Trump just said...

Coal miners are out of work because of Obama EPA rules that make it prohibitively expensive to run a coal powered plant.

Stop fucking lying. ICYMI: The Largest Coal Company In The U.S. Filed For Bankruptcy Thanks To Obama's Regulations

Meanwhile George Soros has been buying up cola mining stocks on the cheap.

See how it works yet?

Exactly...same thing as Koch suddenly agreeing with man made globull warming.
If he said that you can bet he's invested in carbon credits already.
The coal industry had to "scale back" because the president was determined to put them out of business. Barry Hussein said " the coal industry can build coal fired plants but federal regulations will make it so difficult that they will go out of business" Trump's plan is simple, get rid of democrats.

Not true. Coal can't compete with cheap natural gas. All that domestic energy production you RWnuts were ranting about, as in drill baby drill,

well, you got it. Coal got screwed in the process.
...because the next state is West Virginia, that he's going to get the coal miners back to work.

The coal industry has had to scale back because of cheap natural gas.

What's Trump's plan?
It had to "scale back" mostly because the EPA is regulating it out of business.

Not true. Coal can't compete with cheap natural gas.
...because the next state is West Virginia, that he's going to get the coal miners back to work.

The coal industry has had to scale back because of cheap natural gas.

What's Trump's plan?

Coal miners are out of work because of Obama EPA rules that make it prohibitively expensive to run a coal powered plant.

Stop fucking lying. ICYMI: The Largest Coal Company In The U.S. Filed For Bankruptcy Thanks To Obama's Regulations

Not true.
The coal industry had to "scale back" because the president was determined to put them out of business. Barry Hussein said " the coal industry can build coal fired plants but federal regulations will make it so difficult that they will go out of business" Trump's plan is simple, get rid of democrats.

Not true. Coal can't compete with cheap natural gas. All that domestic energy production you RWnuts were ranting about, as in drill baby drill,

well, you got it. Coal got screwed in the process.

They got regulated out of business.
Just like you're trying to do with fracking,which of course is the reason for cheap LNG.
Now what dumbfuck?
here's the really weird thing - hillary recognizes that coal's day is done, that the industry will never again be what it was because of cheaper and cleaner competition. she wants to bring new types of jobs to the area and train the workers to transition into more sustainable careers.

and somehow she's the bad guy and the guy trying to convince everyone that staying on the sinking ship is the smart option is the good guy

Hillary is a guy??
SOLYNDRA....all bankrupt liberal green energy liberal-investment companies need are more of our tax dollars and less competition... :p
The coal industry had to "scale back" because the president was determined to put them out of business. Barry Hussein said " the coal industry can build coal fired plants but federal regulations will make it so difficult that they will go out of business" Trump's plan is simple, get rid of democrats.

Not true. Coal can't compete with cheap natural gas. All that domestic energy production you RWnuts were ranting about, as in drill baby drill,

well, you got it. Coal got screwed in the process.

They got regulated out of business.
Just like you're trying to do with fracking,which of course is the reason for cheap LNG.
Now what dumbfuck?

After we are done regulating the energy sources to death, we should start regulating the much more detrimental waste the planet is facing: Humans. By reducing the population by 99.9%, we could truly make progress and achieve much more sustainable earth. The government should be responsible of choosing which individuals are the most enviornmentally friendly, and

Would this plan be progressive enough for you?
The coal industry had to "scale back" because the president was determined to put them out of business. Barry Hussein said " the coal industry can build coal fired plants but federal regulations will make it so difficult that they will go out of business" Trump's plan is simple, get rid of democrats.

Not true. Coal can't compete with cheap natural gas. All that domestic energy production you RWnuts were ranting about, as in drill baby drill,

well, you got it. Coal got screwed in the process.

They got regulated out of business.
Just like you're trying to do with fracking,which of course is the reason for cheap LNG.
Now what dumbfuck?

After we are done regulating the energy sources, we should start regulating the much more detrimental waste the planet is facing: Humans. By reducing the population by 99.9%, we could truly make progress and achieve much more sustainable earth.

Would this plan be progressive enough for you?

Do you know who your talking to?
The coal industry had to "scale back" because the president was determined to put them out of business. Barry Hussein said " the coal industry can build coal fired plants but federal regulations will make it so difficult that they will go out of business" Trump's plan is simple, get rid of democrats.

Not true. Coal can't compete with cheap natural gas. All that domestic energy production you RWnuts were ranting about, as in drill baby drill,

well, you got it. Coal got screwed in the process.

They got regulated out of business.
Just like you're trying to do with fracking,which of course is the reason for cheap LNG.
Now what dumbfuck?

After we are done regulating the energy sources, we should start regulating the much more detrimental waste the planet is facing: Humans. By reducing the population by 99.9%, we could truly make progress and achieve much more sustainable earth.

Would this plan be progressive enough for you?

Do you know who your talking to?

It was just a suggestion. Global warming might kill us one day, so better start taking protective measures!
SOLYNDRA....all bankrupt liberal green energy liberal-investment companies need are more of our tax dollars and less competition... :p
I'm SO lucky that PSEG has no competition in NYS and can charge whatever they please.
personally, i don't want to have to wear a mask outside like they do in beijing. i doubt you find a lot of people signing up for that privilege.

With the scrubbers they have for coal now there is no serious pollution atall.

The Obama Regime redefined CO2 as a pollutant and you cant burn fossil fuels without creating CO2.

Get it?
sure, and when, as you say, trump just gets rid of all those regulations coal plants will be sure to use those scrubbers, right?
I'll tell you several statements YOU will NEVER hear in a Trump presidency:
Trump will never degrade the military by telling the insurgents that the military has "air-raiding villages, killing civilians"!
Trump will never say he wanted to bankrupt 1,400 companies, that pay $100 billion a year in taxes and unemploy 450,000 people that work for these companies!
Trump will never say" if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can – it’s just that it will bankrupt them.”
Trump will never say "I prefer higher gas prices".
Trump will never tell a foreign country such as "Brazil to develop oil and that the USA will be their best customer"!
Trump will never say "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."
Trump will never tear America down.
When is Trump going to convert Trump Tower to coal?
The coal industry had to "scale back" because the president was determined to put them out of business. Barry Hussein said " the coal industry can build coal fired plants but federal regulations will make it so difficult that they will go out of business" Trump's plan is simple, get rid of democrats.

Not true. Coal can't compete with cheap natural gas. All that domestic energy production you RWnuts were ranting about, as in drill baby drill,

well, you got it. Coal got screwed in the process.

They got regulated out of business.
Just like you're trying to do with fracking,which of course is the reason for cheap LNG.
Now what dumbfuck?

After we are done regulating the energy sources, we should start regulating the much more detrimental waste the planet is facing: Humans. By reducing the population by 99.9%, we could truly make progress and achieve much more sustainable earth.

Would this plan be progressive enough for you?

Do you know who your talking to?

It was just a suggestion. Global warming might kill us one day, so better start taking protective measures!

Better stock up on shorts and wife beaters because there aint shit we can do about it if it is.
Libs are going insane....

Trump is blowing out the numbers he is bringing in while liberal turnout is lower than 2014 and DROPPING...

...because the next state is West Virginia, that he's going to get the coal miners back to work.

The coal industry has had to scale back because of cheap natural gas.

What's Trump's plan?

He’s doesn’t have a ‘plan.’

It’s another one of his ridiculous lies; as usual he has no idea what he’s talking about.

His plan is to rescind every regulation the EPA has implemented since the beginning of the Obama administration. They're all job killers and unnecessary.

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