Trump keeps giving reasons to not back or trust him

I would put someone with the Greens or the Libertarians in charge of the
Treasury and Secretary of State who can keep the federal spending to a minimum,
stick to the Constitution and to sustainable economic systems that move toward fair market trade
and home grown locally managed production with minimal need for regulation by Govt.

* Paul Glover can mentor whole cities in managing independent labor backed currency
to keep the economy growing locally to become sustainable Paul Glover, community organizer

* Ralph Nader, the Paul Libertarians, etc. could help write the legislation
to fund federal reserve capital based on credits to taxpayers for unconstitutional violations
that cost us money to corporate profiteers who can be held responsible for paying back
these monies as LOANS including charging the interest and legal/collection fees to wrongdoers.

Thus I would combine policing govt of past, current and future unconstitutional abuses
with collecting back debts and credits OWED to taxpayers, instead of charging the public more and more
for the cost of corporate corruption and abuse of govt for profits, and use a microlending system against
these debts to finance the reforms needed to shift the responsibility and resources for social programs
off the govt and back to the people to create jobs to manage production and services locally.

This would likely take a combination of Libertarian leadership and vision of Constitutional limits
on govt, and the Greens pushing for independent currency, worker-owned and managed
business cooperatives, labor pools, fair trade and sustainable production, energy and infrastructure, etc.

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