Trump is trying to keep the public from knowing updates on COVID

I heard everyone in Sweden died or something and Trump didn't want anyone to know........ya know.

Brought to you by the same people who said he was getting peed on by Hookers in the Russia Hoax.

Soooo...........Sweden is partying, clubs are open, schools open.......buffets and such .......and their people are middle of the pack in stats for Europe.

Now all you FEAR me the body bag count now..........LMAO

Sweden has already admitted they made a mistake but look at there numbers, there country will not get green status in europe..
BS...........all we have done has prolonged this BS and nothing more.........You can't stop this from running it's course..........and the masks, unless professional types don't do a damned thing.

It's about power and control and making this dang thing stretch out. We need to march the fuck through this and get it over with.............too many Americans are fucked over the jobs and businesses lost............but I guess you don't give a damn about that.
He’s ordering hospitals not to send data to the CDC and instead to the department of health. Experts point out such a move would keep the information quiet.

He’s a miserable fucking retard.

If the CDC and the other medical services reported the information like this...

View attachment 364158

Trump would not have to look to make sure that these bastards were not lying.

You see, they have been lying to us since March.
Another thing we are being lied to about is the “confirmed Covid” positive tests. Did you know that when someone tests positive, they usually get tested a second time to confirm, or later one to see if they still have it? Those additional positive tests on the same people are counted in the totals.
I thought as much. But that actually works against the machine. The more positives there are while death continue to go down, the worse their policies look.
He’s ordering hospitals not to send data to the CDC and instead to the department of health. Experts point out such a move would keep the information quiet.

He’s a miserable fucking retard.

You morons ignore statistics from the CDC anyway. Like the fact that kids don’t get infected in any significant numbers much less die from it.

Is the CDC tracking all the stats magically making the Wuhan virus go away?
Those statistics are the ONLY ones you pay attention to about the virus you miserable fuck. Any scientific article that doesn’t coddle your tender republican sensibilities is called fake. It’s impossible to take you people seriously as adults.

I know the statistics show that under age 55 have an ultra low mortality rate, which is why 55 and younger should be allowed back to work. It’s the seniors and of course people with pre-existing conditions that have high mortality rates, and they should stay isolated.

Why do you keep denying science, yet accuse others of doing so?
You fucking idiot. You ignored the science on this from the beginning. Don’t pretend you didn’t. You only cherry pick shit that fits your narrative. You and all the Trumptards on here downplayed it from the beginning. It so goddamn pathetic you would deny that now. You’re only talking about studies with at risk populations now because it fits your narrative. Before, months ago, you pretended it was all overblown and that Trump was right to never give a shit.
I was damn near spot on from the beginning.........because I studied the 2003 data and have common sense.............

YOU......NOT SO MUCH........You are like this.

He’s ordering hospitals not to send data to the CDC and instead to the department of health. Experts point out such a move would keep the information quiet.

He’s a miserable fucking retard.

You morons ignore statistics from the CDC anyway. Like the fact that kids don’t get infected in any significant numbers much less die from it.

Is the CDC tracking all the stats magically making the Wuhan virus go away?
Those statistics are the ONLY ones you pay attention to about the virus you miserable fuck. Any scientific article that doesn’t coddle your tender republican sensibilities is called fake. It’s impossible to take you people seriously as adults.

I know the statistics show that under age 55 have an ultra low mortality rate, which is why 55 and younger should be allowed back to work. It’s the seniors and of course people with pre-existing conditions that have high mortality rates, and they should stay isolated.

Why do you keep denying science, yet accuse others of doing so?
You fucking idiot. You ignored the science on this from the beginning. Don’t pretend you didn’t. You only cherry pick shit that fits your narrative. You and all the Trumptards on here downplayed it from the beginning. It so goddamn pathetic you would deny that now. You’re only talking about studies with at risk populations now because it fits your narrative. Before, months ago, you pretended it was all overblown and that Trump was right to never give a shit.
I recall fully supporting the travel restrictions when we didn’t know shit about the virus, while you leftwing maggots cried about racism against Asians.

You still can’t provide one scientific fact or study that I ignored or downplayed.

Now fuck off.
He’s ordering hospitals not to send data to the CDC and instead to the department of health. Experts point out such a move would keep the information quiet.

He’s a miserable fucking retard.

You morons ignore statistics from the CDC anyway. Like the fact that kids don’t get infected in any significant numbers much less die from it.

Is the CDC tracking all the stats magically making the Wuhan virus go away?
Those statistics are the ONLY ones you pay attention to about the virus you miserable fuck. Any scientific article that doesn’t coddle your tender republican sensibilities is called fake. It’s impossible to take you people seriously as adults.

I know the statistics show that under age 55 have an ultra low mortality rate, which is why 55 and younger should be allowed back to work. It’s the seniors and of course people with pre-existing conditions that have high mortality rates, and they should stay isolated.

Why do you keep denying science, yet accuse others of doing so?
You fucking idiot. You ignored the science on this from the beginning. Don’t pretend you didn’t. You only cherry pick shit that fits your narrative. You and all the Trumptards on here downplayed it from the beginning. It so goddamn pathetic you would deny that now. You’re only talking about studies with at risk populations now because it fits your narrative. Before, months ago, you pretended it was all overblown and that Trump was right to never give a shit.
You know who downplayed the threat?

Dr. Fauci did. Fucking moron.
He’s ordering hospitals not to send data to the CDC and instead to the department of health. Experts point out such a move would keep the information quiet.

He’s a miserable fucking retard.

You morons ignore statistics from the CDC anyway. Like the fact that kids don’t get infected in any significant numbers much less die from it.

Is the CDC tracking all the stats magically making the Wuhan virus go away?
Those statistics are the ONLY ones you pay attention to about the virus you miserable fuck. Any scientific article that doesn’t coddle your tender republican sensibilities is called fake. It’s impossible to take you people seriously as adults.

I know the statistics show that under age 55 have an ultra low mortality rate, which is why 55 and younger should be allowed back to work. It’s the seniors and of course people with pre-existing conditions that have high mortality rates, and they should stay isolated.

Why do you keep denying science, yet accuse others of doing so?
You fucking idiot. You ignored the science on this from the beginning. Don’t pretend you didn’t. You only cherry pick shit that fits your narrative. You and all the Trumptards on here downplayed it from the beginning. It so goddamn pathetic you would deny that now. You’re only talking about studies with at risk populations now because it fits your narrative. Before, months ago, you pretended it was all overblown and that Trump was right to never give a shit.
I recall fully supporting the travel restrictions when we didn’t know shit about the virus, while you leftwing maggots cried about racism against Asians.

You still can’t provide one scientific fact or study that I ignored or downplayed.

Now fuck off.
You are so fucking full of shit. Shut the fuck up. If you actually thought the virus was a threat to ANYONE, you would have condemned Trump’s response. It’s not like restricting travel from China would have
Magically eradicate the virus AFTER it was already here. Where was your outrage when Trump downplayed the virus being a harm to ANYONE?
He’s ordering hospitals not to send data to the CDC and instead to the department of health. Experts point out such a move would keep the information quiet.

He’s a miserable fucking retard.

If the CDC and the other medical services reported the information like this...

View attachment 364158

Trump would not have to look to make sure that these bastards were not lying.

You see, they have been lying to us since March.
Another thing we are being lied to about is the “confirmed Covid” positive tests. Did you know that when someone tests positive, they usually get tested a second time to confirm, or later one to see if they still have it? Those additional positive tests on the same people are counted in the totals.
I thought as much. But that actually works against the machine. The more positives there are while death continue to go down, the worse their policies look.
The positive cases tests mean nothing. The serology tests that randomly tests the population is what matters. When 4-10% of the population is shown to have had it, it destroys the “mortality rate” down to less than 1%. I calculated the mortality rate for 20-55 year olds in AZ based on serology tests, it was less than 0.05%.
He’s ordering hospitals not to send data to the CDC and instead to the department of health. Experts point out such a move would keep the information quiet.

He’s a miserable fucking retard.

You morons ignore statistics from the CDC anyway. Like the fact that kids don’t get infected in any significant numbers much less die from it.

Is the CDC tracking all the stats magically making the Wuhan virus go away?
Those statistics are the ONLY ones you pay attention to about the virus you miserable fuck. Any scientific article that doesn’t coddle your tender republican sensibilities is called fake. It’s impossible to take you people seriously as adults.

I know the statistics show that under age 55 have an ultra low mortality rate, which is why 55 and younger should be allowed back to work. It’s the seniors and of course people with pre-existing conditions that have high mortality rates, and they should stay isolated.

Why do you keep denying science, yet accuse others of doing so?
You fucking idiot. You ignored the science on this from the beginning. Don’t pretend you didn’t. You only cherry pick shit that fits your narrative. You and all the Trumptards on here downplayed it from the beginning. It so goddamn pathetic you would deny that now. You’re only talking about studies with at risk populations now because it fits your narrative. Before, months ago, you pretended it was all overblown and that Trump was right to never give a shit.
I recall fully supporting the travel restrictions when we didn’t know shit about the virus, while you leftwing maggots cried about racism against Asians.

You still can’t provide one scientific fact or study that I ignored or downplayed.

Now fuck off.
You are so fucking full of shit. Shut the fuck up. If you actually thought the virus was a threat to ANYONE, you would have condemned Trump’s response. It’s not like restricting travel from China would have
Magically eradicate the virus AFTER it was already here. Where was your outrage when Trump downplayed the virus being a harm to ANYONE?
^^ LOL look at this asshat. “It’s not like restricting travel from China would have magically eradicated the virus”. Yet this dumbass is advocating restricting OUR movements. You CCP asslickers really are something.
He’s ordering hospitals not to send data to the CDC and instead to the department of health. Experts point out such a move would keep the information quiet.

He’s a miserable fucking retard.

You morons ignore statistics from the CDC anyway. Like the fact that kids don’t get infected in any significant numbers much less die from it.

Is the CDC tracking all the stats magically making the Wuhan virus go away?
Those statistics are the ONLY ones you pay attention to about the virus you miserable fuck. Any scientific article that doesn’t coddle your tender republican sensibilities is called fake. It’s impossible to take you people seriously as adults.

I know the statistics show that under age 55 have an ultra low mortality rate, which is why 55 and younger should be allowed back to work. It’s the seniors and of course people with pre-existing conditions that have high mortality rates, and they should stay isolated.

Why do you keep denying science, yet accuse others of doing so?
You fucking idiot. You ignored the science on this from the beginning. Don’t pretend you didn’t. You only cherry pick shit that fits your narrative. You and all the Trumptards on here downplayed it from the beginning. It so goddamn pathetic you would deny that now. You’re only talking about studies with at risk populations now because it fits your narrative. Before, months ago, you pretended it was all overblown and that Trump was right to never give a shit.
I recall fully supporting the travel restrictions when we didn’t know shit about the virus, while you leftwing maggots cried about racism against Asians.

You still can’t provide one scientific fact or study that I ignored or downplayed.

Now fuck off.
You are so fucking full of shit. Shut the fuck up. If you actually thought the virus was a threat to ANYONE, you would have condemned Trump’s response. It’s not like restricting travel from China would have
Magically eradicate the virus AFTER it was already here. Where was your outrage when Trump downplayed the virus being a harm to ANYONE?
YO...........the virus is on your bed........crawl back under quick before it gets you.

damn man.........that was close almost got you.............WOW.
He’s ordering hospitals not to send data to the CDC and instead to the department of health. Experts point out such a move would keep the information quiet.

He’s a miserable fucking retard.

You morons ignore statistics from the CDC anyway. Like the fact that kids don’t get infected in any significant numbers much less die from it.

Is the CDC tracking all the stats magically making the Wuhan virus go away?
Those statistics are the ONLY ones you pay attention to about the virus you miserable fuck. Any scientific article that doesn’t coddle your tender republican sensibilities is called fake. It’s impossible to take you people seriously as adults.

I know the statistics show that under age 55 have an ultra low mortality rate, which is why 55 and younger should be allowed back to work. It’s the seniors and of course people with pre-existing conditions that have high mortality rates, and they should stay isolated.

Why do you keep denying science, yet accuse others of doing so?
You fucking idiot. You ignored the science on this from the beginning. Don’t pretend you didn’t. You only cherry pick shit that fits your narrative. You and all the Trumptards on here downplayed it from the beginning. It so goddamn pathetic you would deny that now. You’re only talking about studies with at risk populations now because it fits your narrative. Before, months ago, you pretended it was all overblown and that Trump was right to never give a shit.
I recall fully supporting the travel restrictions when we didn’t know shit about the virus, while you leftwing maggots cried about racism against Asians.

You still can’t provide one scientific fact or study that I ignored or downplayed.

Now fuck off.
You are so fucking full of shit. Shut the fuck up. If you actually thought the virus was a threat to ANYONE, you would have condemned Trump’s response. It’s not like restricting travel from China would have
Magically eradicate the virus AFTER it was already here. Where was your outrage when Trump downplayed the virus being a harm to ANYONE?
^^ LOL look at this asshat. “It’s not like restricting travel from China would have magically eradicated the virus”. Yet this dumbass is advocating restricting OUR movements. You CCP asslickers really are something.
Hey moron, yeah, restricting travel from China didn’t solve the problem did it? The virus was already here well after that idea. And look where we are? 3 million cases. Gee Trump really nipped that in the bud huh?
He’s ordering hospitals not to send data to the CDC and instead to the department of health. Experts point out such a move would keep the information quiet.

He’s a miserable fucking retard.

You morons ignore statistics from the CDC anyway. Like the fact that kids don’t get infected in any significant numbers much less die from it.

Is the CDC tracking all the stats magically making the Wuhan virus go away?
Those statistics are the ONLY ones you pay attention to about the virus you miserable fuck. Any scientific article that doesn’t coddle your tender republican sensibilities is called fake. It’s impossible to take you people seriously as adults.

I know the statistics show that under age 55 have an ultra low mortality rate, which is why 55 and younger should be allowed back to work. It’s the seniors and of course people with pre-existing conditions that have high mortality rates, and they should stay isolated.

Why do you keep denying science, yet accuse others of doing so?
You fucking idiot. You ignored the science on this from the beginning. Don’t pretend you didn’t. You only cherry pick shit that fits your narrative. You and all the Trumptards on here downplayed it from the beginning. It so goddamn pathetic you would deny that now. You’re only talking about studies with at risk populations now because it fits your narrative. Before, months ago, you pretended it was all overblown and that Trump was right to never give a shit.
I recall fully supporting the travel restrictions when we didn’t know shit about the virus, while you leftwing maggots cried about racism against Asians.

You still can’t provide one scientific fact or study that I ignored or downplayed.

Now fuck off.
You are so fucking full of shit. Shut the fuck up. If you actually thought the virus was a threat to ANYONE, you would have condemned Trump’s response. It’s not like restricting travel from China would have
Magically eradicate the virus AFTER it was already here. Where was your outrage when Trump downplayed the virus being a harm to ANYONE?
^^ LOL look at this asshat. “It’s not like restricting travel from China would have magically eradicated the virus”. Yet this dumbass is advocating restricting OUR movements. You CCP asslickers really are something.
Hey moron, yeah, restricting travel from China didn’t solve the problem did it? The virus was already here well after that idea. And look where we are? 3 million cases. Gee Trump really nipped that in the bud huh?
Then how is imposing restrictions on us now going to solve the problem?
He’s ordering hospitals not to send data to the CDC and instead to the department of health. Experts point out such a move would keep the information quiet.

He’s a miserable fucking retard.

You morons ignore statistics from the CDC anyway. Like the fact that kids don’t get infected in any significant numbers much less die from it.

Is the CDC tracking all the stats magically making the Wuhan virus go away?
Those statistics are the ONLY ones you pay attention to about the virus you miserable fuck. Any scientific article that doesn’t coddle your tender republican sensibilities is called fake. It’s impossible to take you people seriously as adults.

I know the statistics show that under age 55 have an ultra low mortality rate, which is why 55 and younger should be allowed back to work. It’s the seniors and of course people with pre-existing conditions that have high mortality rates, and they should stay isolated.

Why do you keep denying science, yet accuse others of doing so?
You fucking idiot. You ignored the science on this from the beginning. Don’t pretend you didn’t. You only cherry pick shit that fits your narrative. You and all the Trumptards on here downplayed it from the beginning. It so goddamn pathetic you would deny that now. You’re only talking about studies with at risk populations now because it fits your narrative. Before, months ago, you pretended it was all overblown and that Trump was right to never give a shit.
I recall fully supporting the travel restrictions when we didn’t know shit about the virus, while you leftwing maggots cried about racism against Asians.

You still can’t provide one scientific fact or study that I ignored or downplayed.

Now fuck off.
You are so fucking full of shit. Shut the fuck up. If you actually thought the virus was a threat to ANYONE, you would have condemned Trump’s response. It’s not like restricting travel from China would have
Magically eradicate the virus AFTER it was already here. Where was your outrage when Trump downplayed the virus being a harm to ANYONE?
^^ LOL look at this asshat. “It’s not like restricting travel from China would have magically eradicated the virus”. Yet this dumbass is advocating restricting OUR movements. You CCP asslickers really are something.
Hey moron, yeah, restricting travel from China didn’t solve the problem did it? The virus was already here well after that idea. And look where we are? 3 million cases. Gee Trump really nipped that in the bud huh?
Another day......more Endless WHINING from a troll that couldn't pour pee out of the boot with the instructions written on the heal.

This virus will take it's go hide if you are a coward........which you sound like......and we will try to continue on with our lives.....

99.974% chance of survival..............and dropping.........but FEAR THIS..........LMAO
He’s ordering hospitals not to send data to the CDC and instead to the department of health. Experts point out such a move would keep the information quiet.

He’s a miserable fucking retard.

You morons ignore statistics from the CDC anyway. Like the fact that kids don’t get infected in any significant numbers much less die from it.

Is the CDC tracking all the stats magically making the Wuhan virus go away?
Those statistics are the ONLY ones you pay attention to about the virus you miserable fuck. Any scientific article that doesn’t coddle your tender republican sensibilities is called fake. It’s impossible to take you people seriously as adults.

I know the statistics show that under age 55 have an ultra low mortality rate, which is why 55 and younger should be allowed back to work. It’s the seniors and of course people with pre-existing conditions that have high mortality rates, and they should stay isolated.

Why do you keep denying science, yet accuse others of doing so?
You fucking idiot. You ignored the science on this from the beginning. Don’t pretend you didn’t. You only cherry pick shit that fits your narrative. You and all the Trumptards on here downplayed it from the beginning. It so goddamn pathetic you would deny that now. You’re only talking about studies with at risk populations now because it fits your narrative. Before, months ago, you pretended it was all overblown and that Trump was right to never give a shit.
I recall fully supporting the travel restrictions when we didn’t know shit about the virus, while you leftwing maggots cried about racism against Asians.

You still can’t provide one scientific fact or study that I ignored or downplayed.

Now fuck off.
You are so fucking full of shit. Shut the fuck up. If you actually thought the virus was a threat to ANYONE, you would have condemned Trump’s response. It’s not like restricting travel from China would have
Magically eradicate the virus AFTER it was already here. Where was your outrage when Trump downplayed the virus being a harm to ANYONE?
^^ LOL look at this asshat. “It’s not like restricting travel from China would have magically eradicated the virus”. Yet this dumbass is advocating restricting OUR movements. You CCP asslickers really are something.
Hey moron, yeah, restricting travel from China didn’t solve the problem did it? The virus was already here well after that idea. And look where we are? 3 million cases. Gee Trump really nipped that in the bud huh?
Then how is imposing restrictions on us now going to solve the problem?
Well I could give you the mountains of evidence that says social distancing helps prevent the spread of the virus but why bother? I mean that truth is entirely intuitive even without the scientific evidence but you’ll still pretend it’s bullshit anyway. You cherry pick science like I said.
He’s ordering hospitals not to send data to the CDC and instead to the department of health. Experts point out such a move would keep the information quiet.

He’s a miserable fucking retard.

Hey. If you get coronavirus and nobody finds out, you don't have coronavirus.
That's why I'm not going to the doctor about this rash on my cock.
i never got covid, I never stayed at home, worked every day with hundreds of people, we are all fine. Fake news, Fake virus, real political assholes.

if you are asymptomatic - then you don't know if you had it, have it now, & are a walking petri dish spreading your covid cooties.
As the outbreak hits record levels in the United States, increasing in 41 states over the past two weeks, governors and mayors across the nation are scrambling to try to contain it, issuing new mask orders, limiting the size of gatherings and preparing for the worst.

A fourth of the world's total of new cases are in the southern half of the United States.

The U.S. is averaging over 60,000 new cases a day. Today the total is 70,028 and counting. The death toll continue to surge, today 924 and counting. United States Coronavirus: 3,615,379 Cases and 140,095 Deaths - Worldometer

Coronavirus hospitalizations in California are at an all-time high, and doctors and nurses at some hospitals say the nightmare has arrived. Hospitals in Florida are overwhelmed as the state reports record virus deaths. Texas hospitals are running out of drugs, beds, ventilators, and staff.

Trump traveled to Atlanta yesterday, headquarters for the CDC, to talk about ... infrastructure.

Trump will now control the coronavirus pandemic statistics.

USA Today reports, "The Trump administration ordered hospitals to bypass the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and send all COVID-19 patient information to a central database in Washington, starting Wednesday, according to a Health and Human Services document updated July 10.

"The hand-off had an immediate effect. Wednesday afternoon one of the important CDC pages that tracked changes over time in how many hospital beds in the nation are occupied by COVID-19 patients ceased working. The CDC confirmed the page's disappearance was a consequence of the switch."

Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC director, indicated the change would not be detrimental.

Uh-huh, yeah, sure.

And deaths are going down as are hospitalizations...but that would ruin your attempt to sabotage Trump....
Another thing we are being lied to about is the “confirmed Covid” positive tests. Did you know that when someone tests positive, they usually get tested a second time to confirm, or later one to see if they still have it? Those additional positive tests on the same people are counted in the totals. have the labs either getting it wrong or making up test a factor of 10 in Florida.....and other places......and they stopped reporting deaths and hospitalizations....

It is also true that the emergency rooms are staging areas where all people who come in with covid are triaged.....and then, when they are sent home since they have mild cases, they are included in the emergency room totals...

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