Trump may of bought oil stocks, as well as his friends and family


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
I wouldn't put it pass him, he knew he was going to do when Graham was in Florida, now Graham is saying bomb their oil fields ,

probably Graham has bought oil stocks as well.

Tramp does anything for money and I'm sure his friends do.

“I was briefed about the potential operation when I was down in Florida. I appreciate being brought into the orbit.” Graham, one of Trump's strongest supporters on Capitol Hill, was spotted Monday playing golf with the president at Trump's club in West Palm Beach.
Lindsey Graham Claims He Was Briefed About Suleimani Strike During Trump Golf Trip

Oil prices 'could make a run at $80' if US-Iran conflict intensifies, analysts say


GRAHAM: Getting more dangerous by the day. So here’s what to watch for, if the Iranians follow through on their threat to start enriching again at higher levels to basically take their enrichment program to a -- kind of a nuclear level in terms of a weapons grade production, Israel’s in a world of hurt.

So the best thing the president can do is stop that, and how do you stop that? To make Iran understand you’re not going to let that happen. I think he should put their oil refiners on a target list, that he should look at sinking the Iranian Navy if they attack shipping again.
Sen. Lindsey Graham: If Iran Attacks Again, Trump Should Consider "Taking Out Their Navy, Oil Refineries"
All oil profits in such a situation should be taxed at 100% minimum.
The board's biggest Trump hater chimes in with yet ANOTHER baseless accusation! Yawn...
I’m assuming Penelope is a female and has a P brain and what’s worse is a Democrat
Buy low, and sell high then buy short.

How much do you think 1/2 million shares will net you, and then you short. How do you think these guys are making money?? The wealthy.
Buy low, and sell high then buy short.

How much do you think 1/2 million shares will net you, and then you short. How do you think these guys are making money?? The wealthy.

Well hold onto that idea. Maybe you can use it to impeach him the second time, in 2023. :04:
Buy low, and sell high then buy short.

How much do you think 1/2 million shares will net you, and then you short. How do you think these guys are making money?? The wealthy.

Well hold onto that idea. Maybe you can use it to impeach him the second time, in 2023. :04:

For insider trading? He can't be investigated , remember? He is above the law, remember?
Buy low, and sell high then buy short.

How much do you think 1/2 million shares will net you, and then you short. How do you think these guys are making money?? The wealthy.

Well hold onto that idea. Maybe you can use it to impeach him the second time, in 2023. :04:

For insider trading? He can't be investigated , remember? He is above the law, remember?

Give up already, don't you know when to quit? Even though President Trump has been impeached, he's still the most powerful President this country has every seen.

You've lost. There's nothing you can do at this point.
Buy low, and sell high then buy short.

How much do you think 1/2 million shares will net you, and then you short. How do you think these guys are making money?? The wealthy.

Well hold onto that idea. Maybe you can use it to impeach him the second time, in 2023. :04:

For insider trading? He can't be investigated , remember? He is above the law, remember?

You mean for "imaginary" insider trading? We're ALL above that law, Penny! (eye roll)
Buy low, and sell high then buy short.

How much do you think 1/2 million shares will net you, and then you short. How do you think these guys are making money?? The wealthy.

Well hold onto that idea. Maybe you can use it to impeach him the second time, in 2023. :04:

For insider trading? He can't be investigated , remember? He is above the law, remember?

Give up already, don't you know when to quit? Even though President Trump has been impeached, he's still the most powerful President this country has every seen.

You've lost. There's nothing you can do at this point.

Yes are you above the law, you might get caught for insider trading but not tramp.
Buy low, and sell high then buy short.

How much do you think 1/2 million shares will net you, and then you short. How do you think these guys are making money?? The wealthy.

Well hold onto that idea. Maybe you can use it to impeach him the second time, in 2023. :04:

For insider trading? He can't be investigated , remember? He is above the law, remember?

You mean for "imaginary" insider trading? We're ALL above that law, Penny! (eye roll)

Not imaginary insider trading.

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