Trump Lawyer Jay Sekulow Owns The Dems On "Lawyer Lawsuits"


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Trump Lawyer Jay Sekulow Literally Does Not Understand Words and How They Work

On Tuesday, Jay Sekulow secured his place in the annals of the legendary legal giants when he masterfully owned the Dems during the Trump impeachment trial. The Dems weak attempt to assert that FOIA requests are not substitutes for constitutionally enshrined "CONGRESSIONAL OVERSIGHT" was no match for Jay's razor sharp legal mind...

"President Trump’s attorney Jay Sekulow flew into a rage Tuesday evening because he misheard a common legal phrase. Representative Val Demings, one of the House impeachment managers, said, “The president’s lawyers may suggest that the House should have sought — that this House should have sought these materials in court, or awaited further lawsuits under the Freedom of Information Act, a.k.a. FOIA lawsuits.” She repeated a phrase “FOIA lawsuits,” which — even though “FOIA” is a well-known term for lawyers and journalists, and even though she helpfully spelled out the acronym for her audience — it STILL struck Sekulow as unfamiliar. [Sekulow fired back] 'And by the way — lawyer lawsuits?” he said. “Lawyer lawsuits? We’re talking about the impeachment of a president of the United States, duly elected, and the members — the managers are complaining about lawyer lawsuits? The Constitution allows lawyer lawsuits. It’s disrespecting the Constitution of the United States to even say that in this chamber — lawyer lawsuits.” Nobody had any idea what “lawyer lawsuits” was even supposed to mean — aren’t all lawsuits filed by lawyers anyway?"

Now why Sekulow was so triggered by the phrase "lawyer lawsuits" -- even tho no one ever said "lawyer lawsuits" is beside the point....The point is, Sekulow saw a chance to be outraged by something and he took it...Who cares that he either misheard what Val Demmings said or just has no idea what FOIA requests are -- the key is to deny everything, even when you are clearly in the wrong....the Trump way....

"Unbelievably, having been caught in this absurd and embarrassing error, the White House insisted Sekulow was correct. “When you read the transcript, it says ‘lawyer lawsuit,’” insisted White House legislative affairs director Eric Ueland. “It’s not clear to what transcript Ueland is referring,” reported the Washington Post, “but the Federal Document Clearing House transcript includes no references to ‘lawyer lawsuits’ besides Sekulow’s.”

Of course he had no idea what he was talking about -- of course he looked like an idiot -- but he triggered the libs with his utter incompetence, so that is a win for long as you pretend his shit-show of a legal defense never happened years from now....#MAGA

No wonder everyone was looking at him like an idiot.

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