trump Is Losing His Mind

Liberal TDS victim losing his mind, starts thread about Trump losing his mind. :eusa_think:

I agree to a point. Trump lost his mind long ago.
What you say means nothing unless you have graduated from medical school, specialized in psychiatry, and have seen President Trump in your office.

He's been nuts for quite a while.
Liberal TDS victim losing his mind, starts thread about Trump losing his mind. :eusa_think:

I agree to a point. Trump lost his mind long ago.
What you say means nothing unless you have graduated from medical school, specialized in psychiatry, and have seen President Trump in your office.

He's been nuts for quite a while.
View attachment 431708

^^^ it's crazy people who always think it's other people who are crazy.
Liberal TDS victim losing his mind, starts thread about Trump losing his mind. :eusa_think:

I agree to a point. Trump lost his mind long ago.
What you say means nothing unless you have graduated from medical school, specialized in psychiatry, and have seen President Trump in your office.

He's been nuts for quite a while.
View attachment 431708

^^^ it's crazy people who always think it's other people who are crazy.

Comeon. I don't expect you to admit it to me, but you gotta at least admit to yourself that that orange fool is as nutty as a fruitcake.
trump Is Losing His Mind

Yes,‭ ‬the impeached president trump IS losing his mind,‭ ‬and in the process becoming more petulant,‭ ‬vindictive,‭ ‬and dangerous than ever before.

This is obvious to the‭ ‬80‭ ‬million Americans who voted for Joe Biden,‭ ‬who,‭ ‬in this election was the much,‭ ‬much lesser of two evils.‭ ‬And,‭ ‬in his article,‭ ‬author Peter Wehner describes why the impeached president trump’s declining mental state makes it imperative he is ousted for the safety of the United States democratic processes.

In Mr.‭ ‬Wehner’s piece for‭ “‬The Atlantic‭”‬,‭ ‬he explains he had‭ “‬refused to vote for him in‭ ‬2016‭ ‬or in‭ ‬2020,‭ ‬despite having worked in the three previous Republican administrations.‭” ‬The author also points out how the impeached president trump’s mental illness has dangerously infected other people,‭ ‬tens-of-millions of other people,‭ ‬including many prominent Republican Congressmen and women.

The November‭ ‬3rd election was only the first,‭ ‬in a string of losses,‭ ‬the impeached president trump suffered knowing his days in the White House were quickly running out.‭ ‬These losses only exacerbated the tenuous grasp he,‭ ‬his congressional Republican henchmen,‭ ‬and his tens-of-millions of devoted fanatics have on reality.

A few,‭ ‬Moscow Mitch being the most powerful,‭ ‬have let go of the delusion the impeached president trump won reelection.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬after four years of the impeached president trump’s inflammatory fascist rhetoric from his bully pulpit,‭ ‬many Republicans in Washington and his devoted fanatics remain adamant that a military coup must take place to keep the impeached president trump in White House to,‭ ‬inevitably,‭ ‬rise to become their führer.‭

The coming weeks will see if the United States‭ ‬Republic can stand against the pressure of right-wing fascism inspired by five years of trumpism.


Looks a lot like please believe me BertRam
Yes,‭ ‬the impeached president trump IS losing his mind,‭ ‬and in the process becoming more petulant,‭ ‬vindictive,‭ ‬and dangerous than ever before.
A certain way to tell when you're dealing with an idiot troll is their use of the phrase "impeached president" every time they mention Trump.

Yeah....facts are not kind to you trumpsters.....
No, Impeached, by the House. Trump will always be impeached!
Impeached by Democrats not 'the house' dumbass. It was a unilateral impeachment which is not what the Founders intended. Impeachment was to be bipartisan NOT mounted by one party. You stupid fucks really need to stop embarrassing yourselves with our obvious vacuous intellect.
The only way Chicom Biden got 80 million votes is if Beijing gave the Uighurs an extra day to keep their organs to vote for him.
So you just can't wrap your head around it.

You didn't know how many people don't unconditionally adore Trump like you do.

Well, now you know. You can choose to believe it, or not.
The election was so phony as to not even pretend to be an election.
... in your world.
trump Is Losing His Mind

Yes,‭ ‬the impeached president trump IS losing his mind,‭ ‬and in the process becoming more petulant,‭ ‬vindictive,‭ ‬and dangerous than ever before.

This is obvious to the‭ ‬80‭ ‬million Americans who voted for Joe Biden,‭ ‬who,‭ ‬in this election was the much,‭ ‬much lesser of two evils.‭ ‬And,‭ ‬in his article,‭ ‬author Peter Wehner describes why the impeached president trump’s declining mental state makes it imperative he is ousted for the safety of the United States democratic processes.

In Mr.‭ ‬Wehner’s piece for‭ “‬The Atlantic‭”‬,‭ ‬he explains he had‭ “‬refused to vote for him in‭ ‬2016‭ ‬or in‭ ‬2020,‭ ‬despite having worked in the three previous Republican administrations.‭” ‬The author also points out how the impeached president trump’s mental illness has dangerously infected other people,‭ ‬tens-of-millions of other people,‭ ‬including many prominent Republican Congressmen and women.

The November‭ ‬3rd election was only the first,‭ ‬in a string of losses,‭ ‬the impeached president trump suffered knowing his days in the White House were quickly running out.‭ ‬These losses only exacerbated the tenuous grasp he,‭ ‬his congressional Republican henchmen,‭ ‬and his tens-of-millions of devoted fanatics have on reality.

A few,‭ ‬Moscow Mitch being the most powerful,‭ ‬have let go of the delusion the impeached president trump won reelection.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬after four years of the impeached president trump’s inflammatory fascist rhetoric from his bully pulpit,‭ ‬many Republicans in Washington and his devoted fanatics remain adamant that a military coup must take place to keep the impeached president trump in White House to,‭ ‬inevitably,‭ ‬rise to become their führer.‭

The coming weeks will see if the United States‭ ‬Republic can stand against the pressure of right-wing fascism inspired by five years of trumpism.

Pretty good piece here. It goes into his relationship with his parents, which no doubt is a factor here:

“His problem is that he has grown up with vulnerability in terms of his self-worth, self-esteem and a clear sense of himself,” Mark Smaller, a past president of the American Psychoanalytic Association, told me. “Somebody with these kinds of vulnerabilities, affirmation, being the center of things, is never enough. Because you can’t solve these old wounds, these old, narcissistic wounds—you cannot solve them with affirmation, with being at the center of things. You can’t because they persist, so that you need more attention, you need more affirmation, you need to be more at the center of things, all the time, more often. And when realities start to interfere with getting that kind of affirmation, you just want more.”
trump Is Losing His Mind

Yes,‭ ‬the impeached president trump IS losing his mind,‭ ‬and in the process becoming more petulant,‭ ‬vindictive,‭ ‬and dangerous than ever before.

This is obvious to the‭ ‬80‭ ‬million Americans who voted for Joe Biden,‭ ‬who,‭ ‬in this election was the much,‭ ‬much lesser of two evils.‭ ‬And,‭ ‬in his article,‭ ‬author Peter Wehner describes why the impeached president trump’s declining mental state makes it imperative he is ousted for the safety of the United States democratic processes.

In Mr.‭ ‬Wehner’s piece for‭ “‬The Atlantic‭”‬,‭ ‬he explains he had‭ “‬refused to vote for him in‭ ‬2016‭ ‬or in‭ ‬2020,‭ ‬despite having worked in the three previous Republican administrations.‭” ‬The author also points out how the impeached president trump’s mental illness has dangerously infected other people,‭ ‬tens-of-millions of other people,‭ ‬including many prominent Republican Congressmen and women.

The November‭ ‬3rd election was only the first,‭ ‬in a string of losses,‭ ‬the impeached president trump suffered knowing his days in the White House were quickly running out.‭ ‬These losses only exacerbated the tenuous grasp he,‭ ‬his congressional Republican henchmen,‭ ‬and his tens-of-millions of devoted fanatics have on reality.

A few,‭ ‬Moscow Mitch being the most powerful,‭ ‬have let go of the delusion the impeached president trump won reelection.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬after four years of the impeached president trump’s inflammatory fascist rhetoric from his bully pulpit,‭ ‬many Republicans in Washington and his devoted fanatics remain adamant that a military coup must take place to keep the impeached president trump in White House to,‭ ‬inevitably,‭ ‬rise to become their führer.‭

The coming weeks will see if the United States‭ ‬Republic can stand against the pressure of right-wing fascism inspired by five years of trumpism.

The coming weeks will show, the republic will be fine. The trump right-wing fascists failed to pull of the coup or the autogolpe (if you prefer). The window for success is closed.
sorry--I've proven many times how the Dems/BLM act just like fascists/nazis--DON'T try to bullshit us
You’ve proved nothing but your ignorance and stupidity.

Fascism is on the right side of the political spectrum.

Nazism was a rightwing authoritarian movement.

What leftist rag did you read this ?
trump Is Losing His Mind

Yes,‭ ‬the impeached president trump IS losing his mind,‭ ‬and in the process becoming more petulant,‭ ‬vindictive,‭ ‬and dangerous than ever before.

This is obvious to the‭ ‬80‭ ‬million Americans who voted for Joe Biden,‭ ‬who,‭ ‬in this election was the much,‭ ‬much lesser of two evils.‭ ‬And,‭ ‬in his article,‭ ‬author Peter Wehner describes why the impeached president trump’s declining mental state makes it imperative he is ousted for the safety of the United States democratic processes.

In Mr.‭ ‬Wehner’s piece for‭ “‬The Atlantic‭”‬,‭ ‬he explains he had‭ “‬refused to vote for him in‭ ‬2016‭ ‬or in‭ ‬2020,‭ ‬despite having worked in the three previous Republican administrations.‭” ‬The author also points out how the impeached president trump’s mental illness has dangerously infected other people,‭ ‬tens-of-millions of other people,‭ ‬including many prominent Republican Congressmen and women.

The November‭ ‬3rd election was only the first,‭ ‬in a string of losses,‭ ‬the impeached president trump suffered knowing his days in the White House were quickly running out.‭ ‬These losses only exacerbated the tenuous grasp he,‭ ‬his congressional Republican henchmen,‭ ‬and his tens-of-millions of devoted fanatics have on reality.

A few,‭ ‬Moscow Mitch being the most powerful,‭ ‬have let go of the delusion the impeached president trump won reelection.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬after four years of the impeached president trump’s inflammatory fascist rhetoric from his bully pulpit,‭ ‬many Republicans in Washington and his devoted fanatics remain adamant that a military coup must take place to keep the impeached president trump in White House to,‭ ‬inevitably,‭ ‬rise to become their führer.‭

The coming weeks will see if the United States‭ ‬Republic can stand against the pressure of right-wing fascism inspired by five years of trumpism.

I like your commentary on the article, the only exception is that in my opinion Trump lost his mind long ago, but apparently with enough people who are afraid of you or adore you, you can create your own alternative reality and function quite well there at least for what, some 70 odd years?

Anyone else other than Trump would be risking being tagged as mentally ill if they were perpetuating the myths that Trump does on such a large scale.

How long are we going to play pretend?
The right-wingers still pretend Nixon was innocent of any wrongdoing.

The right-wingers still pretend Reaganomics are successful and trickle down has been incredible.

The right-wingers still pretend Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction, though none were found. By anyone.


1. I have no idea what Nixon did. That was long before my time.

2. It's well known that Reagan started the biggest economic boom in this country before Trumps which was even bigger.

3. We were just listening to democrats who kept saying he had them. Goes to show you, never listen to dems.

Reagan loved poor people. I guess that's why he created so many of them.
So, you're another person who lived through the "boom" of Reaganomics. Older working people who lost their life's savings during his deregulation nightmare never recovered, and wage stagnation has been a part of working class life ever since. But, the RWNJs cling to the "Reagan Myth" religiously.


Yes, I lived through that bastard's presidency. I lost everything I had while that POS was president. I hope he's rotting in hell right now.

He is you can be pretty sure of that!
Lesser of two evils does not make sense due to China’s puppetry which includes keeping C-19’s source a secret. What does China Joe know about it?
trump Is Losing His Mind

Yes,‭ ‬the impeached president trump IS losing his mind,‭ ‬and in the process becoming more petulant,‭ ‬vindictive,‭ ‬and dangerous than ever before.

This is obvious to the‭ ‬80‭ ‬million Americans who voted for Joe Biden,‭ ‬who,‭ ‬in this election was the much,‭ ‬much lesser of two evils.‭ ‬And,‭ ‬in his article,‭ ‬author Peter Wehner describes why the impeached president trump’s declining mental state makes it imperative he is ousted for the safety of the United States democratic processes.

In Mr.‭ ‬Wehner’s piece for‭ “‬The Atlantic‭”‬,‭ ‬he explains he had‭ “‬refused to vote for him in‭ ‬2016‭ ‬or in‭ ‬2020,‭ ‬despite having worked in the three previous Republican administrations.‭” ‬The author also points out how the impeached president trump’s mental illness has dangerously infected other people,‭ ‬tens-of-millions of other people,‭ ‬including many prominent Republican Congressmen and women.

The November‭ ‬3rd election was only the first,‭ ‬in a string of losses,‭ ‬the impeached president trump suffered knowing his days in the White House were quickly running out.‭ ‬These losses only exacerbated the tenuous grasp he,‭ ‬his congressional Republican henchmen,‭ ‬and his tens-of-millions of devoted fanatics have on reality.

A few,‭ ‬Moscow Mitch being the most powerful,‭ ‬have let go of the delusion the impeached president trump won reelection.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬after four years of the impeached president trump’s inflammatory fascist rhetoric from his bully pulpit,‭ ‬many Republicans in Washington and his devoted fanatics remain adamant that a military coup must take place to keep the impeached president trump in White House to,‭ ‬inevitably,‭ ‬rise to become their führer.‭

The coming weeks will see if the United States‭ ‬Republic can stand against the pressure of right-wing fascism inspired by five years of trumpism.

The coming weeks will show, the republic will be fine. The trump right-wing fascists failed to pull of the coup or the autogolpe (if you prefer). The window for success is closed.
sorry--I've proven many times how the Dems/BLM act just like fascists/nazis--DON'T try to bullshit us
You’ve proved nothing but your ignorance and stupidity.

Fascism is on the right side of the political spectrum.

Nazism was a rightwing authoritarian movement.
Nazism is leftwing.
Losing? Donald lost his mind years ago, but the deterioration has become chronic post election.
And he's gone back to SCOTUS with a ridiculous new ask.


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