Trump is Right About Testing

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
This is giving FASCISTS like Whitmer "credibility" in keeping businesses closed until the election and people forced to wear the Democrat submission mask

And we are near the completion of human trials on about 20 different antibody treatments that woudl make our schools 100% safe as well.

Haha. Trump is a disaster when it comes to testing. What in the world do you think he is right about?! This outta be good...
Who else has tested 40 million citizens. (Hint:The U.S. has conducted more COVID-19 tests than any other country)

What is the purpose of testing to the fascist tards? (You WILL get this wrong)
Haha. Trump is a disaster when it comes to testing. What in the world do you think he is right about?! This outta be good...
Who else has tested 40 million citizens.

What is the purpose of testing to the fascist tards? (You WILL get this wrong)
The purpose of testing??

you test so you can identify carriers and isolate them so they don’t spread the virus. Did you really not know that?
Give me a break, we're not still on this testing argument? I thought you covidiots had moved on to other talking points like how the death toll is decreasing.
And here's a hint, I'm not gonna listen to a moron who stands up in front of the country and recommends ingesting disinfectants and bringing UV lights into your
body "in some other way". LOL. :auiqs.jpg:
Haha. Trump is a disaster when it comes to testing. What in the world do you think he is right about?! This outta be good...
Who else has tested 40 million citizens.

What is the purpose of testing to the fascist tards? (You WILL get this wrong)
The purpose of testing??

you test so you can identify carriers and isolate them so they don’t spread the virus. Did you really not know that?
We are dealing with morons and even sub-morons.
This is giving FASCISTS like Whitmer "credibility" in keeping businesses closed until the election and people forced to wear the Democrat submission mask

more people test positive for the annual flu. too fking funny. If that doesn't say it all.
The purpose of testing??

you test so you can identify carriers and isolate them so they don’t spread the virus. Did you really not know that?
do you think you'll test everyone? or do you model like they model ahead of the shut down? sure you do, you go at most 9% of the people will have the virus, of those 85% are asystemic, and, only 1% might die. that's a stretch since no one is actually checking deaths.
This is giving FASCISTS like Whitmer "credibility" in keeping businesses closed until the election and people forced to wear the Democrat submission mask

If we tested ALL Americans we'd have 29,000,000 positives?
and 85% aren't sick. so fking what? the annual flu is worse.

2019-2020 U.S. Flu Season: Preliminary Burden Estimates

CDC estimates* that, from October 1, 2019, through April 4, 2020, there have been:
39,000,000 – 56,000,000
flu illnesses

person coughing icon

18,000,000 – 26,000,000
flu medical visits

doctor patient icon

410,000 – 740,000
flu hospitalizations

hospital room icon

24,000 – 62,000
flu deaths

flu virus icon
Trump is wrong and has been wrong about practically everything. Don't you get tired of trying make his retarded ramblings make sense?
Yeah, I remember back on Feb 24 when Pelosi was partying in Chinatown without a mask, urging everyone to not be afraid. It was all good. The same day Trump closed flights from China and was chastised by the idiot party. Then no more than two weeks later the wimpy ass Democrats came up with another story that Trump was too late reacting to the virus. Democrats are just like that indecisive twerp, Fauci, in their inability to get anything right. But don't tell the MSM that. Their heads are so far up Pelosi's ass they'll never be able to hear you.
Trump is wrong and has been wrong about practically everything. Don't you get tired of trying make his retarded ramblings make sense?
Ass kissing and bootlicking is the absolute pleasure of every die-hard Republican.
This is giving FASCISTS like Whitmer "credibility" in keeping businesses closed until the election and people forced to wear the Democrat submission mask


Many of the 9% are people who don't get sick, or mildly sick.

World wide, only 1% are seriously sick, the other 99% are mildly sick......


Currently Infected Patients
4,845,902 (99%)
in Mild Condition

58,751 (1%)
Serious or Critical

Give me a break, we're not still on this testing argument? I thought you covidiots had moved on to other talking points like how the death toll is decreasing.
And here's a hint, I'm not gonna listen to a moron who stands up in front of the country and recommends ingesting disinfectants and bringing UV lights into your
body "in some other way". LOL. :auiqs.jpg:

The President was correct, Doctors ALREADY have infused disinfectants and UV inside patients, it was posted several times in the forum, but either forgotten or ignored.

Testing for the sake of testing is a waste of time and creates false results, because if you are tested negative (most people are) then you never test again, but some later do get sick anyway. Testing is best done when you show symptoms first...., then the value of the tests will be at it's maximum.

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