trump Is Losing His Mind

Sorry, sparky, he's still impeached.
The acquittal meant that he did not have to leave office.
Damn, Trump Zombies are dumb.
Impeached with a asterisk - the only partisan impeachment in the history of our country. Democrats have rendered the impeachment process meaningless. - All it means is that one party controls the House.
trump Is Losing His Mind

Yes,‭ ‬the impeached president trump IS losing his mind,‭ ‬and in the process becoming more petulant,‭ ‬vindictive,‭ ‬and dangerous than ever before.

This is obvious to the‭ ‬80‭ ‬million Americans who voted for Joe Biden,‭ ‬who,‭ ‬in this election was the much,‭ ‬much lesser of two evils.‭ ‬And,‭ ‬in his article,‭ ‬author Peter Wehner describes why the impeached president trump’s declining mental state makes it imperative he is ousted for the safety of the United States democratic processes.

In Mr.‭ ‬Wehner’s piece for‭ “‬The Atlantic‭”‬,‭ ‬he explains he had‭ “‬refused to vote for him in‭ ‬2016‭ ‬or in‭ ‬2020,‭ ‬despite having worked in the three previous Republican administrations.‭” ‬The author also points out how the impeached president trump’s mental illness has dangerously infected other people,‭ ‬tens-of-millions of other people,‭ ‬including many prominent Republican Congressmen and women.

The November‭ ‬3rd election was only the first,‭ ‬in a string of losses,‭ ‬the impeached president trump suffered knowing his days in the White House were quickly running out.‭ ‬These losses only exacerbated the tenuous grasp he,‭ ‬his congressional Republican henchmen,‭ ‬and his tens-of-millions of devoted fanatics have on reality.

A few,‭ ‬Moscow Mitch being the most powerful,‭ ‬have let go of the delusion the impeached president trump won reelection.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬after four years of the impeached president trump’s inflammatory fascist rhetoric from his bully pulpit,‭ ‬many Republicans in Washington and his devoted fanatics remain adamant that a military coup must take place to keep the impeached president trump in White House to,‭ ‬inevitably,‭ ‬rise to become their führer.‭

The coming weeks will see if the United States‭ ‬Republic can stand against the pressure of right-wing fascism inspired by five years of trumpism.

First off 80 million didn't vote for a half witted criminal. You insult America just stating that remark. From this point I read no more But you might want to use my services. This week I'm having my Gompers Clues for the Clueless Sale. Clues I sell for $7.00 I'm selling 3 for $25.00 and 4 for $50.00. My inbreed clientele have said these clues bring them respect among their good buddies You should take advantage of this once a year sale. as waiting another year could cause permanent brain loss.
Sorry, sparky, he's still impeached.
The acquittal meant that he did not have to leave office.
Damn, Trump Zombies are dumb.
Impeached with a asterisk - the only partisan impeachment in the history of our country. Democrats have rendered the impeachment process meaningless. - All it means is that one party controls the House.
It was the aquittal that was the most partisan . No witnesses?? Really??
trump Is Losing His Mind

Yes,‭ ‬the impeached president trump IS losing his mind,‭ ‬and in the process becoming more petulant,‭ ‬vindictive,‭ ‬and dangerous than ever before.

This is obvious to the‭ ‬80‭ ‬million Americans who voted for Joe Biden,‭ ‬who,‭ ‬in this election was the much,‭ ‬much lesser of two evils.‭ ‬And,‭ ‬in his article,‭ ‬author Peter Wehner describes why the impeached president trump’s declining mental state makes it imperative he is ousted for the safety of the United States democratic processes.

In Mr.‭ ‬Wehner’s piece for‭ “‬The Atlantic‭”‬,‭ ‬he explains he had‭ “‬refused to vote for him in‭ ‬2016‭ ‬or in‭ ‬2020,‭ ‬despite having worked in the three previous Republican administrations.‭” ‬The author also points out how the impeached president trump’s mental illness has dangerously infected other people,‭ ‬tens-of-millions of other people,‭ ‬including many prominent Republican Congressmen and women.

The November‭ ‬3rd election was only the first,‭ ‬in a string of losses,‭ ‬the impeached president trump suffered knowing his days in the White House were quickly running out.‭ ‬These losses only exacerbated the tenuous grasp he,‭ ‬his congressional Republican henchmen,‭ ‬and his tens-of-millions of devoted fanatics have on reality.

A few,‭ ‬Moscow Mitch being the most powerful,‭ ‬have let go of the delusion the impeached president trump won reelection.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬after four years of the impeached president trump’s inflammatory fascist rhetoric from his bully pulpit,‭ ‬many Republicans in Washington and his devoted fanatics remain adamant that a military coup must take place to keep the impeached president trump in White House to,‭ ‬inevitably,‭ ‬rise to become their führer.‭

The coming weeks will see if the United States‭ ‬Republic can stand against the pressure of right-wing fascism inspired by five years of trumpism.

The coming weeks will show, the republic will be fine. The trump right-wing fascists failed to pull of the coup or the autogolpe (if you prefer). The window for success is closed.
sorry--I've proven many times how the Dems/BLM act just like fascists/nazis--DON'T try to bullshit us
You’ve proved nothing but your ignorance and stupidity.

Fascism is on the right side of the political spectrum.

Nazism was a rightwing authoritarian movement.
hahhahaha--you FKD up!!!!!!!!
..I've PROVEN it and I've been over this before:
ACT----ACT like nazis
Sorry, sparky, he's still impeached.
The acquittal meant that he did not have to leave office.
Damn, Trump Zombies are dumb.
Impeached with a asterisk - the only partisan impeachment in the history of our country. Democrats have rendered the impeachment process meaningless. - All it means is that one party controls the House.
It was the aquittal that was the most partisan .
Zero members of the opposing party voted for impeachment. ZERO. FIrst time in the history of our country. Democrats have rendered the impeachment process meaningless.

No witnesses?? Really??
12 witnesses. Over 30 hours of public testimony. Did you miss it?
Last edited:
Sorry, sparky, he's still impeached.
The acquittal meant that he did not have to leave office.
Damn, Trump Zombies are dumb.
Impeached with a asterisk - the only partisan impeachment in the history of our country. Democrats have rendered the impeachment process meaningless. - All it means is that one party controls the House.
It was the aquittal that was the most partisan .
Zero members of the opposing party voted for impeachment. ZERO. FIrst time in the history of our country. Democrats have rendered the impeachment process meaningless.

No witnesses?? Really??
12 witnesses. Over 30 hours of public testimony. Did you miss it?
Not in the Senate!! Not at trial. They shut it down. Did you miss it?
Last edited:
Sorry, sparky, he's still impeached.
The acquittal meant that he did not have to leave office.
Damn, Trump Zombies are dumb.
Impeached with a asterisk - the only partisan impeachment in the history of our country. Democrats have rendered the impeachment process meaningless. - All it means is that one party controls the House.
It was the aquittal that was the most partisan .
Zero members of the opposing party voted for impeachment. ZERO. FIrst time in the history of our country. Democrats have rendered the impeachment process meaningless.

No witnesses?? Really??
12 witnesses. Over 30 hours of public testimony. Did you miss it?
Your witnesses only provided their opinions. They witnessed nothing!
Lesser of two evils does not make sense due to China’s puppetry which includes keeping C-19’s source a secret. What does China Joe know about it?
The Chinese have been exploiting every door opened to them since the 1980s. It's odd how you RWNJs never concerned yourselves with China's growing power while the Republicans built on Reagan's policies that handed them technologies developed in the United States. These technologies were necessary to building the many products manufactured by United States companies that sent American jobs to China during the past four decades. You RWNJs praised the GOP for their business-friendly policies that supported the predatory capitalism practiced in the U.S. You RWNJs call it the "free market.

Well the Chinese are simply showing their expertise at using that UNREGULATED "free market" you RWNJs defend above all else. Isn't it gratifying to see how much the Chinese have learned from their American teachers about the unregulated free market?


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