Trump May Once Again Nominate the Most Recent Person He Talked To for VA Cabinet Position

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
Trump is known for believing whatever the last person he talked to said.

Reports: Trump May Once Again Nominate the Most Recent Person He Talked To for VA Cabinet Position

According to sources familiar with the situation, White House officials and Trump confidantes are currently discussing the possibility of moving Kelly to head the Department of Veterans Affairs. These people say that the collapse of Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson’s nomination has created an opening for Trump to slide Kelly into the role. It would give Kelly a soft landing, while also having the benefit of putting a qualified official in charge of the sprawling department.

Ronny Jackson was nominated shortly after having conducted Trump’s physical. John Kelly’s job is basically to follow Trump around so he can snatch printed-out conspiracy-site articles about how Hillary invented AIDS out of his hands before he tweets about them. Does Donald Trump realize that he can nominate people to the Cabinet who weren’t just standing in front of him?
He nominates people to destroy the depts. and defund them , so why would the VA be any different.
Trump Considering Former GOP Rep. Jeff Miller for VA Secretary


He chaired the House Committee on Veterans Affairs which would certainly qualify him.

He played a major role in the passage of a VA reform plan in 2014 before retiring from Capitol Hill two years later.

From @ Report: President Trump is considering Former Rep. Jeff Miller for VA Secretary Role | One America News Network

And the rumors continue to fly.

The White House may send John Kelly to run the embattled Veterans Affairs department

Unnamed sources (don't you love that?) indicate he could spare him from being fired at the White House.

A White House spokesperson denied that Kelly was being considered for VA secretary, according to Vanity Fair.

Rumors surrounding Kelly's fate have intensified lately. And his role in the White House seemed to shrink as Trump reportedly takes more license to govern his own daily agenda.

Outside advisers to Trump have floated the idea of removing the chief of staff role completely, according to CNN.

From The White House may send John Kelly to run the embattled Veterans Affairs department

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