Trump is "weaponizing" the admin to enact a "coup" against the . . .


This TDS affliction is a bad enough mental disorder to get most Moon Bats condemned to an insane asylum. You know, for our protection. They shouldn't be allowed on the streets. They are a danger to both us and to themselves.
. . . American people and its government.

It is obvious now that Trump is trying to establishing a Rule of Man that overrides the Rule of Law on which America rests.

The latest Trump email debacle occurred because (1) Mueller acted within the law to obtain them, and (2) the ill Trump guy who was supposed to prevent it died after Mueller had them. Did the Trump team have the guy murdered?

The increased shrill screaming by the Admin and its allies clearly indicates the Trumpers know just how desperate the stakes are for them now.

Mr. Mueller may well give the American public the Christmas Present it truly needs: an announcement and the laying out of the case publicly against Trump and the enemies of America.

LOL Jake. I wasn't expecting this from you. But then it's you.

Conspiracy theories? Trump put out a hit on somebody? Sounds like stuff the far right folks on this board would say.

Mueller has stepped out far beyond the bounds of his charge as a special prosecutor. A lot of the things he's investigating have nothing to do with Russian collusion.


But I for it being "obvious", however, you need to lay out your case. This OP is nothing but a wild assertion.
. . . American people and its government.

It is obvious now that Trump is trying to establishing a Rule of Man that overrides the Rule of Law on which America rests.

The latest Trump email debacle occurred because (1) Mueller acted within the law to obtain them, and (2) the ill Trump guy who was supposed to prevent it died after Mueller had them. Did the Trump team have the guy murdered?

The increased shrill screaming by the Admin and its allies clearly indicates the Trumpers know just how desperate the stakes are for them now.

Mr. Mueller may well give the American public the Christmas Present it truly needs: an announcement and the laying out of the case publicly against Trump and the enemies of America.

LOL Jake. I wasn't expecting this from you. But then it's you.

Conspiracy theories? Trump put out a hit on somebody? Sounds like stuff the far right folks on this board would say.

Mueller has stepped out far beyond the bounds of his charge as a special prosecutor. A lot of the things he's investigating have nothing to do with Russian collusion.


But I for it being "obvious", however, you need to lay out your case. This OP is nothing but a wild assertion.
Yes, you don't read clearly. You don't read the entire thread. So, as usual, you misread. That is nothing new for you.

Mueller is clearly within the boundaries of his remit.
. . . American people and its government.

It is obvious now that Trump is trying to establishing a Rule of Man that overrides the Rule of Law on which America rests.

The latest Trump email debacle occurred because (1) Mueller acted within the law to obtain them, and (2) the ill Trump guy who was supposed to prevent it died after Mueller had them. Did the Trump team have the guy murdered?

The increased shrill screaming by the Admin and its allies clearly indicates the Trumpers know just how desperate the stakes are for them now.

Mr. Mueller may well give the American public the Christmas Present it truly needs: an announcement and the laying out of the case publicly against Trump and the enemies of America.

Okay let's get legal... this is his charge as per his order:

The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confirmed by then-FBI Director James B. Comey in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including: (i) any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and (ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and (iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).

Here is the regulation that was cited:

28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a)

§ 600.4 Jurisdiction.
(a)Original jurisdiction. The jurisdiction of a Special Counsel shall be established by the Attorney General. The Special Counsel will be provided with a specific factual statement of the matter to be investigated. The jurisdiction of a Special Counsel shall also include the authority to investigate and prosecute federal crimes committed in the course of, and with intent to interfere with, the Special Counsel's investigation, such as perjury, obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence, and intimidation of witnesses; and to conduct appeals arising out of the matter being investigated and/or prosecuted.

So, Mueller is limited to continuing the pre-existing Comey investigation into Russian interference. That could include possible obstruction of justice in the course of that investigation, but would not expand to anything Trump ever did, even with regard to Russia. Tell me is what Mueller doing thus far within the scope of his charge? You keep insisting it is, but I'd wager its not.
That is a limited commentary by TK, but the important part of it is "The jurisdiction of a Special Counsel shall also include the authority to investigate and prosecute federal crimes committed in the course of, and with intent to interfere with, the Special Counsel's investigation, such as perjury, obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence, and intimidation of witnesses; and to conduct appeals arising out of the matter being investigated and/or prosecuted." That means Mueller can go where the evidence leads him.
That means Mueller can go where the evidence leads him.

Sure, if the evidence and/or crimes fall within the scope of his investigation. Do you not understand how that works?

But as we can see the target, Trump, has thus far not been linked to any these crimes, neither perjury, obstruction, destruction of evidence, nor intimidation of witnesses. If you can prove that happened, then you should be conducting that investigation, not Mueller.
TemplarKormac does not get it.

Everything Mueller has done is within his remit. As one poster just noted elsewhere, "Muellers team collectively have thousands of criminal convictions. They have centuries of experience in federal law. Trumps lawyers came from real estate and civil litigation." LEGAL ANALYSIS: Why Mueller’s Seizure of Transition Emails Likely Violated the Law

Trump would go to jail forever if he relied on TK's legal analysis.
. . . American people and its government.

It is obvious now that Trump is trying to establishing a Rule of Man that overrides the Rule of Law on which America rests.

The latest Trump email debacle occurred because (1) Mueller acted within the law to obtain them, and (2) the ill Trump guy who was supposed to prevent it died after Mueller had them. Did the Trump team have the guy murdered?

The increased shrill screaming by the Admin and its allies clearly indicates the Trumpers know just how desperate the stakes are for them now.

Mr. Mueller may well give the American public the Christmas Present it truly needs: an announcement and the laying out of the case publicly against Trump and the enemies of America.
It's true that this administration has nothing but contempt for the rule of law.
TemplarKormac does not get it.

Everything Mueller has done is within his remit. As one poster just noted elsewhere, "Muellers team collectively have thousands of criminal convictions. They have centuries of experience in federal law. Trumps lawyers came from real estate and civil litigation." LEGAL ANALYSIS: Why Mueller’s Seizure of Transition Emails Likely Violated the Law

Trump would go to jail forever if he relied on TK's legal analysis.

Wait, isn't that what you want? Thank you for springing my trap, Jake.
TemplarKormac does not get it.

Everything Mueller has done is within his remit. As one poster just noted elsewhere, "Muellers team collectively have thousands of criminal convictions. They have centuries of experience in federal law. Trumps lawyers came from real estate and civil litigation." LEGAL ANALYSIS: Why Mueller’s Seizure of Transition Emails Likely Violated the Law

Trump would go to jail forever if he relied on TK's legal analysis.
Wait, isn't that what you want? Thank you for springing my trap, Jake.
Every time you try to set a trap, it springs and seizes your brain, TK. :) I am glad you agree that what Mueller is legal.
It's true that this administration has nothing but contempt for the rule of law.
Many of them, however contemptuous they may be, will feel the wrath and fury and removal of their freedoms and liberties by the law. We are a country of Rule by Law, not Rule by Man.
. . . American people and its government.

It is obvious now that Trump is trying to establishing a Rule of Man that overrides the Rule of Law on which America rests.

The latest Trump email debacle occurred because (1) Mueller acted within the law to obtain them, and (2) the ill Trump guy who was supposed to prevent it died after Mueller had them. Did the Trump team have the guy murdered?

The increased shrill screaming by the Admin and its allies clearly indicates the Trumpers know just how desperate the stakes are for them now.

Mr. Mueller may well give the American public the Christmas Present it truly needs: an announcement and the laying out of the case publicly against Trump and the enemies of America.

Jake Starkey only cares about ISRAEL.

He should be deported to ISRAEL on that basis, even though he is likely posting now FROM ISRAEL...
Your analysis of my post, LaDexter, is strange to say the least, but you are even stranger, as we all know.
Mueller's possession of the emails has derailed any chance of Trump and his mouth pieces of being able to frame successfully their defense of the indefensible.

Got heem!

It's only a matter of time.

Let's place a gentleman's wager on that, Jake Smarmy...........hell, you can even set the time frame.
Dale, you are a welsher, not a gentleman. It's your nature.

A gentleman who knows he is going to win does not take advantage of people such as you. It's only a matter of time.

I smell Chicken....
This thread is exactly right. Thank you! The NaziCons are slithering in desperation to trash an honorable man and glorify an immoral man-child.

I thought Vietnam vets were baby killers.

Maybe some were. They were drafted to be there. What's your point?
I just find it funny how Vietnam service goes from being shit on to being praised.

We all know liberals are full of shit...

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