Trump Junior points out the obvious


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
Looks like he's positioning himself for a future run in the process.

---Trump Jr.: Biden Administration ‘Overseeing the Downfall of America’---

And we all know that Jr has never gotten too excited and spouted goofy shit.
I would be so nice for my country to get back to where we were 4 years ago. The economy, security, and prosperity of the pre Covid Trump years were amazing to see.

Since a Trump got us there, im confident a Trump can get us BACK there.

The current blithering idiot in chief damn sure can't do it.
Since a Trump got us there, im confident a Trump can get us BACK there.
I could see Trump Junior making a strong showing if he chose to run. He already has support.

---The SurveyMonkey poll for Axios released Saturday found that 29 percent of Republicans and leaners said they would consider voting for Donald Trump Jr. and that 16 percent said they would consider voting for Ivanka Trump. ---


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