Trump Is Running Out Of Time As Key States Set To Certify That Biden Won

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008

Today is that big day for three of the states. Once they are certified that's it, its all over.

Today is that big day for three of the states. Once they are certified that's it, its all over.


Nothing is for sure until the Electoral College meets and casts it's votes.

You're holding out for false hope of a turn around that isn't going to happen

Today is that big day for three of the states. Once they are certified that's it, its all over.


Nothing is for sure until the Electoral College meets and casts it's votes.

You're holding out for false hope of a turn around that isn't going to happen

And we are going to believe a communist supporter such as yourself? Why?

Today is that big day for three of the states. Once they are certified that's it, its all over.

But I thought Trump killed everyone with the virus. How is anyone left to say? Also I hope you get the vaccine. It will be good for you and make you healthy.
You're holding out for false hope of a turn around that isn't going to happen


I'm not holding out for 'anyone' but Americans and the legitimacy of the voting process.

The voting process was never illegitimate in the first place except when they try to disenfranchise black voters like they're trying to do now in several key states by de facto accusing blacks of being fraudulent voters and cheaters. Your racism is showing
Keep trolling....

You're the one that's trolling, not me, the election was never illegitimate except in your delusional fantasy world. Just because someone loses doesn't mean the legitimacy of the election is in question by default
You're holding out for false hope of a turn around that isn't going to happen


I'm not holding out for 'anyone' but Americans and the legitimacy of the voting process.

The voting process was never illegitimate in the first place except when they try to disenfranchise black voters like they're trying to do now in several key states by de facto accusing blacks of being fraudulent voters and cheaters. Your racism is showing

What about the 18 million black kids killed by planned parenthood?
They were too young to vote
You're holding out for false hope of a turn around that isn't going to happen


I'm not holding out for 'anyone' but Americans and the legitimacy of the voting process.

The voting process was never illegitimate in the first place except when they try to disenfranchise black voters like they're trying to do now in several key states by de facto accusing blacks of being fraudulent voters and cheaters. Your racism is showing

What about the 18 million black kids killed by planned parenthood?

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