurance forced protection by the government onto people. It is racketeering made legal through legislative action. If you want it you should be able to buy it freely. If not and the legislators force you into buying it or else it is just another gangster type racketeering program legalized for a few can benefit off of other peoples labor and efforts.

edit for clarity; BTW, that insurance company offered to open up an office that they wanted me to run. I declined.

Good you didn't continue, as with the Marketplace you do not need a sales agent. I am pro Gov healthcare because one can't trust the insurance companies. We have been self insured for years and it has not been good, always having to worry about increases and cuts and getting diagnosed with anything for fear of being cut.
For whatever reason you are pro in this whole scam I am against you. My son's insurance went up by $1,800.00 a month and his deductible went from $1,500.00 a year to $5,000.00 a year. He had to pay all of the diagnostic bills and then on top of all that he paid for his own natural treatment for the brain cancer the local doctors and Mayo clinic diagnosed. I'll keep saying it until the cows come home ACA is nothing more than government sponsored racketeering.
Last edited:
You can't tell the truth can you? Obama care has not been repealed. No such thing as "trump care" exists! This shit is the end result of obama. Stop lying!
You are the one who is lying!!!
Trumpcare is the ACA without the mandate, taxes and penalties as a result of Don THE Con's EO his FIRST day in office.

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
January 20, 2017
Executive Order Minimizing the Economic Burden of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Pending Repeal
Absofuckinglutely correct.

Trump pulled the legs out from under it -- he owns it now. He'll deny that of course should it collapse due to his changes; but the country will remind him, no matter what he tweets.
No, it failed before trump did anything. No can play pretend all day long, but in the end, it's another Obama/ special interest failure.
Nope, if it actually had failed before Don THE Con fucked with it, you would not have to repeal it or WAIT for it to fail.
Admit it for 8 years the Right have been lying to you about the ACA failing.
You're liar. Obama care has been screwed since the beginning. How criminal is it to make people pay a tax if they don't have insurance. It's being dropped all over the country, rates are sky high, and you just look the other way and lie.
Rates have gone up precisely because Don THE Con eliminated the mandates!
You are the one who is lying!!!
Trumpcare is the ACA without the mandate, taxes and penalties as a result of Don THE Con's EO his FIRST day in office.

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
January 20, 2017
Executive Order Minimizing the Economic Burden of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Pending Repeal
Absofuckinglutely correct.

Trump pulled the legs out from under it -- he owns it now. He'll deny that of course should it collapse due to his changes; but the country will remind him, no matter what he tweets.
No, it failed before trump did anything. No can play pretend all day long, but in the end, it's another Obama/ special interest failure.
Nope, if it actually had failed before Don THE Con fucked with it, you would not have to repeal it or WAIT for it to fail.
Admit it for 8 years the Right have been lying to you about the ACA failing.
You're liar. Obama care has been screwed since the beginning. How criminal is it to make people pay a tax if they don't have insurance. It's being dropped all over the country, rates are sky high, and you just look the other way and lie.
Rates have gone up precisely because Don THE Con eliminated the mandates!
More lies. OC has been failing way before trump.
Absofuckinglutely correct.

Trump pulled the legs out from under it -- he owns it now. He'll deny that of course should it collapse due to his changes; but the country will remind him, no matter what he tweets.
No, it failed before trump did anything. No can play pretend all day long, but in the end, it's another Obama/ special interest failure.
Nope, if it actually had failed before Don THE Con fucked with it, you would not have to repeal it or WAIT for it to fail.
Admit it for 8 years the Right have been lying to you about the ACA failing.
You're liar. Obama care has been screwed since the beginning. How criminal is it to make people pay a tax if they don't have insurance. It's being dropped all over the country, rates are sky high, and you just look the other way and lie.
Rates have gone up precisely because Don THE Con eliminated the mandates!
More lies. OC has been failing way before trump.
The Right have been lying about the ACA failing before Don THE Con fucked with it, but it has taken Tramp's EO to actually cause the damage.
They didn't change it, so they own it?
You should have known as soon as your MessiahRushie told you the ACA has not been changed, that it truly has been changed!!!

Jul 18, 2017
RUSH: The law still says you have to buy it. Remember, the mandates are still there. The fines are still there. Everything’s still there if it isn’t repealed in its present downward spiral, which everybody agrees is happening.

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release

January 20, 2017

Executive Order Minimizing the Economic Burden of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Pending Repeal


Sec. 2. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Secretary of Health and Human Services (Secretary) and the heads of all other executive departments and agencies (agencies) with authorities and responsibilities under the Act shall exercise all authority and discretion available to them to waive, defer, grant exemptions from, or delay the implementation of any provision or requirement of the Act that would impose a fiscal burden on any State or a cost, fee, tax, penalty, or regulatory burden on individuals, families, healthcare providers, health insurers, patients, recipients of healthcare services, purchasers of health insurance, or makers of medical devices, products, or medications.

His EO was a scam, hell there was already 50 some exemptions one could file for so they didn't have to pay the penalty. I had people that were not obligated to pay the penalty but their dumb ass tax person filed their taxes wrong and told them they had to pay. Most were these places that only open for tax season, but ran into one 25 years in business CPA that didn't know a damn thing about exemptions, how to file a 1095A or B.

Now I believe that if what they are debating tonight does role that penalty back so some people would file amended tax returns and get it back. Of course with all the bills presented and voted on in the past two days who knows if it's still in there.

I just checked and they are still debating on whatever they have come up with now. I guess that would be the skinny.
All they should do is repeal the individual and employer mandates. Let people decide for themselves.

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