Trump is "weaponizing" the admin to enact a "coup" against the . . .

. . . American people and its government.

It is obvious now that Trump is trying to establishing a Rule of Man that overrides the Rule of Law on which America rests.

The latest Trump email debacle occurred because (1) Mueller acted within the law to obtain them, and (2) the ill Trump guy who was supposed to prevent it died after Mueller had them. Did the Trump team have the guy murdered?

The increased shrill screaming by the Admin and its allies clearly indicates the Trumpers know just how desperate the stakes are for them now.

Mr. Mueller may well give the American public the Christmas Present it truly needs: an announcement and the laying out of the case publicly against Trump and the enemies of America.
It's true that this administration has nothing but contempt for the rule of law.

Where in the hell were you at when obongo was

in office? Look at his FBI and his IRS.

Can you say 3rd world banana republic?

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