Trump Lifts Trophy hunt import ban


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2010
The ban has been lifted on a "case by case" basis, which means the feds are probably going to make sure the Trophy hunters did everything by the book.

The decision, announced quietly in a March 1 memorandum from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, withdrew previous rulings on trophy hunting and said the agency would allow sport hunters to receive permits for the trophy items on a “case-by-case basis.”

Strictly regulated trophy hunting of past breeding age animals is probably the best source of income for management programs, and thusly the best chance we have to keep these animals alive as a species.

It also gives locals incentives to protect the animals from poachers.
The ban has been lifted on a "case by case" basis, which means the feds are probably going to make sure the Trophy hunters did everything by the book.

The decision, announced quietly in a March 1 memorandum from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, withdrew previous rulings on trophy hunting and said the agency would allow sport hunters to receive permits for the trophy items on a “case-by-case basis.”

Strictly regulated trophy hunting of past breeding age animals is probably the best source of income for management programs, and thusly the best chance we have to keep these animals alive as a species.

It also gives locals incentives to protect the animals from poachers.

Finnely, policy not based on a Disney movie.
The Liberal outrage against trophy hunting is as usual, misguided and ill-informed. Without trophy hunting in Africa, all you would have is poaching with little resources to fight back. With trophy hunting you have millions of dollars being put into Wildlife conservancy through donations and the permit fees. The meat from the trophy hunt is usually donated to local tribes who dearly need the meat.
The Liberal outrage against trophy hunting is as usual, misguided and ill-informed. Without trophy hunting in Africa, all you would have is poaching with little resources to fight back. With trophy hunting you have millions of dollars being put into Wildlife conservancy through donations and the permit fees. The meat from the trophy hunt is usually donated to local tribes who dearly need the meat.

And by culling the older non-breeding animals you allow the younger ones more space, more food and more opportunity to breed.

To me I think the biggest thing people against this forget is that in the wild a natural death is usually not pleasant. Animals don't just doze off and die in their sleep. They either slow down enough for predators and/or scavengers to take them out, or they become unable to move and slowly starve or die of thirst, unless some scavengers or predators come along and then they die from option 1.
The Liberal outrage against trophy hunting is as usual, misguided and ill-informed. Without trophy hunting in Africa, all you would have is poaching with little resources to fight back. With trophy hunting you have millions of dollars being put into Wildlife conservancy through donations and the permit fees. The meat from the trophy hunt is usually donated to local tribes who dearly need the meat.

In Africa you have poaching with little resources to fight back.

Trophy hunting doesn't change this. The money ends up in the pockets of corrupt officials and nothing more. No more money gets spent on dealing with poaching because there are trophy hunters.

Trophy hunting in Africa: 'Hunt operators are conservationists first, and hunters second'

"The benefits hunters cite are disputed. The League Against Cruel Sports say less than 5% of tour fees go to the government for wildlife conservation. And trophy hunting does damage populations, say conservationists. Researchers who tagged leopards in a reserve in Kwazulu Natal in South Africa found 23 of the 26 leopards tracked between 2002 and 2005 were killed through hunting and poaching for bushmeat."

Is Trophy Hunting Helping Save African Elephants?


Fees from trophy hunting of elephants that are supposed to help local communities—and elephants—often don’t. "

"But a closer look at trophy hunting in Africa shows that the industry employs few people and that the money from hunt fees that trickles down to needy villagers is minimal. Government corruption can be a factor. In Zimbabwe, for instance, individuals associated with President Robert Mugabe have seized lands in lucrative hunting areas. Trophy hunting isn’t stopping poaching, especially in countries that have a poor record of protecting their wildlife."
The Liberal outrage against trophy hunting is as usual, misguided and ill-informed. Without trophy hunting in Africa, all you would have is poaching with little resources to fight back. With trophy hunting you have millions of dollars being put into Wildlife conservancy through donations and the permit fees. The meat from the trophy hunt is usually donated to local tribes who dearly need the meat.

In Africa you have poaching with little resources to fight back.

Trophy hunting doesn't change this. The money ends up in the pockets of corrupt officials and nothing more. No more money gets spent on dealing with poaching because there are trophy hunters.

Trophy hunting in Africa: 'Hunt operators are conservationists first, and hunters second'

"The benefits hunters cite are disputed. The League Against Cruel Sports say less than 5% of tour fees go to the government for wildlife conservation. And trophy hunting does damage populations, say conservationists. Researchers who tagged leopards in a reserve in Kwazulu Natal in South Africa found 23 of the 26 leopards tracked between 2002 and 2005 were killed through hunting and poaching for bushmeat."

Is Trophy Hunting Helping Save African Elephants?


Fees from trophy hunting of elephants that are supposed to help local communities—and elephants—often don’t. "

"But a closer look at trophy hunting in Africa shows that the industry employs few people and that the money from hunt fees that trickles down to needy villagers is minimal. Government corruption can be a factor. In Zimbabwe, for instance, individuals associated with President Robert Mugabe have seized lands in lucrative hunting areas. Trophy hunting isn’t stopping poaching, especially in countries that have a poor record of protecting their wildlife."

for once in my life I agree with frigidguy.........:113:
The Liberal outrage against trophy hunting is as usual, misguided and ill-informed. Without trophy hunting in Africa, all you would have is poaching with little resources to fight back. With trophy hunting you have millions of dollars being put into Wildlife conservancy through donations and the permit fees. The meat from the trophy hunt is usually donated to local tribes who dearly need the meat.

In Africa you have poaching with little resources to fight back.

Trophy hunting doesn't change this. The money ends up in the pockets of corrupt officials and nothing more. No more money gets spent on dealing with poaching because there are trophy hunters.

Trophy hunting in Africa: 'Hunt operators are conservationists first, and hunters second'

"The benefits hunters cite are disputed. The League Against Cruel Sports say less than 5% of tour fees go to the government for wildlife conservation. And trophy hunting does damage populations, say conservationists. Researchers who tagged leopards in a reserve in Kwazulu Natal in South Africa found 23 of the 26 leopards tracked between 2002 and 2005 were killed through hunting and poaching for bushmeat."

Is Trophy Hunting Helping Save African Elephants?


Fees from trophy hunting of elephants that are supposed to help local communities—and elephants—often don’t. "

"But a closer look at trophy hunting in Africa shows that the industry employs few people and that the money from hunt fees that trickles down to needy villagers is minimal. Government corruption can be a factor. In Zimbabwe, for instance, individuals associated with President Robert Mugabe have seized lands in lucrative hunting areas. Trophy hunting isn’t stopping poaching, especially in countries that have a poor record of protecting their wildlife."

I can do teh links as well:

What if we banned trophy hunting in Africa? - Conservation

The results suggest that most conservancies need both hunting and ecotourism to benefit from their wildlife. Between 2003 and 2010, ecotourism benefits were larger than those from hunting, while hunting overshadowed ecotourism from 2010 onward. Hunting allowed payments and non-financial benefits (i.e. meat) to accumulate faster than ecotourism did, though ecotourism-related salaries have grown ten times faster than have those from hunting-related jobs. (The drop in benefits from tourism after 2010 may be related to the global economic downturn, which forced many Westerners to travel less, or to other, cheaper destinations.)

Of 52 conservancies that had any sort of financial benefit from wildlife (that is, their income was higher than their expenses), more than half derived all or almost all those benefits from hunting. Just six were wholly or mostly reliant on ecotourism, while 18 conservancies benefited equally from both activities. Still, from a statistical perspective, neither form of tourism won out as being more beneficial than the other, with one small exception: after beginning their tourism operations, conservancies drew benefits from hunting more rapidly (within 3 years) than from ecotourism (which took 6 years, on average).

It was when Naidoo simulated a ban on trophy hunting that things became really interesting. In 2013, 74% of conservancies had income that was greater than their operating expenses. In other words, they were in the black. But if they were deprived of hunting-related income, only 16% of conservancies would have been able to pay all their bills. That’s some 50,000 square kilometers of land that would go without important protections.

The bottom line is clear. Current economic and social circumstances seem to necessitate at least some trophy hunting if local communities are to tolerate the presence of wildlife. If Westerners wish to ban trophy hunting, then it seems they need to put their money where their mouth is, and pay a lot more for their photo safaris than they do now. – Jason G. Goldman | 23 October 2015
The Liberal outrage against trophy hunting is as usual, misguided and ill-informed. Without trophy hunting in Africa, all you would have is poaching with little resources to fight back. With trophy hunting you have millions of dollars being put into Wildlife conservancy through donations and the permit fees. The meat from the trophy hunt is usually donated to local tribes who dearly need the meat.

Wrong. With wildlife tourism, each animal gets "used" over and over. It gets killed only once. Waste of natural resources.

The Liberal outrage against trophy hunting is as usual, misguided and ill-informed. Without trophy hunting in Africa, all you would have is poaching with little resources to fight back. With trophy hunting you have millions of dollars being put into Wildlife conservancy through donations and the permit fees. The meat from the trophy hunt is usually donated to local tribes who dearly need the meat.

And by culling the older non-breeding animals you allow the younger ones more space, more food and more opportunity to breed.

To me I think the biggest thing people against this forget is that in the wild a natural death is usually not pleasant. Animals don't just doze off and die in their sleep. They either slow down enough for predators and/or scavengers to take them out, or they become unable to move and slowly starve or die of thirst, unless some scavengers or predators come along and then they die from option 1.

That's the opposite of "trophy hunting". When was the last time you saw a write up about a hunter killing old or sick animals? FACT is, trophy hunters want the youngest, biggest and so on. That's the whole point of trophy hunting - the dead animal makes up for the lack of balls on the "hunter".

"Hunter" in quotes because there's usually very little "hunting" involved.

Gotta congratulate you on your idea that since dying in nature is unpleasant, we should just shoot them. That's about as lame as it gets.

The Liberal outrage against trophy hunting is as usual, misguided and ill-informed. Without trophy hunting in Africa, all you would have is poaching with little resources to fight back. With trophy hunting you have millions of dollars being put into Wildlife conservancy through donations and the permit fees. The meat from the trophy hunt is usually donated to local tribes who dearly need the meat.

In Africa you have poaching with little resources to fight back.

Trophy hunting doesn't change this. The money ends up in the pockets of corrupt officials and nothing more. No more money gets spent on dealing with poaching because there are trophy hunters.

Trophy hunting in Africa: 'Hunt operators are conservationists first, and hunters second'

"The benefits hunters cite are disputed. The League Against Cruel Sports say less than 5% of tour fees go to the government for wildlife conservation. And trophy hunting does damage populations, say conservationists. Researchers who tagged leopards in a reserve in Kwazulu Natal in South Africa found 23 of the 26 leopards tracked between 2002 and 2005 were killed through hunting and poaching for bushmeat."

Is Trophy Hunting Helping Save African Elephants?


Fees from trophy hunting of elephants that are supposed to help local communities—and elephants—often don’t. "

"But a closer look at trophy hunting in Africa shows that the industry employs few people and that the money from hunt fees that trickles down to needy villagers is minimal. Government corruption can be a factor. In Zimbabwe, for instance, individuals associated with President Robert Mugabe have seized lands in lucrative hunting areas. Trophy hunting isn’t stopping poaching, especially in countries that have a poor record of protecting their wildlife."

Exactly true.

Donnie Two Scoops did this for one reason - so Little DonDon could bring dead heads home with him.
The Liberal outrage against trophy hunting is as usual, misguided and ill-informed. Without trophy hunting in Africa, all you would have is poaching with little resources to fight back. With trophy hunting you have millions of dollars being put into Wildlife conservancy through donations and the permit fees. The meat from the trophy hunt is usually donated to local tribes who dearly need the meat.

Wrong. With wildlife tourism, each animal gets "used" over and over. It gets killed only once. Waste of natural resources.

The Liberal outrage against trophy hunting is as usual, misguided and ill-informed. Without trophy hunting in Africa, all you would have is poaching with little resources to fight back. With trophy hunting you have millions of dollars being put into Wildlife conservancy through donations and the permit fees. The meat from the trophy hunt is usually donated to local tribes who dearly need the meat.

And by culling the older non-breeding animals you allow the younger ones more space, more food and more opportunity to breed.

To me I think the biggest thing people against this forget is that in the wild a natural death is usually not pleasant. Animals don't just doze off and die in their sleep. They either slow down enough for predators and/or scavengers to take them out, or they become unable to move and slowly starve or die of thirst, unless some scavengers or predators come along and then they die from option 1.

That's the opposite of "trophy hunting". When was the last time you saw a write up about a hunter killing old or sick animals? FACT is, trophy hunters want the youngest, biggest and so on. That's the whole point of trophy hunting - the dead animal makes up for the lack of balls on the "hunter".

"Hunter" in quotes because there's usually very little "hunting" involved.

Gotta congratulate you on your idea that since dying in nature is unpleasant, we should just shoot them. That's about as lame as it gets.

The Liberal outrage against trophy hunting is as usual, misguided and ill-informed. Without trophy hunting in Africa, all you would have is poaching with little resources to fight back. With trophy hunting you have millions of dollars being put into Wildlife conservancy through donations and the permit fees. The meat from the trophy hunt is usually donated to local tribes who dearly need the meat.

In Africa you have poaching with little resources to fight back.

Trophy hunting doesn't change this. The money ends up in the pockets of corrupt officials and nothing more. No more money gets spent on dealing with poaching because there are trophy hunters.

Trophy hunting in Africa: 'Hunt operators are conservationists first, and hunters second'

"The benefits hunters cite are disputed. The League Against Cruel Sports say less than 5% of tour fees go to the government for wildlife conservation. And trophy hunting does damage populations, say conservationists. Researchers who tagged leopards in a reserve in Kwazulu Natal in South Africa found 23 of the 26 leopards tracked between 2002 and 2005 were killed through hunting and poaching for bushmeat."

Is Trophy Hunting Helping Save African Elephants?


Fees from trophy hunting of elephants that are supposed to help local communities—and elephants—often don’t. "

"But a closer look at trophy hunting in Africa shows that the industry employs few people and that the money from hunt fees that trickles down to needy villagers is minimal. Government corruption can be a factor. In Zimbabwe, for instance, individuals associated with President Robert Mugabe have seized lands in lucrative hunting areas. Trophy hunting isn’t stopping poaching, especially in countries that have a poor record of protecting their wildlife."

Exactly true.

Donnie Two Scoops did this for one reason - so Little DonDon could bring dead heads home with him.

And they pay far less for the privilege to just take pictures.

And how many photographers want to take pictures of older animals at the end of their life?

Legal trophy hunters only get to kill animals designated by the regulatory organization setting up the hunts. The conservation people pick the older non-breeding animals.

And considering they can't hunt these animals normally, getting to bag an older one is something they have to settle for. And they do settle for it, and pay lots of money for it.
The Liberal outrage against trophy hunting is as usual, misguided and ill-informed. Without trophy hunting in Africa, all you would have is poaching with little resources to fight back. With trophy hunting you have millions of dollars being put into Wildlife conservancy through donations and the permit fees. The meat from the trophy hunt is usually donated to local tribes who dearly need the meat.

In Africa you have poaching with little resources to fight back.

Trophy hunting doesn't change this. The money ends up in the pockets of corrupt officials and nothing more. No more money gets spent on dealing with poaching because there are trophy hunters.

Trophy hunting in Africa: 'Hunt operators are conservationists first, and hunters second'

"The benefits hunters cite are disputed. The League Against Cruel Sports say less than 5% of tour fees go to the government for wildlife conservation. And trophy hunting does damage populations, say conservationists. Researchers who tagged leopards in a reserve in Kwazulu Natal in South Africa found 23 of the 26 leopards tracked between 2002 and 2005 were killed through hunting and poaching for bushmeat."

Is Trophy Hunting Helping Save African Elephants?


Fees from trophy hunting of elephants that are supposed to help local communities—and elephants—often don’t. "

"But a closer look at trophy hunting in Africa shows that the industry employs few people and that the money from hunt fees that trickles down to needy villagers is minimal. Government corruption can be a factor. In Zimbabwe, for instance, individuals associated with President Robert Mugabe have seized lands in lucrative hunting areas. Trophy hunting isn’t stopping poaching, especially in countries that have a poor record of protecting their wildlife."

Trophy hunting changes it all. First off, the meat gos to the native folks who sold the tag for whichever animal is shot by the hunter. Then there is the cash money they get from selling the permit, with that money, they can buy their game wardens guns to deal with poachers instead of big sticks, bows and spears. Or you just stick to the Disney way which is to fly over a herd and shoot them from a helicopter and just leave the carcus lay whare it fell or just poison them. Either way, the poachers win as all they need do is collect what they want.
The Liberal outrage against trophy hunting is as usual, misguided and ill-informed. Without trophy hunting in Africa, all you would have is poaching with little resources to fight back. With trophy hunting you have millions of dollars being put into Wildlife conservancy through donations and the permit fees. The meat from the trophy hunt is usually donated to local tribes who dearly need the meat.

Wrong. With wildlife tourism, each animal gets "used" over and over. It gets killed only once. Waste of natural resources.

The Liberal outrage against trophy hunting is as usual, misguided and ill-informed. Without trophy hunting in Africa, all you would have is poaching with little resources to fight back. With trophy hunting you have millions of dollars being put into Wildlife conservancy through donations and the permit fees. The meat from the trophy hunt is usually donated to local tribes who dearly need the meat.

And by culling the older non-breeding animals you allow the younger ones more space, more food and more opportunity to breed.

To me I think the biggest thing people against this forget is that in the wild a natural death is usually not pleasant. Animals don't just doze off and die in their sleep. They either slow down enough for predators and/or scavengers to take them out, or they become unable to move and slowly starve or die of thirst, unless some scavengers or predators come along and then they die from option 1.

That's the opposite of "trophy hunting". When was the last time you saw a write up about a hunter killing old or sick animals? FACT is, trophy hunters want the youngest, biggest and so on. That's the whole point of trophy hunting - the dead animal makes up for the lack of balls on the "hunter".

"Hunter" in quotes because there's usually very little "hunting" involved.

Gotta congratulate you on your idea that since dying in nature is unpleasant, we should just shoot them. That's about as lame as it gets.

The Liberal outrage against trophy hunting is as usual, misguided and ill-informed. Without trophy hunting in Africa, all you would have is poaching with little resources to fight back. With trophy hunting you have millions of dollars being put into Wildlife conservancy through donations and the permit fees. The meat from the trophy hunt is usually donated to local tribes who dearly need the meat.

In Africa you have poaching with little resources to fight back.

Trophy hunting doesn't change this. The money ends up in the pockets of corrupt officials and nothing more. No more money gets spent on dealing with poaching because there are trophy hunters.

Trophy hunting in Africa: 'Hunt operators are conservationists first, and hunters second'

"The benefits hunters cite are disputed. The League Against Cruel Sports say less than 5% of tour fees go to the government for wildlife conservation. And trophy hunting does damage populations, say conservationists. Researchers who tagged leopards in a reserve in Kwazulu Natal in South Africa found 23 of the 26 leopards tracked between 2002 and 2005 were killed through hunting and poaching for bushmeat."

Is Trophy Hunting Helping Save African Elephants?


Fees from trophy hunting of elephants that are supposed to help local communities—and elephants—often don’t. "

"But a closer look at trophy hunting in Africa shows that the industry employs few people and that the money from hunt fees that trickles down to needy villagers is minimal. Government corruption can be a factor. In Zimbabwe, for instance, individuals associated with President Robert Mugabe have seized lands in lucrative hunting areas. Trophy hunting isn’t stopping poaching, especially in countries that have a poor record of protecting their wildlife."

Exactly true.

Donnie Two Scoops did this for one reason - so Little DonDon could bring dead heads home with him.

Nope. President Trump is providing what those impoverished countries are asking for. Trophy hunting and the resources that provides them to fight back against poaching. If we take the Liberal approach and pretend everything will be nice if we just stop Trophy hunting, then Elephants, Rhinos and possibly Lions and Tigers will be poached into extinction. Guaranteed.
The Liberal outrage against trophy hunting is as usual, misguided and ill-informed. Without trophy hunting in Africa, all you would have is poaching with little resources to fight back. With trophy hunting you have millions of dollars being put into Wildlife conservancy through donations and the permit fees. The meat from the trophy hunt is usually donated to local tribes who dearly need the meat.

Wrong. With wildlife tourism, each animal gets "used" over and over. It gets killed only once. Waste of natural resources.

The Liberal outrage against trophy hunting is as usual, misguided and ill-informed. Without trophy hunting in Africa, all you would have is poaching with little resources to fight back. With trophy hunting you have millions of dollars being put into Wildlife conservancy through donations and the permit fees. The meat from the trophy hunt is usually donated to local tribes who dearly need the meat.

And by culling the older non-breeding animals you allow the younger ones more space, more food and more opportunity to breed.

To me I think the biggest thing people against this forget is that in the wild a natural death is usually not pleasant. Animals don't just doze off and die in their sleep. They either slow down enough for predators and/or scavengers to take them out, or they become unable to move and slowly starve or die of thirst, unless some scavengers or predators come along and then they die from option 1.

That's the opposite of "trophy hunting". When was the last time you saw a write up about a hunter killing old or sick animals? FACT is, trophy hunters want the youngest, biggest and so on. That's the whole point of trophy hunting - the dead animal makes up for the lack of balls on the "hunter".

"Hunter" in quotes because there's usually very little "hunting" involved.

Gotta congratulate you on your idea that since dying in nature is unpleasant, we should just shoot them. That's about as lame as it gets.

The Liberal outrage against trophy hunting is as usual, misguided and ill-informed. Without trophy hunting in Africa, all you would have is poaching with little resources to fight back. With trophy hunting you have millions of dollars being put into Wildlife conservancy through donations and the permit fees. The meat from the trophy hunt is usually donated to local tribes who dearly need the meat.

In Africa you have poaching with little resources to fight back.

Trophy hunting doesn't change this. The money ends up in the pockets of corrupt officials and nothing more. No more money gets spent on dealing with poaching because there are trophy hunters.

Trophy hunting in Africa: 'Hunt operators are conservationists first, and hunters second'

"The benefits hunters cite are disputed. The League Against Cruel Sports say less than 5% of tour fees go to the government for wildlife conservation. And trophy hunting does damage populations, say conservationists. Researchers who tagged leopards in a reserve in Kwazulu Natal in South Africa found 23 of the 26 leopards tracked between 2002 and 2005 were killed through hunting and poaching for bushmeat."

Is Trophy Hunting Helping Save African Elephants?


Fees from trophy hunting of elephants that are supposed to help local communities—and elephants—often don’t. "

"But a closer look at trophy hunting in Africa shows that the industry employs few people and that the money from hunt fees that trickles down to needy villagers is minimal. Government corruption can be a factor. In Zimbabwe, for instance, individuals associated with President Robert Mugabe have seized lands in lucrative hunting areas. Trophy hunting isn’t stopping poaching, especially in countries that have a poor record of protecting their wildlife."

Exactly true.

Donnie Two Scoops did this for one reason - so Little DonDon could bring dead heads home with him.

Nope. President Trump is providing what those impoverished countries are asking for. Trophy hunting and the resources that provides them to fight back against poaching. If we take the Liberal approach and pretend everything will be nice if we just stop Trophy hunting, then Elephants, Rhinos and possibly Lions and Tigers will be poached into extinction. Guaranteed.

I hope they let those guys sell all that ivory to.
The Liberal outrage against trophy hunting is as usual, misguided and ill-informed. Without trophy hunting in Africa, all you would have is poaching with little resources to fight back. With trophy hunting you have millions of dollars being put into Wildlife conservancy through donations and the permit fees. The meat from the trophy hunt is usually donated to local tribes who dearly need the meat.

Wrong. With wildlife tourism, each animal gets "used" over and over. It gets killed only once. Waste of natural resources.

The Liberal outrage against trophy hunting is as usual, misguided and ill-informed. Without trophy hunting in Africa, all you would have is poaching with little resources to fight back. With trophy hunting you have millions of dollars being put into Wildlife conservancy through donations and the permit fees. The meat from the trophy hunt is usually donated to local tribes who dearly need the meat.

And by culling the older non-breeding animals you allow the younger ones more space, more food and more opportunity to breed.

To me I think the biggest thing people against this forget is that in the wild a natural death is usually not pleasant. Animals don't just doze off and die in their sleep. They either slow down enough for predators and/or scavengers to take them out, or they become unable to move and slowly starve or die of thirst, unless some scavengers or predators come along and then they die from option 1.

That's the opposite of "trophy hunting". When was the last time you saw a write up about a hunter killing old or sick animals? FACT is, trophy hunters want the youngest, biggest and so on. That's the whole point of trophy hunting - the dead animal makes up for the lack of balls on the "hunter".

"Hunter" in quotes because there's usually very little "hunting" involved.

Gotta congratulate you on your idea that since dying in nature is unpleasant, we should just shoot them. That's about as lame as it gets.

The Liberal outrage against trophy hunting is as usual, misguided and ill-informed. Without trophy hunting in Africa, all you would have is poaching with little resources to fight back. With trophy hunting you have millions of dollars being put into Wildlife conservancy through donations and the permit fees. The meat from the trophy hunt is usually donated to local tribes who dearly need the meat.

In Africa you have poaching with little resources to fight back.

Trophy hunting doesn't change this. The money ends up in the pockets of corrupt officials and nothing more. No more money gets spent on dealing with poaching because there are trophy hunters.

Trophy hunting in Africa: 'Hunt operators are conservationists first, and hunters second'

"The benefits hunters cite are disputed. The League Against Cruel Sports say less than 5% of tour fees go to the government for wildlife conservation. And trophy hunting does damage populations, say conservationists. Researchers who tagged leopards in a reserve in Kwazulu Natal in South Africa found 23 of the 26 leopards tracked between 2002 and 2005 were killed through hunting and poaching for bushmeat."

Is Trophy Hunting Helping Save African Elephants?


Fees from trophy hunting of elephants that are supposed to help local communities—and elephants—often don’t. "

"But a closer look at trophy hunting in Africa shows that the industry employs few people and that the money from hunt fees that trickles down to needy villagers is minimal. Government corruption can be a factor. In Zimbabwe, for instance, individuals associated with President Robert Mugabe have seized lands in lucrative hunting areas. Trophy hunting isn’t stopping poaching, especially in countries that have a poor record of protecting their wildlife."

Exactly true.

Donnie Two Scoops did this for one reason - so Little DonDon could bring dead heads home with him.

Nope. President Trump is providing what those impoverished countries are asking for. Trophy hunting and the resources that provides them to fight back against poaching. If we take the Liberal approach and pretend everything will be nice if we just stop Trophy hunting, then Elephants, Rhinos and possibly Lions and Tigers will be poached into extinction. Guaranteed.

They'll be poached into extinction anyway.

Do you know how corrupt these government are?

The South African education minister made sure that South African kids did not have the books they needed at school, because he thought the money looked better in his pocket, rather than in text books.

Zimbabwe and Mozambique are very corrupt. New cars for ministers while the govt employees don't get paid for a year.

If Trump actually gave a shit about these countries, and were doing this in order to make these countries richer, then he'd make sure they got amazing tariff deals on exports to the US. Is he doing that? No.
The Liberal outrage against trophy hunting is as usual, misguided and ill-informed. Without trophy hunting in Africa, all you would have is poaching with little resources to fight back. With trophy hunting you have millions of dollars being put into Wildlife conservancy through donations and the permit fees. The meat from the trophy hunt is usually donated to local tribes who dearly need the meat.

Wrong. With wildlife tourism, each animal gets "used" over and over. It gets killed only once. Waste of natural resources.

The Liberal outrage against trophy hunting is as usual, misguided and ill-informed. Without trophy hunting in Africa, all you would have is poaching with little resources to fight back. With trophy hunting you have millions of dollars being put into Wildlife conservancy through donations and the permit fees. The meat from the trophy hunt is usually donated to local tribes who dearly need the meat.

And by culling the older non-breeding animals you allow the younger ones more space, more food and more opportunity to breed.

To me I think the biggest thing people against this forget is that in the wild a natural death is usually not pleasant. Animals don't just doze off and die in their sleep. They either slow down enough for predators and/or scavengers to take them out, or they become unable to move and slowly starve or die of thirst, unless some scavengers or predators come along and then they die from option 1.

That's the opposite of "trophy hunting". When was the last time you saw a write up about a hunter killing old or sick animals? FACT is, trophy hunters want the youngest, biggest and so on. That's the whole point of trophy hunting - the dead animal makes up for the lack of balls on the "hunter".

"Hunter" in quotes because there's usually very little "hunting" involved.

Gotta congratulate you on your idea that since dying in nature is unpleasant, we should just shoot them. That's about as lame as it gets.

The Liberal outrage against trophy hunting is as usual, misguided and ill-informed. Without trophy hunting in Africa, all you would have is poaching with little resources to fight back. With trophy hunting you have millions of dollars being put into Wildlife conservancy through donations and the permit fees. The meat from the trophy hunt is usually donated to local tribes who dearly need the meat.

In Africa you have poaching with little resources to fight back.

Trophy hunting doesn't change this. The money ends up in the pockets of corrupt officials and nothing more. No more money gets spent on dealing with poaching because there are trophy hunters.

Trophy hunting in Africa: 'Hunt operators are conservationists first, and hunters second'

"The benefits hunters cite are disputed. The League Against Cruel Sports say less than 5% of tour fees go to the government for wildlife conservation. And trophy hunting does damage populations, say conservationists. Researchers who tagged leopards in a reserve in Kwazulu Natal in South Africa found 23 of the 26 leopards tracked between 2002 and 2005 were killed through hunting and poaching for bushmeat."

Is Trophy Hunting Helping Save African Elephants?


Fees from trophy hunting of elephants that are supposed to help local communities—and elephants—often don’t. "

"But a closer look at trophy hunting in Africa shows that the industry employs few people and that the money from hunt fees that trickles down to needy villagers is minimal. Government corruption can be a factor. In Zimbabwe, for instance, individuals associated with President Robert Mugabe have seized lands in lucrative hunting areas. Trophy hunting isn’t stopping poaching, especially in countries that have a poor record of protecting their wildlife."

Exactly true.

Donnie Two Scoops did this for one reason - so Little DonDon could bring dead heads home with him.

I can't stand the scum DonDon..he is wimp who scums off his daddy's money and gets his rocks off killing beautficul animals..

I in't got a clue about how many wild elephants are allowed to be harvested by self described wild game hunters but I bet that they pay more for the trophy than it's worth.Trophy hunters ain't your enemy, native poacher terrorists are.
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I in't got a clue about how many wild elephants are allowed to be harvested by self described wild game hunters but I bet that they pay more for the trophy than it's worth.Trophy hunters ain't your enemy, native poacher terrorists are.

And who gets the money?
The Liberal outrage against trophy hunting is as usual, misguided and ill-informed. Without trophy hunting in Africa, all you would have is poaching with little resources to fight back. With trophy hunting you have millions of dollars being put into Wildlife conservancy through donations and the permit fees. The meat from the trophy hunt is usually donated to local tribes who dearly need the meat.

Wrong. With wildlife tourism, each animal gets "used" over and over. It gets killed only once. Waste of natural resources.

The Liberal outrage against trophy hunting is as usual, misguided and ill-informed. Without trophy hunting in Africa, all you would have is poaching with little resources to fight back. With trophy hunting you have millions of dollars being put into Wildlife conservancy through donations and the permit fees. The meat from the trophy hunt is usually donated to local tribes who dearly need the meat.

And by culling the older non-breeding animals you allow the younger ones more space, more food and more opportunity to breed.

To me I think the biggest thing people against this forget is that in the wild a natural death is usually not pleasant. Animals don't just doze off and die in their sleep. They either slow down enough for predators and/or scavengers to take them out, or they become unable to move and slowly starve or die of thirst, unless some scavengers or predators come along and then they die from option 1.

That's the opposite of "trophy hunting". When was the last time you saw a write up about a hunter killing old or sick animals? FACT is, trophy hunters want the youngest, biggest and so on. That's the whole point of trophy hunting - the dead animal makes up for the lack of balls on the "hunter".

"Hunter" in quotes because there's usually very little "hunting" involved.

Gotta congratulate you on your idea that since dying in nature is unpleasant, we should just shoot them. That's about as lame as it gets.

The Liberal outrage against trophy hunting is as usual, misguided and ill-informed. Without trophy hunting in Africa, all you would have is poaching with little resources to fight back. With trophy hunting you have millions of dollars being put into Wildlife conservancy through donations and the permit fees. The meat from the trophy hunt is usually donated to local tribes who dearly need the meat.

In Africa you have poaching with little resources to fight back.

Trophy hunting doesn't change this. The money ends up in the pockets of corrupt officials and nothing more. No more money gets spent on dealing with poaching because there are trophy hunters.

Trophy hunting in Africa: 'Hunt operators are conservationists first, and hunters second'

"The benefits hunters cite are disputed. The League Against Cruel Sports say less than 5% of tour fees go to the government for wildlife conservation. And trophy hunting does damage populations, say conservationists. Researchers who tagged leopards in a reserve in Kwazulu Natal in South Africa found 23 of the 26 leopards tracked between 2002 and 2005 were killed through hunting and poaching for bushmeat."

Is Trophy Hunting Helping Save African Elephants?


Fees from trophy hunting of elephants that are supposed to help local communities—and elephants—often don’t. "

"But a closer look at trophy hunting in Africa shows that the industry employs few people and that the money from hunt fees that trickles down to needy villagers is minimal. Government corruption can be a factor. In Zimbabwe, for instance, individuals associated with President Robert Mugabe have seized lands in lucrative hunting areas. Trophy hunting isn’t stopping poaching, especially in countries that have a poor record of protecting their wildlife."

Exactly true.

Donnie Two Scoops did this for one reason - so Little DonDon could bring dead heads home with him.

Nope. President Trump is providing what those impoverished countries are asking for. Trophy hunting and the resources that provides them to fight back against poaching. If we take the Liberal approach and pretend everything will be nice if we just stop Trophy hunting, then Elephants, Rhinos and possibly Lions and Tigers will be poached into extinction. Guaranteed.

They'll be poached into extinction anyway.

Do you know how corrupt these government are?

The South African education minister made sure that South African kids did not have the books they needed at school, because he thought the money looked better in his pocket, rather than in text books.

Zimbabwe and Mozambique are very corrupt. New cars for ministers while the govt employees don't get paid for a year.

If Trump actually gave a shit about these countries, and were doing this in order to make these countries richer, then he'd make sure they got amazing tariff deals on exports to the US. Is he doing that? No.
There is no question that African countries have some of the most corrupt governments in the world. That is why the Continent flounders at the bottom of human existence. All that is true, but I think it is also true that the Westerners desire to pay huge sums of money to Trophy hunt does benefit the people of those countries and does benefit animal conservancy and the animal population.
The Liberal outrage against trophy hunting is as usual, misguided and ill-informed. Without trophy hunting in Africa, all you would have is poaching with little resources to fight back. With trophy hunting you have millions of dollars being put into Wildlife conservancy through donations and the permit fees. The meat from the trophy hunt is usually donated to local tribes who dearly need the meat.

In Africa you have poaching with little resources to fight back.

Trophy hunting doesn't change this. The money ends up in the pockets of corrupt officials and nothing more. No more money gets spent on dealing with poaching because there are trophy hunters.

Trophy hunting in Africa: 'Hunt operators are conservationists first, and hunters second'

"The benefits hunters cite are disputed. The League Against Cruel Sports say less than 5% of tour fees go to the government for wildlife conservation. And trophy hunting does damage populations, say conservationists. Researchers who tagged leopards in a reserve in Kwazulu Natal in South Africa found 23 of the 26 leopards tracked between 2002 and 2005 were killed through hunting and poaching for bushmeat."

Is Trophy Hunting Helping Save African Elephants?


Fees from trophy hunting of elephants that are supposed to help local communities—and elephants—often don’t. "

"But a closer look at trophy hunting in Africa shows that the industry employs few people and that the money from hunt fees that trickles down to needy villagers is minimal. Government corruption can be a factor. In Zimbabwe, for instance, individuals associated with President Robert Mugabe have seized lands in lucrative hunting areas. Trophy hunting isn’t stopping poaching, especially in countries that have a poor record of protecting their wildlife."
Na, Trophy hunting is the best thing that ever happened to Africa
The Liberal outrage against trophy hunting is as usual, misguided and ill-informed. Without trophy hunting in Africa, all you would have is poaching with little resources to fight back. With trophy hunting you have millions of dollars being put into Wildlife conservancy through donations and the permit fees. The meat from the trophy hunt is usually donated to local tribes who dearly need the meat.

Wrong. With wildlife tourism, each animal gets "used" over and over. It gets killed only once. Waste of natural resources.

The Liberal outrage against trophy hunting is as usual, misguided and ill-informed. Without trophy hunting in Africa, all you would have is poaching with little resources to fight back. With trophy hunting you have millions of dollars being put into Wildlife conservancy through donations and the permit fees. The meat from the trophy hunt is usually donated to local tribes who dearly need the meat.

And by culling the older non-breeding animals you allow the younger ones more space, more food and more opportunity to breed.

To me I think the biggest thing people against this forget is that in the wild a natural death is usually not pleasant. Animals don't just doze off and die in their sleep. They either slow down enough for predators and/or scavengers to take them out, or they become unable to move and slowly starve or die of thirst, unless some scavengers or predators come along and then they die from option 1.

That's the opposite of "trophy hunting". When was the last time you saw a write up about a hunter killing old or sick animals? FACT is, trophy hunters want the youngest, biggest and so on. That's the whole point of trophy hunting - the dead animal makes up for the lack of balls on the "hunter".

"Hunter" in quotes because there's usually very little "hunting" involved.

Gotta congratulate you on your idea that since dying in nature is unpleasant, we should just shoot them. That's about as lame as it gets.

The Liberal outrage against trophy hunting is as usual, misguided and ill-informed. Without trophy hunting in Africa, all you would have is poaching with little resources to fight back. With trophy hunting you have millions of dollars being put into Wildlife conservancy through donations and the permit fees. The meat from the trophy hunt is usually donated to local tribes who dearly need the meat.

In Africa you have poaching with little resources to fight back.

Trophy hunting doesn't change this. The money ends up in the pockets of corrupt officials and nothing more. No more money gets spent on dealing with poaching because there are trophy hunters.

Trophy hunting in Africa: 'Hunt operators are conservationists first, and hunters second'

"The benefits hunters cite are disputed. The League Against Cruel Sports say less than 5% of tour fees go to the government for wildlife conservation. And trophy hunting does damage populations, say conservationists. Researchers who tagged leopards in a reserve in Kwazulu Natal in South Africa found 23 of the 26 leopards tracked between 2002 and 2005 were killed through hunting and poaching for bushmeat."

Is Trophy Hunting Helping Save African Elephants?


Fees from trophy hunting of elephants that are supposed to help local communities—and elephants—often don’t. "

"But a closer look at trophy hunting in Africa shows that the industry employs few people and that the money from hunt fees that trickles down to needy villagers is minimal. Government corruption can be a factor. In Zimbabwe, for instance, individuals associated with President Robert Mugabe have seized lands in lucrative hunting areas. Trophy hunting isn’t stopping poaching, especially in countries that have a poor record of protecting their wildlife."

Exactly true.

Donnie Two Scoops did this for one reason - so Little DonDon could bring dead heads home with him.
Shit for brains, Trophies are not the youngest animals stupid dolt.
Take your fucking piece of shit bleeding heart and shove it up your fucking ass you little whiner.

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