Trump is "weaponizing" the admin to enact a "coup" against the . . .

Lucy, you are more likely to be a Hillary supporter than me, and you well know it.

No one whacked the admin guy, he died, folks, and no one in the Admin was bright enough to say, "Let's go see if he did what he was supposed to do," and then Admin is amazed, dismay, and appalled that Mueller got the emails legally.

The screaming makes it quite clear that Mueller has something of which the Admin is very afraid. They de-weaponize the Admin and prevent a coup against America.

Thank heavens.

Lucy: ^^^^ So that is a Conspiracy Theory on top of a Conspiracy Theory? This is like the Moon Landing and Chem Trails all at the same time :omg:
Thanks for the continued screaming, Lucy. :)
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But but but to the Jake Starkey's that's a Conspiracy Theory....oh wait hold on, I forgot :eusa_doh:
Hey, we all know that the facts of this Thread, although true as gold, would not be allowed to stay in Policis. :)

It's OK, guys: I got my point across ~ Trump is now unable to prevent the truth from rolling forth.

So do you still think the Trump Team murdered that man or did Jack Ruby murder that man? Oh wait, I cannot keep up with all the Conspiracy Theories happening in this thread already....I have it Neil Armstrong murdered that man, oh wait that's the Moon Landing that Hollyweird did :eusa_doh:
Lucy, you are more likely to be a Hillary supporter than me, and you well know it.

No one whacked the admin guy, he died, folks, and no one in the Admin was bright enough to say, "Let's go see if he did what he was supposed to do," and then Admin is amazed, dismay, and appalled that Mueller got the emails legally.

The screaming makes it quite clear that Mueller has something of which the Admin is very afraid. They de-weaponize the Admin and prevent a coup against America.

Thank heavens.

Lucy: ^^^^ So that is a Conspiracy Theory on top of a Conspiracy Theory? This is like the Moon Landing and Chem Trails all at the same time :omg:
Thanks for the continued screaming, Lucy. :)

I do not scream Jake darling, that would not be ladylike :smile:
Mueller's possession of the emails has derailed any chance of Trump and his mouth pieces of being able to frame successfully their defense of the indefensible. (Reread my second para, Lucy).

Got heem!

It's only a matter of time.
Mueller's possession of the emails has derailed any chance of Trump and his mouth pieces of being able to frame successfully their defense of the indefensible.

Got heem!

It's only a matter of time.

Let's place a gentleman's wager on that, Jake Smarmy...........hell, you can even set the time frame.
And here is Mueller putting a finish to the Trump admin lies. Got heem.

Mueller's possession of the emails has derailed any chance of Trump and his mouth pieces of being able to frame successfully their defense of the indefensible.

Got heem!

It's only a matter of time.

Let's place a gentleman's wager on that, Jake Smarmy...........hell, you can even set the time frame.
Dale, you are a welsher, not a gentleman. It's your nature.

A gentleman who knows he is going to win does not take advantage of people such as you. It's only a matter of time.
Mueller's possession of the emails has derailed any chance of Trump and his mouth pieces of being able to frame successfully their defense of the indefensible.

Got heem!

It's only a matter of time.

Let's place a gentleman's wager on that, Jake Smarmy...........hell, you can even set the time frame.
Dale, you are a welsher, not a gentleman. It's your nature. It's only a matter of time.

What did I "welsh" on, Jake Smarmy????? What wager did I make and then failed to follow through on? Put up or be deemed a liar..............back to you, Jake....

Mueller's possession of the emails has derailed any chance of Trump and his mouth pieces of being able to frame successfully their defense of the indefensible.

Got heem!

It's only a matter of time.

Let's place a gentleman's wager on that, Jake Smarmy...........hell, you can even set the time frame.
Dale, you are a welsher, not a gentleman. It's your nature. It's only a matter of time.

What did I "welsh" on, Jake Smarmy????? What wager did I make and then failed to follow through on? Put up or be deemed a liar..............back to you, Jake....(snicker)
It's your nature, Dale. I know it is tough to be you, and to have people know you for you. :)
Mueller's possession of the emails has derailed any chance of Trump and his mouth pieces of being able to frame successfully their defense of the indefensible.

Got heem!

It's only a matter of time.

Let's place a gentleman's wager on that, Jake Smarmy...........hell, you can even set the time frame.
Dale, you are a welsher, not a gentleman. It's your nature. It's only a matter of time.

What did I "welsh" on, Jake Smarmy????? What wager did I make and then failed to follow through on? Put up or be deemed a liar..............back to you, Jake....(snicker)
It's your nature, Dale. I know it is tough to be you, and to have people know you for you. :)

Ah-ha! So you admit that you lied..............typical but not surprising.
Mueller's possession of the emails has derailed any chance of Trump and his mouth pieces of being able to frame successfully their defense of the indefensible.

Got heem!

It's only a matter of time.

Let's place a gentleman's wager on that, Jake Smarmy...........hell, you can even set the time frame.
Dale, you are a welsher, not a gentleman. It's your nature. It's only a matter of time.

What did I "welsh" on, Jake Smarmy????? What wager did I make and then failed to follow through on? Put up or be deemed a liar..............back to you, Jake....(snicker)
It's your nature, Dale. I know it is tough to be you, and to have people know you for you. :)
Ah-ha! So you admit that you lied..............typical but not surprising.
You prove my point, so thank you.
Let's place a gentleman's wager on that, Jake Smarmy...........hell, you can even set the time frame.
Dale, you are a welsher, not a gentleman. It's your nature. It's only a matter of time.

What did I "welsh" on, Jake Smarmy????? What wager did I make and then failed to follow through on? Put up or be deemed a liar..............back to you, Jake....(snicker)
It's your nature, Dale. I know it is tough to be you, and to have people know you for you. :)
Ah-ha! So you admit that you lied..............typical but not surprising.
You prove my point, so thank you.

That you lied? That's not something to be proud of.........seems to me that you lack faith in your convictions which is not surprising since you make accusations that you can't back up.

. . . American people and its government.

It is obvious now that Trump is trying to establishing a Rule of Man that overrides the Rule of Law on which America rests.

The latest Trump email debacle occurred because (1) Mueller acted within the law to obtain them, and (2) the ill Trump guy who was supposed to prevent it died after Mueller had them. Did the Trump team have the guy murdered?

The increased shrill screaming by the Admin and its allies clearly indicates the Trumpers know just how desperate the stakes are for them now.

Mr. Mueller may well give the American public the Christmas Present it truly needs: an announcement and the laying out of the case publicly against Trump and the enemies of America.

What, was Mueller found dead in bed with a pillow over his face or something?


Get a grip man.
. . . American people and its government.

It is obvious now that Trump is trying to establishing a Rule of Man that overrides the Rule of Law on which America rests.

The latest Trump email debacle occurred because (1) Mueller acted within the law to obtain them, and (2) the ill Trump guy who was supposed to prevent it died after Mueller had them. Did the Trump team have the guy murdered?

The increased shrill screaming by the Admin and its allies clearly indicates the Trumpers know just how desperate the stakes are for them now.

Mr. Mueller may well give the American public the Christmas Present it truly needs: an announcement and the laying out of the case publicly against Trump and the enemies of America.


Go ahead and continue to be delusional Moon Bat.

It will only lead to more of this:

. . . American people and its government.

It is obvious now that Trump is trying to establishing a Rule of Man that overrides the Rule of Law on which America rests.

The latest Trump email debacle occurred because (1) Mueller acted within the law to obtain them, and (2) the ill Trump guy who was supposed to prevent it died after Mueller had them. Did the Trump team have the guy murdered?

The increased shrill screaming by the Admin and its allies clearly indicates the Trumpers know just how desperate the stakes are for them now.

Mr. Mueller may well give the American public the Christmas Present it truly needs: an announcement and the laying out of the case publicly against Trump and the enemies of America.
What, was Mueller found dead in bed with a pillow over his face or something? No. Get a grip man.
Votto, bright eyes, the guy did not do his job. Because he failed, Mueller was able to obtain the documents legally.

Because of that, the last major barrier to trapping Trump and his team has been removed.

I am sure the guy died naturally, because if he had not, and Trump had found out that the guy fucked up . . . well, that would be like a Clinton conspiracy story of murder. But the Trump fucks would never spread such a story, would they? :)
This thread will die down fairly quickly as the Alt Right realizes that the dead guy's failure assraped Trump.

It will take a bit of time for the next Trump counter attack, only wilder and louder and shriller.
This thread is exactly right. Thank you! The NaziCons are slithering in desperation to trash an honorable man and glorify an immoral man-child.

I thought Vietnam vets were baby killers.

Maybe some were. They were drafted to be there. What's your point?
I just find it funny how Vietnam service goes from being shit on to being praised.
Goes to show you don't understand much, is the point.
What's FakeyJakey gonna do when it's next year and still nothing?

Well, you can't say the Mueller investigation has been entirely fruitless, it did snag the leaker "Reality Winner" up in the dragnet. :coffee:

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