Trump Is Right About George W. Bush and 9-11


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
A lot is being said, (in the latest attempt to derail the candidacy of Donald Trump), about Trump's words regarding George W. Bush's ineffectiveness at protecting the nation from the 9-11 attacks. Yes, I said INeffectiveness, despite some claims that 80% of Republicans are backing Bush on this. Some of them (Michael Mukasey, Jeb Bush, George Pataki, et al) are going on TV cable news shows slamming Trump on this. Yes, I now what they say. I know exactly what they say. They're wrong.

One very interesting example is Pataki, whose presidential bid is a joke. He seems to relish the opportunity to slam Trump, using demeaning metaphors ("schoolyard bully, etc) to make his points. Trouble with Pataki is what he thinks are facts are just wrong. He asks why doesn't Trump attack Bill Clinton's presidency pertaining to the lead up time to 9-11.

I'll tell you why Mr. Pataki. It's because in the Clinton administration, (which I am no fan of, believe me), they did take non-government terrorism seriously, as opposed to governments like Iraq and Iran. Consequently, the 1999-2001 facts do show that Bush made a huge national security mistake when he demoted Richard Clarke from being a cabinet member to being some sort of adviser.As of that point, Clarke could not call a meeting of the major cabinet members, the principals. They included the Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, CIA director George Tenet, and Secretary of State Colin Powell.

In the Clinton era, before he was demoted, Clarke could and did call meetings of the principals and read them into the intelligence on al-Qaeda. In spring of 2001 and summer of 2001, Clarke was helpless. He tried one last time in mid-summer. But Bush and the others all went on vacation. Bush was on vacation 42% of the time in 2001 before 9/11.

Clarke says that when the Bush team came to the White House, it was as though they had been frozen in amber. They went out just after the Gulf War when Iraq was big. They had missed the rise of al-Qaeda in the 1990s, and were not inclined to recognize the danger of an asymmetric terrorist organization. They thought in terms of states being the real threat. Terrorist organizations in their experience were just ways for states to bother one another.

In addition to this huge blunder, Bush was terribly weak on immigration, and tracking terrorists coming into the United States. Another example of the stark contrast of the better protection in the Clinton years (again blundered by Bush) was the al-Qaeda ā€œMillennium Plotā€ of late 1999, one element of which was supposed to be an attack by Ahmed Ressam, on Los Angeles Airport. What Clarkeā€™s book reveals is that the way Ressam was shaken out at Port Angeles by customs agent Diana Dean was not an accident. Rather, Clinton had made Clarke a cabinet member. He was given the authority to call other key cabinet members and security officials to ā€œbattle stations,ā€ involving heightened alerts in their bureaucracies and daily meetings. Clarke did this with Clintonā€™s approval in December of 1999, because of increased chatter (and American security experts PAYING ATTENTION) and because the Jordanians caught a break when they cracked Raed al-Hijaziā€™s cell in Amman.

But, in the spring of 2001, with Clarke now demoted (for cronyism or whatever), Clarke didn't have the capability any more to call Cabinet meetings to deal with the major threat now manifesting itself. In summer of 2001 the chatter was much greater and more ominous than in fall of 1999. Clarke wanted to go to battle stations and have daily meetings with the ā€œprincipalsā€ (i.e. Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, Powell, Tenet). He wanted to repeat the procedures that had foiled the Millennium Plot. He could not convince anyone to let him do that.

It's undeniable that going to such a heightened level of alert and concerted effort in 2001 might have shaken loose much earlier the information that the CIA knew that Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi were in the US. As it is, the INS wasnā€™t informed of this advent, and did not start looking for them until Aug. 21, 2001, by which time it was too late. Since they made their plane reservations for September 11 under their own names, names known to the USG, a heightened level of alert might have allowed the FBI to spot them.

So. sorry Mr. Pataki (et al), it just is not true that Bush was doing exactly the same thing on terrorism that Clinton was.
He >>>

1. didnā€™t have a cabinet-level counter-terrorism czar;

2. he didnā€™t have the routine of principalsā€™ meetings on terrorism;

3. he didnā€™t authorize Clarke to go to ā€˜battle stationsā€™ and heightened security alert in summer of 2001 the way Clinton had done in December, 1999.

4. And he, (and all the Bush administration folks) didn't really see terrorist NGOs as much of a threat.

The added link here is incredibly revealing. I've taken some pieces of it for this OP. But to get a complete assessment of this, it is very helpful to read the extremely well thought-out and organized article by Juan Cole. It's one of the clearest and best articles I've seen in a while >>>

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But the real point is that Jeb was most likely referring to W keeping us safe post-9-11 and Trump just made another excuse for another gaffe which is what he does often.
NO, that is NOT the real point at all. Bush said >> ā€œLook, my brother responded to a crisis, and he did it as you hope a president would do.ā€ That is the change of subject diversion, that Bush is employing, to DODGE the subject of protecting or not protecting the country in the time BEFORE 9-11 (not having "responded" to it, AFTER it occured) The easiest way to spot a dodge is to see a change of the subject.

Now, that being said, we can talk about Bush's new subject also. Did his brother really act properly in the years AFTER 9-11 ? That can also be fair game for attack by Trump, or anyone else. Here's a photo of Bush cozying up to the terrorist, Abdurahman Alamoudi, at the White House in 2002, before Alamoudi went from the White House to the Big House, on terrorism related charges, and is serving a 23 year sentence.

And if you read the OP, you'd know that not only did Trump not make a "gaffe", he didn't even mention a lot more damaging information that he could have, and probably still will, in upcoming days and weeks. The only "gaffe" is in your Post # 2 of this thread,

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But the real point is that Jeb was most likely referring to W keeping us safe post-9-11 and Trump just made another excuse for another gaffe which is what he does often.
NO, that is NOT the real point at all. That is the change of subject diversion, that Bush is employing to DODGE the subject of protecting or not protecting the country in the time BEFORE 9-11. The easiest way to spot a dodge is to see a change of the subject.

Now, that being said, we can talk about Bush's new subject also. Did his brother really act properly in the years after 9-11 ? That can also be fair game for attack by Trump, or anyone else. Here's a photo of Bush cozying up to the terrorist, Abduraham Alamoudi, at the White House in 2002, before Alamoudi went from the White House to the Big House, on terrorism related charges, and is serving a 23 year sentence.

And if you read the OP, you'd know that not only didTrump not make a "gaffe", he didn't even mention a lot more damaging information that he could have, and probably still will, in upcoming days and weeks. The only "gaffe" is in your Post # 2 of this thread,


23 years is a super light sentence. Should have resulted in an execution.
The hijackers were here in the U.S. prior to Bush's election, correct?

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But the real point is that Jeb was most likely referring to W keeping us safe post-9-11 and Trump just made another excuse for another gaffe which is what he does often.
But referring to "post 9/11" is vacuous reference. Protecting against the 9/11 attack would have been substantive. Protecting against what happened after 9/11 is protecting against nothing.

Bush not only had access to a steady stream of CIA warnings that a terrorist attack was being planned, he was more substantively informed of a group of Muslims who were taking lessons on flying passenger jets but had no interest in learning how to take off and land -- and he ignored all of this!

So, while I am not a Trump fan I fully agree with his comments about George W. Bush's responsibility for the 9/11 attack. It was preventable. But I believe Bush wanted an attack to take place because it served his determined intention to attack Iraq.

I believe George W. Bush, along with his conspirators, Rumsfeld, Tenet, Powell, Rice, and others, are criminals who belong in prison.
The hijackers were here in the U.S. prior to Bush's election, correct?

If you don't know, it doesn't matter, because Bush kept the same immigration leniency that Clinton had. So if you want to label Clinton as too lenient on immigration ( I DO), than you cannot avoid likewise labeling Bush as too lenient on immigration (I DO), as well.

Fact is, Bush screwed up royally, in failing to spot the creeps, when the opportunity was there for that to happen. And this is quite demonstrated by the stark contrast between the prevention of al Qaeda's big ā€œMillennium Plotā€ of late 1999, and the NON-prevention of 9-11.
But the real point is that Jeb was most likely referring to W keeping us safe post-9-11 and Trump just made another excuse for another gaffe which is what he does often.
But referring to "post 9/11" is vacuous reference. Protecting against the 9/11 attack would have been substantive. Protecting against what happened after 9/11 is protecting against nothing.

Bush not only had access to a steady stream of CIA warnings that a terrorist attack was being planned, he was more substantively informed of a group of Muslims who were taking lessons on flying passenger jets but had no interest in learning how to take off and land -- and he ignored all of this!

So, while I am not a Trump fan I fully agree with his comments about George W. Bush's responsibility for the 9/11 attack. It was preventable. But I believe Bush wanted an attack to take place because it served his determined intention to attack Iraq.

I believe George W. Bush, along with his conspirators, Rumsfeld, Tenet, Powell, Rice, and others, are criminals who belong in prison.
It's obvious the Jeb was referring to post-9-11 because it would be ludicrous to suggest that 9-11 happening is the same as keeping us safe.
Trump had better be careful about his insults and braggadocio, especially where terrorists and islime is concerned, because we all get dragged into his karma if he's elected.
If you don't know, it doesn't matter, because Bush kept the same immigration leniency that Clinton had. So if you want to label Clinton as too lenient on immigration ( I DO), than you cannot avoid likewise labeling Bush as too lenient on immigration (I DO), as well.
So do I.

Fact is, Bush screwed up royally, in failing to spot the creeps, when the opportunity was there for that to happen. And this is quite demonstrated by the stark contrast between the prevention of al Qaeda's big ā€œMillennium Plotā€ of late 1999, and the NON-prevention of 9-11.
When we consider how much warning Bush received about an imminent Muslim terrorist plot, and apply that to the very specific information he was given by both a concerned FBI agent, Colleen Rowley, and the owner of the flight school where a number of suspicious Muslims were learning to fly passenger jets but very conspicuously showed no interest in learning to take off and land, it seems rather obvious that Bush's failure to act on that information was deliberate.

If we try very hard to think of what his motive could have been the only intelligent and logical conclusion is he wanted an attack to take place because it would incite public and Congressional support for his determined wish to invade Iraq, which he did as a favor to the Saudi Royal Family -- which the Bush family is intimately involved with.


Add to the above the fact that there was no logical reason why Iraq would have instigated the 9/11 attack and many knowledgeable officials, including Richard Clarke, persistently advised Bush of that. But Bush ignored all of it.
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But the real point is that Jeb was most likely referring to W keeping us safe post-9-11 and Trump just made another excuse for another gaffe which is what he does often.
But referring to "post 9/11" is vacuous reference. Protecting against the 9/11 attack would have been substantive. Protecting against what happened after 9/11 is protecting against nothing.

Bush not only had access to a steady stream of CIA warnings that a terrorist attack was being planned, he was more substantively informed of a group of Muslims who were taking lessons on flying passenger jets but had no interest in learning how to take off and land -- and he ignored all of this!

So, while I am not a Trump fan I fully agree with his comments about George W. Bush's responsibility for the 9/11 attack. It was preventable. But I believe Bush wanted an attack to take place because it served his determined intention to attack Iraq.

I believe George W. Bush, along with his conspirators, Rumsfeld, Tenet, Powell, Rice, and others, are criminals who belong in prison.
It's obvious the Jeb was referring to post-9-11 because it would be ludicrous to suggest that 9-11 happening is the same as keeping us safe.
Trump had better be careful about his insults and braggadocio, especially where terrorists and islime is concerned, because we all get dragged into his karma if he's elected.
I already noted that Bus was talking about AFTER 9-11, and that that was the technique of his pitiful dodge attempt. Even that doesn't fly since his bother did NOT keep us safe after 911. Jeb put his big foot in his big mouth yet again. He claimed that in the years AFTER 9-11, his brother kept us safe, and we weren't attacked again.

FALSE! Let's hear what the friends and families of the 2 people killed by the LAX shooter, Egyptian jihadist Hesham Mohamed Hadayet, on July 4th, 2002, have to say about that. Or the 5 others wounded in the attack. Or the dozens more, in the airport that day, who sure would have been shot by the heavily armed Hadayet, had an alert security guard not shot him death, right on the spot. In September 2002, federal investigators concluded that Hadayet hoped to influence U.S. government policy in favor of the Palestinians, and that the incident was indeed a terrorist act.

And let's hear what the friends and families of the 28 victims (18 killed) by John Allen Muhammad, the Beltway Sniper (also in 2002) have to say. Muhammad was charged with murder, terrorism, conspiracy, and the illegal use of a firearm, and was executed in 2009.

Or the 17 others all killed by Muslim jihadists between March 2002 and July 2007, listed by the

Hesham Mohammed Hadayet

John Allen Muhammad

John Allen Muhammad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I got a kick out of how all the lamestream medias and the left/dem cult members jumped all over that. as if it was some HUGE new news or something.

they need something to take the heat off their old lady Hillary. she's going to be lying, I mean testifying in the next day or two.

it's was so pathetic actually
I got a kick out of how all the lamestream medias and the left/dem cult members jumped all over that. as if it was some HUGE new news or something.

they need something to take the heat off their old lady Hillary. she's going to be lying, I mean testifying in the next day or two.

it's was so pathetic actually
It's what they do. It's how they are. And they can't seem to be cured of it. And on MSNBC, I see them yaking about it, hoping to find another way to attack Donald Trump, knowing that Bush is history anyway. Hopefully, independent voters can see the Democrats for the opportunist BSers that they are.

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