Trump Loses Again in Court


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.

I've been out of pocket this weekend so I apologize if this is piling on to the misery that surrounds Trump.

All together now. ANOTHER WIN FOR THE GOOD GUYS!!!

President Donald Trump brought against CNN that accused the network of defaming him by using the phrase ā€œthe big lieā€ and comparing him to Adolf Hitler. District Judge Singhal, said that use of the phrase or similar statements are opinion that donā€™t meet the standard for defamation.

That'll teach the Orange Porker! Don't mess with the Democrats! CNN can run a president's election off the rails with false accusations that are only OPINIONS, but Fox News can't express an opinion against Dominion voting machines without paying 800 million dollars!

Democrats are just such wonderful special people!

Gee, I bet those stupid republicans at Fox News feel really stupid now that they didn't think of the opinion defense! :rock:

I've been out of pocket this weekend so I apologize if this is piling on to the misery that surrounds Trump.

All together now. ANOTHER WIN FOR THE GOOD GUYS!!!

Another victory for the First Amendment and freedom of the press.
That'll teach the Orange Porker! Don't mess with the Democrats! CNN can run a president's election off the rails with false accusations that are only OPINIONS, but Fox News can't express an opinion against Dominion voting machines without paying 800 million dollars!
You should take it up with the judge and let them know how angry you are.
Democrats are just such wonderful special people!
Compared to the GOP...Democrats are saints.
Gee, I bet those stupid republicans at Fox News feel really stupid now that they didn't think of the opinion defense! :rock:
Most republicans feel stupid 24/7 so you're likely correct.
Trump is not only an enemy of democracy heā€™s an enemy of the First Amendment and freedom of the press.

Trump is just the Enemy. I think that as good democrats, we need to tie him to the back of a truck like they used to do down south and just drag him!

That'll teach anyone that you don't dare run as an outsider in Wahington and that America will not stand for REAL choice! :rock:

Long live democracy! Where freedom of choice, freedom of thought, freedom of press, and freedom of speech are just words on a page.
Democrats have won 7 of the last 8 popular votes.
So what? Popular votes only count in England or at the individual state level. Why are you so obsessed with something that doesn't mean squat in our electoral college system? Are you stuck on stupid?

Good decision little man.
I bet you say that to all of your boyfriends!
So what? Popular votes only count in England or at the individual state level. Why are you so obsessed with something that doesn't mean squat in our electoral college system?
I like pointing out how unpopular you are. It makes you look extreme, out of touch, ill-suited, and weird. BTW...the winner of the popular vote in most states doesn't get the electoral votes for that state?
I like pointing out how unpopular you are.
Yet I have a 118% Like rating compared to your mere 33% rating! That makes me one of the most popular people here, with 3615 points, one of the highest you can get, usually in the top 16 if not the top 8! So if I'm unpopular, what does that make you, crumbcake? If I'm unpopular, it is only with schreks like you, besides, I'm a democrat now, so don't you love me? :th_dontgosmiley-1:

It makes you look extreme, out of touch, ill-suited, and weird.
But, but, are you saying that of all democrats or just me? Us democrats are for destroying cities, looting, defunding police, war, crime, borderless invasion, arresting presidents for opposing the criminal incumbent, and making little girls out of little boys and forcing women to shower, undress and change in front of leering men. What could possibly be extreme, out of touch, ill-suited or weird about any of that???

BTW...the winner of the popular vote in most states doesn't get the electoral votes for that state?
Are you asking, just unsure, or plain wrong? You are giving us democrats a bad name.
Yet I have a 118% Like rating compared to your mere 33% rating!
You do?
That makes me one of the most popular people here, with 3615 points, one of the highest you can get, usually in the top 16 if not the top 8! So if I'm unpopular, what does that make you, crumbcake? If I'm unpopular, it is only with schreks like you, besides, I'm a democrat now, so don't you love me?

Its a right wing message board so I'm not surprised.

Not sure what this has to do with the electoral college and voting but you have no good news to report on that front so your life is centered on your ratings on a message board. Sad.
But, but, are you saying that of all democrats or just me? Us democrats are for destroying cities, looting, defunding police, war, crime, borderless invasion, arresting presidents for opposing the criminal incumbent, and making little girls out of little boys and forcing women to show, undress and change in front of leering men. What could possibly be extreme, out of touch, ill-suited or weird about any of that???
Well, the Democratic Party has won 7 of the last 8 popular votes. Not every Democrat is popular...but their presidential nominees sure are.
Are you asking, just unsure, or plain wrong? You are giving us democrats a bad name.
How can I do that? I'm not a democrat.

I hope you enjoyed your trip to school there junior.
Do the math.

Its a right wing message board so I'm not surprised.
Irrelevant. I'm a democrat liberal just like you living in a big blue city.

Not sure what this has to do with the electoral college and voting
I guess you're just not very smart then.

so your life is centered on your ratings on a message board.
Hey, can I help it I succeed in everything I do? At least I HAVE something to be proud of! THat and being a Great Wonderful Democrat like you! :rock:

Well, the Democratic Party has won 7 of the last 8 popular votes.
Which means zilch, especially when our election system is obviously corrupt and broken. If it wasn't, you could not reliably predict an entire state full of millions of people would vote for the same party election after election. That makes "swing states" the few states left not ENTIRELY yet fixed by corrupt party politics.

Not every Democrat is popular...but their presidential nominees sure are.
Viva la Biden! Man of the People! :rock:

How can I do that? I'm not a democrat.
Then I guess you just don't love democracy.

I hope you enjoyed your trip to school there junior.
Yep. Always pays to visit your institution for the mentally arrested to get more "edumacation."
Do the math.
I'll take your word for it. I don't pay much attention to my ratings on a message board though. I would imagine if my life ever became as empty as yours...I'd still not pay attention to my USMB ratings.
Hey, can I help it I succeed in everything I do?
306>232. Nope. Your blob lost.
At least I HAVE something to be proud of! THat and being a Great Wonderful Democrat like you! :rock:
Again, I'm not a democrat. But the candidate I voted for kicked your blob's ass.
Which means zilch, especially when our election system is obviously corrupt and broken.
All of the audits proved that it worked perfectly.
If it wasn't, you could not reliably predict an entire state full of millions of people would vote for the same party election after election. That makes "swing states" the few states left not ENTIRELY yet fixed by corrupt party politics.
LOL... No it makes swing states an evenly divided electorate to where independents and swing voters decide who wins that states electoral votes.
Viva la Biden! Man of the People! :rock: View attachment 809615
306>232. He's the people's choice.
Then I guess you just don't love democracy.
I love democracy. 7 of the last 8 votes for President, the majority of voters agreed with my choice.
Yep. Always pays to visit your institution for the mentally arrested to get more "edumacation."
You desperately need to be educated. You're remarkably stupid.

Case in actually know what your USMB rating is. How empty does one's life have to become to where they pay attention to that?


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