Trump lawyer Cohen says will take 5th in Stormy Daniels case

ROTFLMFAO! Did I just hear a Trump supporter use the term 'demagoguery'??? In reference to anyone other than Trump..who defines the word?

Thanks for the laugh...
Considering the fact that you dirtbags pull the same act with every Republican leader....yes...Demagoguery is an accurate description. Apparently you Democrats can't run fucking shit without fucking it up. However, you are experts at making shit up about your opposition and using your corrupt media to sell it.

The list of targets is long and well documented:

  • Ronald Reagan
  • George W. Bush
  • Sarah Palin
  • Rush Limbaugh
  • Sean Hannity
  • George H. W. Bush
  • Joe The Plumber
  • Milo Yiannopoulos
  • Ann Coulter
  • Alex Jones
  • Pam Geller
  • Laura Ingraham
  • Glenn Beck
  • Eric Bolling
  • Bill O'Reilly
  • Mitt Romney
  • Jesus Of Nazareth
  • Donald J. Trump
Really??? You have Jesus Christ listed as a Republican leader? ***snorts*** Not to mention that I've not seen any attacks on Christ..quite a few on those religions that pervert his teachings--you really missed with this one!

Hell, if Christ returned you'd be calling him a Libtard and a stinkin' commie! What do you think Christ would say to free health care for the poor? It seems to me..having read the Bible a time or two...that Christ had very definite ideas about the rich--and it wasn't good!
Well, libtard, who would you milk for freebies if there were no rich? I'm far from a lib..except in the fevered minds of some idiots here...I can't say. An odd response to my post it really has nothing at all to do with what I said or why I said it.

FYI...I'm on the other side of the freebie line...and I've never had a problem with helping those less fortunate. It may surprise you to learn that helping people in need is both a Christian imperative...and not at all just a Leftist thing.

Now please--toss out another boiler-plate paragraph from your simple-minded agenda.
No seriously. You cited Jesus and how many rich will not enter the kingdom. So then I said who will pass out freebies when the rich are gone. Can ewe answer or not?
LoL! I shouldn't but, what the hey....the first thing wrong with your question is the assumption that free things only come from the rich---if I can parse out your awkwardly worded post--you're asking who gives out free shit in heaven? Seriously? Not any expert on heaven--but I'm pretty sure that everything is free there--it is Heaven, right?

You seem to be hung up on people getting free, say welfare and food stamps? You do know that neither of those things come from 'rich people'?

Most charity donations are small...from Middle Class folks with a heart. Some wealthy are free with their funds..most....not so much.
If there was a level playing field....there would be no need for freebies. The GOP worships the rich....ex. See the tax cuts that benefited the rich 80%. When the House pastor criticized the 1% worshippers....Ryan fired him....Hell has a place for moves like that.
If there was a level playing field....there would be no need for freebies. The GOP worships the rich....ex. See the tax cuts that benefited the rich 80%. When the House pastor criticized the 1% worshippers....Ryan fired him....Hell has a place for moves like that.
Hey Jim..not to quibble...but a level playing field does not mean the players are equally skilled or lucky. Harsh as it sounds...there will always be winners and losers--our system demands it..and so does any other system you can's just that some systems are more doctrinaire in their definitions.

Since Christ is the theme..he was clear that the poor would always be with us. That does not mean that the poor need be denigrated..or uncomfortable..or starving.

I agree we need a level playing field, in practice---those who try harder and have more intelligence--will succeed at a higher rate..then a sub-par IQ coupled with a desire to smoke weed.
Considering the fact that you dirtbags pull the same act with every Republican leader....yes...Demagoguery is an accurate description. Apparently you Democrats can't run fucking shit without fucking it up. However, you are experts at making shit up about your opposition and using your corrupt media to sell it.

The list of targets is long and well documented:

  • Ronald Reagan
  • George W. Bush
  • Sarah Palin
  • Rush Limbaugh
  • Sean Hannity
  • George H. W. Bush
  • Joe The Plumber
  • Milo Yiannopoulos
  • Ann Coulter
  • Alex Jones
  • Pam Geller
  • Laura Ingraham
  • Glenn Beck
  • Eric Bolling
  • Bill O'Reilly
  • Mitt Romney
  • Jesus Of Nazareth
  • Donald J. Trump
Really??? You have Jesus Christ listed as a Republican leader? ***snorts*** Not to mention that I've not seen any attacks on Christ..quite a few on those religions that pervert his teachings--you really missed with this one!

Hell, if Christ returned you'd be calling him a Libtard and a stinkin' commie! What do you think Christ would say to free health care for the poor? It seems to me..having read the Bible a time or two...that Christ had very definite ideas about the rich--and it wasn't good!
Well, libtard, who would you milk for freebies if there were no rich? I'm far from a lib..except in the fevered minds of some idiots here...I can't say. An odd response to my post it really has nothing at all to do with what I said or why I said it.

FYI...I'm on the other side of the freebie line...and I've never had a problem with helping those less fortunate. It may surprise you to learn that helping people in need is both a Christian imperative...and not at all just a Leftist thing.

Now please--toss out another boiler-plate paragraph from your simple-minded agenda.
No seriously. You cited Jesus and how many rich will not enter the kingdom. So then I said who will pass out freebies when the rich are gone. Can ewe answer or not?
LoL! I shouldn't but, what the hey....the first thing wrong with your question is the assumption that free things only come from the rich---if I can parse out your awkwardly worded post--you're asking who gives out free shit in heaven? Seriously? Not any expert on heaven--but I'm pretty sure that everything is free there--it is Heaven, right?

You seem to be hung up on people getting free, say welfare and food stamps? You do know that neither of those things come from 'rich people'?

Most charity donations are small...from Middle Class folks with a heart. Some wealthy are free with their funds..most....not so much.
Who dew ewe think it comes from? Poor people?
Really??? You have Jesus Christ listed as a Republican leader? ***snorts*** Not to mention that I've not seen any attacks on Christ..quite a few on those religions that pervert his teachings--you really missed with this one!

Hell, if Christ returned you'd be calling him a Libtard and a stinkin' commie! What do you think Christ would say to free health care for the poor? It seems to me..having read the Bible a time or two...that Christ had very definite ideas about the rich--and it wasn't good!
Well, libtard, who would you milk for freebies if there were no rich? I'm far from a lib..except in the fevered minds of some idiots here...I can't say. An odd response to my post it really has nothing at all to do with what I said or why I said it.

FYI...I'm on the other side of the freebie line...and I've never had a problem with helping those less fortunate. It may surprise you to learn that helping people in need is both a Christian imperative...and not at all just a Leftist thing.

Now please--toss out another boiler-plate paragraph from your simple-minded agenda.
No seriously. You cited Jesus and how many rich will not enter the kingdom. So then I said who will pass out freebies when the rich are gone. Can ewe answer or not?
LoL! I shouldn't but, what the hey....the first thing wrong with your question is the assumption that free things only come from the rich---if I can parse out your awkwardly worded post--you're asking who gives out free shit in heaven? Seriously? Not any expert on heaven--but I'm pretty sure that everything is free there--it is Heaven, right?

You seem to be hung up on people getting free, say welfare and food stamps? You do know that neither of those things come from 'rich people'?

Most charity donations are small...from Middle Class folks with a heart. Some wealthy are free with their funds..most....not so much.
Who dew ewe think it comes from? Poor people?
Dang..apparently I'm talking to an idiot..sorry to have disturbed your slumber.
Well, libtard, who would you milk for freebies if there were no rich? I'm far from a lib..except in the fevered minds of some idiots here...I can't say. An odd response to my post it really has nothing at all to do with what I said or why I said it.

FYI...I'm on the other side of the freebie line...and I've never had a problem with helping those less fortunate. It may surprise you to learn that helping people in need is both a Christian imperative...and not at all just a Leftist thing.

Now please--toss out another boiler-plate paragraph from your simple-minded agenda.
No seriously. You cited Jesus and how many rich will not enter the kingdom. So then I said who will pass out freebies when the rich are gone. Can ewe answer or not?
LoL! I shouldn't but, what the hey....the first thing wrong with your question is the assumption that free things only come from the rich---if I can parse out your awkwardly worded post--you're asking who gives out free shit in heaven? Seriously? Not any expert on heaven--but I'm pretty sure that everything is free there--it is Heaven, right?

You seem to be hung up on people getting free, say welfare and food stamps? You do know that neither of those things come from 'rich people'?

Most charity donations are small...from Middle Class folks with a heart. Some wealthy are free with their funds..most....not so much.
Who dew ewe think it comes from? Poor people?
Dang..apparently I'm talking to an idiot..sorry to have disturbed your slumber.
But....but....but....Hillary.....but.....Lois......but......Bill......but ...Comey....

Anything to deflect for the Orange Clown.
Okay! Show us where the orange clown took the fifth! We will wait asswipe.

When did I say he took the 5th? I never have. All this stuff about Lerner and Clinton and Comey is only distraction from the troubles trump has.

Try to not lie....
List his troubles! Go ahead do it.

Obstruction of Justice
Criminal Collusion
Money Laundering

These are just a few. I would think that he would stop his insane tweets and giving unhinged interviews the FIX news. He should be very concerned....and quiet.

We only have another week of the Mueller probe...dight? Rudy said he was gonna work something out with Mueller to end the inquiry in two weeks. Another great hire by the Dear Leader....
All of this will blow up in your smarmy little faces! Pure corruption from democrats.

Some thing is wrong with you.
Okay! Show us where the orange clown took the fifth! We will wait asswipe.

When did I say he took the 5th? I never have. All this stuff about Lerner and Clinton and Comey is only distraction from the troubles trump has.

Try to not lie....
List his troubles! Go ahead do it.

Obstruction of Justice
Criminal Collusion
Money Laundering

These are just a few. I would think that he would stop his insane tweets and giving unhinged interviews the FIX news. He should be very concerned....and quiet.

We only have another week of the Mueller probe...dight? Rudy said he was gonna work something out with Mueller to end the inquiry in two weeks. Another great hire by the Dear Leader....
All of this will blow up in your smarmy little faces! Pure corruption from democrats.

Some thing is wrong with you.
It’s the conservatitus disease. It eats the brain.
When did I say he took the 5th? I never have. All this stuff about Lerner and Clinton and Comey is only distraction from the troubles trump has.

Try to not lie....
List his troubles! Go ahead do it.

Obstruction of Justice
Criminal Collusion
Money Laundering

These are just a few. I would think that he would stop his insane tweets and giving unhinged interviews the FIX news. He should be very concerned....and quiet.

We only have another week of the Mueller probe...dight? Rudy said he was gonna work something out with Mueller to end the inquiry in two weeks. Another great hire by the Dear Leader....
All of this will blow up in your smarmy little faces! Pure corruption from democrats.

Some thing is wrong with you.
It’s the conservatitus disease. It eats the brain.

List his troubles! Go ahead do it.

Obstruction of Justice
Criminal Collusion
Money Laundering

These are just a few. I would think that he would stop his insane tweets and giving unhinged interviews the FIX news. He should be very concerned....and quiet.

We only have another week of the Mueller probe...dight? Rudy said he was gonna work something out with Mueller to end the inquiry in two weeks. Another great hire by the Dear Leader....
All of this will blow up in your smarmy little faces! Pure corruption from democrats.

Some thing is wrong with you.
It’s the conservatitus disease. It eats the brain.

Oh, noooos ... another, I know you are but what am I, retort. How do I survive these? I do not know.
Obstruction of Justice
Criminal Collusion
Money Laundering

These are just a few. I would think that he would stop his insane tweets and giving unhinged interviews the FIX news. He should be very concerned....and quiet.

We only have another week of the Mueller probe...dight? Rudy said he was gonna work something out with Mueller to end the inquiry in two weeks. Another great hire by the Dear Leader....
All of this will blow up in your smarmy little faces! Pure corruption from democrats.

Some thing is wrong with you.
It’s the conservatitus disease. It eats the brain.

Oh, noooos ... another, I know you are but what am I, retort. How do I survive these? I do not know.

Just a drive by meme attack to you YELL we GOT YOU TRUMP.........

Poor McCabe..........soon poor Comey..........soon poor Clapper..........

Your inquisition is falling apart.........they may find something in the fishing at Cohen's office......and may get a pound of flesh......or maybe not.

Those asshats who abused the power..........gonna get Poetic Justice......
All of this will blow up in your smarmy little faces! Pure corruption from democrats.

Some thing is wrong with you.
It’s the conservatitus disease. It eats the brain.

Oh, noooos ... another, I know you are but what am I, retort. How do I survive these? I do not know.

Just a drive by meme attack to you YELL we GOT YOU TRUMP.........

Poor McCabe..........soon poor Comey..........soon poor Clapper..........

Your inquisition is falling apart.........they may find something in the fishing at Cohen's office......and may get a pound of flesh......or maybe not.

Those asshats who abused the power..........gonna get Poetic Justice......

I think you’re confused... where did I yell we got Trump?
Some thing is wrong with you.
It’s the conservatitus disease. It eats the brain.

Oh, noooos ... another, I know you are but what am I, retort. How do I survive these? I do not know.

Just a drive by meme attack to you YELL we GOT YOU TRUMP.........

Poor McCabe..........soon poor Comey..........soon poor Clapper..........

Your inquisition is falling apart.........they may find something in the fishing at Cohen's office......and may get a pound of flesh......or maybe not.

Those asshats who abused the power..........gonna get Poetic Justice......

I think you’re confused... where did I yell we got Trump?

Maybe on other threads you did......maybe not..........The threads and Media are constantly doing so.........Congressmen and Women and Senators.......

You know they have been saying that for over a year and a can't tell me you haven't seen it.......

They have real Felony indictments coming up for some like McCabe.........Enjoy.
It’s the conservatitus disease. It eats the brain.

Oh, noooos ... another, I know you are but what am I, retort. How do I survive these? I do not know.

Just a drive by meme attack to you YELL we GOT YOU TRUMP.........

Poor McCabe..........soon poor Comey..........soon poor Clapper..........

Your inquisition is falling apart.........they may find something in the fishing at Cohen's office......and may get a pound of flesh......or maybe not.

Those asshats who abused the power..........gonna get Poetic Justice......

I think you’re confused... where did I yell we got Trump?

Maybe on other threads you did......maybe not..........The threads and Media are constantly doing so.........Congressmen and Women and Senators.......

You know they have been saying that for over a year and a can't tell me you haven't seen it.......

They have real Felony indictments coming up for some like McCabe.........Enjoy.

How the hell do you say you’re attacking me for yelling about how we got trump when you clearly have no clue what I said? :dunno:

You seem to be another who suffers greatly from the mental disease known as conservatitis.

Oh, noooos ... another, I know you are but what am I, retort. How do I survive these? I do not know.

Just a drive by meme attack to you YELL we GOT YOU TRUMP.........

Poor McCabe..........soon poor Comey..........soon poor Clapper..........

Your inquisition is falling apart.........they may find something in the fishing at Cohen's office......and may get a pound of flesh......or maybe not.

Those asshats who abused the power..........gonna get Poetic Justice......

I think you’re confused... where did I yell we got Trump?

Maybe on other threads you did......maybe not..........The threads and Media are constantly doing so.........Congressmen and Women and Senators.......

You know they have been saying that for over a year and a can't tell me you haven't seen it.......

They have real Felony indictments coming up for some like McCabe.........Enjoy.

How the hell do you say you’re attacking me for yelling about how we got trump when you clearly have no clue what I said? :dunno:

You seem to be another who suffers greatly from the mental disease known as conservatitis.

I was trolling your ass.......get it now...........This thread is about going..............WE GOT COHEN........another thread says COHEN gonna turn on Trump.

It's all about the NON-STOP GET TRUMP CAMPAIGN...................Where the hell have you been........

And in this case..........a WHORE shall lead the paid whore in history for a one night stand....
Oh, noooos ... another, I know you are but what am I, retort. How do I survive these? I do not know.
Just a drive by meme attack to you YELL we GOT YOU TRUMP.........

Poor McCabe..........soon poor Comey..........soon poor Clapper..........

Your inquisition is falling apart.........they may find something in the fishing at Cohen's office......and may get a pound of flesh......or maybe not.

Those asshats who abused the power..........gonna get Poetic Justice......
I think you’re confused... where did I yell we got Trump?
Maybe on other threads you did......maybe not..........The threads and Media are constantly doing so.........Congressmen and Women and Senators.......

You know they have been saying that for over a year and a can't tell me you haven't seen it.......

They have real Felony indictments coming up for some like McCabe.........Enjoy.
How the hell do you say you’re attacking me for yelling about how we got trump when you clearly have no clue what I said? :dunno:

You seem to be another who suffers greatly from the mental disease known as conservatitis.
I was trolling your ass.......get it now...........This thread is about going..............WE GOT COHEN........another thread says COHEN gonna turn on Trump.

It's all about the NON-STOP GET TRUMP CAMPAIGN...................Where the hell have you been........

And in this case..........a WHORE shall lead the paid whore in history for a one night stand....
You’re trolling me for things you think I said — but didn’t.

Perhaps this would be a good time for you to practice some introspection?

Just a suggestion... might do ya some good. :itsok:
Just a drive by meme attack to you YELL we GOT YOU TRUMP.........

Poor McCabe..........soon poor Comey..........soon poor Clapper..........

Your inquisition is falling apart.........they may find something in the fishing at Cohen's office......and may get a pound of flesh......or maybe not.

Those asshats who abused the power..........gonna get Poetic Justice......
I think you’re confused... where did I yell we got Trump?
Maybe on other threads you did......maybe not..........The threads and Media are constantly doing so.........Congressmen and Women and Senators.......

You know they have been saying that for over a year and a can't tell me you haven't seen it.......

They have real Felony indictments coming up for some like McCabe.........Enjoy.
How the hell do you say you’re attacking me for yelling about how we got trump when you clearly have no clue what I said? :dunno:

You seem to be another who suffers greatly from the mental disease known as conservatitis.
I was trolling your ass.......get it now...........This thread is about going..............WE GOT COHEN........another thread says COHEN gonna turn on Trump.

It's all about the NON-STOP GET TRUMP CAMPAIGN...................Where the hell have you been........

And in this case..........a WHORE shall lead the paid whore in history for a one night stand....
You’re trolling me for things you think I said — but didn’t.

Perhaps this would be a good time for you to practice some introspection?

Just a suggestion... might do ya some good. :itsok:
I'll take it under advisement........not.......

The left has pushed this crap to boredom................and now it has turned against those doing their bidding........KARMA.......
I think you’re confused... where did I yell we got Trump?
Maybe on other threads you did......maybe not..........The threads and Media are constantly doing so.........Congressmen and Women and Senators.......

You know they have been saying that for over a year and a can't tell me you haven't seen it.......

They have real Felony indictments coming up for some like McCabe.........Enjoy.
How the hell do you say you’re attacking me for yelling about how we got trump when you clearly have no clue what I said? :dunno:

You seem to be another who suffers greatly from the mental disease known as conservatitis.
I was trolling your ass.......get it now...........This thread is about going..............WE GOT COHEN........another thread says COHEN gonna turn on Trump.

It's all about the NON-STOP GET TRUMP CAMPAIGN...................Where the hell have you been........

And in this case..........a WHORE shall lead the paid whore in history for a one night stand....
You’re trolling me for things you think I said — but didn’t.

Perhaps this would be a good time for you to practice some introspection?

Just a suggestion... might do ya some good. :itsok:
I'll take it under advisement........not.......

The left has pushed this crap to boredom................and now it has turned against those doing their bidding........KARMA.......
Oh well, suit yourself. :dunno:

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