Trump may be between a rock and a hard place


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2015
I urge BOTH sides of the aisle on this board to consider this point-------------->

Democrats insist that Republicans are crooks and are evil. Same goes vice-versa. Can we all agree with that statement!

Now consider what very well, and probably what is reality--------------->BOTH sides might be correct, which puts Trump in a bind.

What do I mean---------------->Conservatives believe; and are probably closer to being accurate than inaccurate, that Obama and friends used the power of the government to punish Trump and conservatives during most of his administration, up until Trump was elected, and possibly after he took office.

Conservatives are all over this, but what if the story doesn't end there going backwards in time; and honestly, that is something many of us have not contemplated. To believe for an instant, that while through much of the Obama administration while the House and Senate were under Republican control that nobody had a clue is ridiculous.

Very possibly, and in fact likely is-------------->some, if not a lot of this stuff has been going on back for decades. We have seen reported in many, many books from credible authors, what FDR, JFK, Nixon, and even Bush senior administrations did, and that includes Reagan also, not to mention Clinton.

Now then, I have some Libertarian leanings, but let me tell you that I am not a Libertarian. That being said, we have consistently been warned by Libertarians...…...and to be fair, by others from other political party's, that our collective government has far over stepped it's bounds on how it monitors it's citizens. These people; for the most part, did NOT claim that they were Democrats, nor Republicans, but the government as a whole. What it actually appears is---------->the group holding the keys to the castle (white house) were the ones able to use government power against it's political detractors. This is reasonable proof that Nixon was only an anomaly, as in the fact he got caught!

And so-------->what if the power structure of Washington accepts this type of behavior, which it must after reading what many of these recent past Presidents did in books, and other recently released transcripts? Is there a Democrat on this board who actually believes that they actually want witnesses? Is there a Republican on this board who actually thinks that they want witnesses to out what Obama did, when the Democrats would just lead it back to what other Presidents before that were GOP did? And the whole time, the old guard in congress knew exactly what was going on?

These old guard like their power, and want to KEEP their power; for if not, why would they consistently run for re-election; not to mention, most of them get filthy rich.

Enter Donald J. Trump, someone who has not served, does not know what the hell was going on, and a bunch of REAL reporters who wanted to look into how all of this happened because they smelled a rat. They found that rat, and now BOTH sides want to keep the status quo lest the American people getting proof positive about what they always thought, might remove these parasites from office ASAP! And that means BOTH Republican and Democratic voters.

Democrats think that the GOP is just going to protect Trump. Conservatives believe that the Democrats are all about protecting the Obama legacy. Neither is true! They are all about protecting number one, and that is themselves. Neither side can let the truth come out, because it indicts BOTH sides who turned a blind eye to what Washington has been doing and allowing to happen for decades. How do we explain this? Which philosopher was it that said------------>"Better to be a prince in hell than a pauper in heaven?" In other words------------> I will accept being in the minority in Washington, than being a whistleblower on the whole, rotten mess." For if they blow the whistle, the GOP and Democrats might not be interchangeable any longer, and another party could get a foothold.

Now to my Democratic friends, (of which I seem to have fewer and fewer of) this trope is NOT a dissertation on why you should switch sides and re-elect Donald Trump. To do that would be a disservice to you! What it is meant to be is a call to watch this impeachment closely for other reasons, and that includes a call to Conservatives also. Do NOT allow your partisanship to carry you away from reality. Each and every decision made, ask yourself this question-----------> are they covering for trump, Obama, or themselves!

Was a deal cut that NONE OF US like, from either side? Why would they do that? If either the GOP or the Democrats have the goods, then why would their corresponding side agree to such a thing?

We all need to understand, that President Trump...…… him or hate him...…..stands in the middle of this. Neither side is going to support him, if they have to out themselves. And that puts him BETWEEN A ROCK AND A HARD PLACE!

The only people that actually support this President besides the people is...….the Freedom Caucus, which is mostly made up of younger, and less seasoned politicians, who would be less susceptible to the outing of what has actually been going on in Washington.

It is my contention that-------------->were it not for AOC's ideological bent which is rigid, she to would see this as a vehicle to break the stranglehold that the old guard has on Washington DC, but with her youth, she does not have the hindsight to understand that it very probably was just not Obama, but that this corruption reaches far back in Presidencies of both party's.

One can HOPE that all of us use the smell test to check any deal these people make, possibly bringing some of us together; not ideologically, but rather for the cleanup that we must do to protect each other, and our Republic.

I urge you to stick your nose in the political air, and no matter how bad the scent smells, keep on plugging away for the protection of us all.
Good OP. We have been on the soft road to becoming a banana republic for some time. President Trump's greatest contribution has been shining a spotlight on the endemic corruption that has engulfed our government and media. It is too bad that this has been turned into a partisan issue.
Good OP. We have been on the soft road to becoming a banana republic for some time. President Trump's greatest contribution has been shining a spotlight on the endemic corruption that has engulfed our government and media. It is too bad that this has been turned into a partisan issue.

And I agree with that also. The only reason I perceive that the Left actually pushes back harder than the right is-------------->the Left USUALLY needs the power of the government to enforce more of its unpopular edicts, such as the gun deal in Virginia, or the giving of illegals free healthcare should one of them get elected. Thus, they have a much more vested interest in the Federal Government becoming omnipotent, although much of the GOP would accept that also if they were promised to be kept in charge.

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